Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 826 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (37)

Xiang Xing was puzzled.

At that time, the speed of the carriage slowed down a bit, and then, she suddenly felt that the front of the carriage seemed to sink slightly.

After that, there was a soft knock on the door, accompanied by a low voice, came from outside the carriage: "Sir, urgent report!"

The first word finally recovered from his endless contemplation, and his eyes narrowed: "Speak."


The shadow guard responded and continued, "Sir, my subordinates accidentally got some news about Lingu near this city of Ximeng."

He said, suddenly stretched out his hand from the carriage of the carriage, and handed in a small plain scroll, "This is the portrait of Lingu drawn according to the descriptions of the surrounding people, it may not be accurate, but please also ask the son Look."


The first speech paused, took over the scroll and unfolded it.

A graceful middle-aged woman dressed in the unique clothing of southern Xinjiang was vividly drawn on rice paper.

At first glance, the man didn't see anything.

But Xiang Xing in his arms widened his soft eyes a little bit in astonishment, and they were about to bulge out and fall onto the painting.

Not even one could hold back, he stretched out his hand, snatched the portrait from the man's hand, and stared.


Isn't this the Bayang Queen Wei Hongling she just saw? ? ?

"...Queen, have you seen her?"

Seeing Xiang Xing's strange behavior, the first speech frowned slightly, and couldn't help but ask lightly.


The little guy nodded heavily.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and quickly rummaged through the memories of the original owner, Miss Sister.

After flipping through for a while, I finally found some pictures related to this sister, and then opened my eyes again and stared at the first word.

With a serious face, "I saw this lady in the Prime Minister's mansion when I was young."

"The Prime Minister's Mansion..."

The first words were murmured a few times, and he couldn't help pursing his thin lips, and his expression became more complicated and deep.

Does this Lingu have something to do with Xiang Qian?

Aunt Ling, Princess Lingluo, the younger brother, the queen mother, Xiang Qian.

Then catch up with the fragmentary clues that have been collected one after another during this period of time...

Suddenly, the man suddenly felt that there seemed to be a knotted relationship network in his mind, which was slowly unwinding, making his thinking more and more clear.

But at the same time, the carriage has slowly stopped.

Their destination, the Ping An Inn, has arrived.

At this time, it was getting late, and after thinking about it for the first time, I could only put this group of nets aside first, take care of everything around me, and then find a quiet time to analyze it slowly.


into the night.

Xiang Xing was exhausted all the way, and he was half-dead from exhaustion. After taking a shower, he turned off the lights and climbed onto the soft bed, ready to sleep in the darkness.

The man on the side hugged her lightly as usual, but only closed his eyes and continued to untie his net in his mind.

I don't know how long ago.

Xiang Xing was in a daze, and suddenly heard a quack alarm from duck ducks in his head: [Axing! Axing wake up! There is a situation! ! ]

[……what? ]

The little guy responded with a sullen voice.

But I saw Ya Ya actively opening the GPS map and pointing to a red dot of pig liver that was slowly approaching, and quack shouted: "You're healthy! The aunt is here! She is now squatting on the roof of the inn! ...No, she's down! She hangs by the window ah ah ah ah! ! ]

[what? ! ]

After being shouted in such a mess, Xiang Xing was instantly jolted, and his mind was more than half awake.

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