Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 300 The school girl is a little fluttering (20) (Congratulations to the leader of the ink dy

"The Li family, like our Zhongli family, is a relatively famous psychic family in the psychic world of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains."

Zhong Lixun ignored the fainted girl on the ground, turned to hold the little guy's hand, and took her aside.

keep talking.

"The difference between Li's family and Zhongli's family is that our Zhongli's family only exterminates evil spirits. For the souls that have not yet completely fallen, we usually save them for rebirth, or find a suitable cultivation place for them, so as to accumulate Yin virtue."

"The Li family does not distinguish between good and evil, whether it is ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, or even monsters, as long as they meet, they will be removed directly, and with the purpose of strengthening themselves, they will absorb all the power of ghosts. "

After saying that, the young man suddenly turned his amber eyes again, and gave Xiang Xing a faint look.

There was a look of helplessness on the delicate handsome face again, his head was slightly tilted, and he laughed, "The magic stick you provoked this time is the inner disciple of the Li family - Li Yong's apprentice."

"...Is that so?"

The little guy was stunned for a moment, but still raised his soft eyes suspiciously, and Baba hugged him, "Is Li Yong a very powerful Taoist priest?"

If it's so powerful, why would you teach such a money-cheating magician?


Zhong Lixun smiled lowly, and a cold color suddenly flashed across his eyes.

"Li Yong, is a psychic genius who shines in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains recently, and he is in the limelight."

"I see."

Xiang Xing nodded in understanding.

After thinking about it for a while, the corners of her lips twitched again, and she moved closer to Nian.

She smiled naively, her eyes bright, "Then, is it Master, you are great, or is Li Yong great?"

"He can't stand to compare with me."

Zhong Lixun raised his delicate jaw slightly, and raised his brows smugly.

But after a while, he seemed to remember something, and his eyes quickly dimmed.

The small actions were all captured by a little ghost with extremely good night vision.


She blinked softly, and couldn't help but pounced, her little hands lightly placed on the boy's shoulders.

He tilted his head and asked inexplicably, "Then why does the master seem to be a little lost?"


Zhong Lixun was slightly startled, but quickly put away all his emotions.

"Stop talking about that,"

His eyes swayed slightly unnaturally, shifting the topic away.

Afterwards, she slightly raised her lips and took out something from her trouser pocket.

"Come on, this is for you."

The boy gently pulled one of the girl's hands off his shoulders and gently placed the thing in her palm.


Xiang Xing glanced down subconsciously.

I saw a jade-like object lying quietly in the palm of my hand.

It has a warm and transparent texture, glowing white light in the moonlight, and there is an aura that seems to be lingering here.

The jade is engraved with some inexplicable patterns that Xiang Xing can't understand, but inexplicably beautiful.

The little guy's curiosity was aroused again.

"what is this?"

She asked softly.

But the voice just fell, and the jade pendant suddenly became bright.

In the light, Xiang Xing saw that the supposedly hard jade turned into a pool of water.

But for a moment, she was directly absorbed by her soul body!

Immediately afterwards, the duck flower on the top of the head suddenly screamed.

[What is this... God, this thing is actually aimed at me! ! ]

good afternoon~

Chapter 4 first~Continue tonight~

Thank you Nian Nian, Yi Xianxian, Mrs.Gravity, Mo Ran·Jin Nian, and Xingyan for the rewards~

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