Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 299 The school girl is a little fluttering (19) (orange on the rudder)

After a while, the security guard on duty at the school came to the flower pond.

He flashed his flashlight and looked around for a while, only to find—

There is no one here at all.

The security guard couldn't help shouting angrily: "I've heard your shouting, if you don't come out, I'll have to adjust the monitoring of the wall!"

"When the time comes, I will be taught and punished, don't blame me!"


It's a pity that he shouted for a while, but he still didn't see half a figure.

- Is it a hallucination?

The security guard could not help but dig his ears.

Suddenly, he remembered some strange rumors in the school recently.

What ghosts lingering for revenge or something...

Thinking about it, the security guard shuddered violently.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, he turned around quickly, swearing in his mouth, and hurried away...

However, what he didn't know was that there were indeed two people standing in front of the flower pond where he was holding the flashlight just now.

It wasn't until the security guard walked away that the two of them reacted in a daze and looked at each other.

Both eyes were stunned.


Why did the security guard seem to have not seen them at all!

Is it...

The two of them trembled suddenly, and they couldn't help but open their horrified eyes and looked back mechanically and slowly.

I saw the paper figurine who suddenly floated down when the magic stick jumped, scaring the two of them to death, was sitting in the flower pond at this time, grinning at the two of them and smiling strangely.

The next second, the paper figurine made a "bang" and exploded into a cloud of black smoke.

And under the reflection of the white wall of the teaching materials, not only did the black fog not spread with the wind, but it was strangely rubbed together, and gradually formed a large character——


"...Oh my God!!"

Seeing this scene, the magic stick let out a low cry again, actually picked up all his fellows, and ran away like this.

Fang Yuxin was left alone, sitting on the ground, trembling all over, staring at the big black characters that were squirming.

She wanted to run away, but she couldn't stand up.

I can only watch the scrolling word and slowly float towards my face...


Fang Yuxin's panic value instantly soared to the top.

She shook her head, her eyes rolled, and she fainted.


Seeing this scene, a certain initiator on the window sill couldn't help but sneered a few times, swaying downstairs.

However, she hadn't had time to look down at Fang Yuxin's situation.

The back collar was suddenly picked up lightly, and it was lifted straight up.

"You're going too far."

The familiar hoarse voice, with a touch of gentle helplessness, suddenly came from behind Xiang Xing.

She froze for a moment, then turned around subconsciously.

But she saw a slender hand quickly attacking her face.

The next second, he bent his fingers and knocked twice directly on her forehead.


Xiang Xing immediately covered his small forehead in pain, and his small mouth shrunk down in grievance.

"You know you're wronged?"

Zhong Lixun let go of her back collar and shook his head helplessly.

Delicate eyes glanced at the direction where the magic stick left, and suddenly sighed softly.

His eyes swayed slightly, "Although that magic stick has no real skills, the guys in his hands are all from the Li family."

"...Li Family?"

Xiang Xing scratched the back of his head in confusion.

He couldn't help but drifted closer to the young man, blinking his soft eyes full of curiosity, and asked very seriously, "What is the Li family? Are they very powerful?"

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