Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 827 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (38)

However, before she could do anything, the man beside her suddenly pressed into her ear and gave a low hiss.

"do not move."

Hearing this, the little guy suddenly held his breath hard, not daring to move.

In his heart, he was slightly fortunate, this time he finally found out...

After a while, she felt that the man seemed to have exercised his martial arts inner breath, and carefully sensed and probed.

Immediately stature.

Then, she felt that he seemed to move.

After a very slight rustling sound, I saw that the man took something in his hand from nowhere, and then quietly flicked to his mouth.

At the same time, she heard a thin "click" from the man's mouth.

The next second, I saw him pretending to be in a light sleep and turning over, suddenly overturned.

He bowed his head and kissed her.


Xiang Xing's eyes remained soft, only to feel that his brain went down for a second.

What, what's the situation...

However, in just a moment, the little guy suddenly felt that half a bitter pill-like thing was sent to her mouth.

It felt like he meant it, as if he wanted her to take it.

Thinking of this, Xiang Xing blinked his soft apricot eyes, and had no choice but to swallow the half pill obediently.

And almost at the same time, a strange scent of sandalwood mixed with the faint sour plum soup in the embers that looked like a mass of burning incense suddenly lingered over and poured into her nostrils.

The little guy suddenly felt a whirlwind.

But she felt a warm heart, as if there was another wonderful energy, and the dizzying fragrance was patted away, making her wake up again.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but startled, and then she came to understand.

It was because of the half of the medicine just now.

after awhile.

It is estimated that he felt that there was no movement in the room, and the figure hanging outside the window opened the window with confidence, turned over and jumped in.

Taking very light steps, he slowly came to the bed.

At that time, Xiang Xing, who was staring at the GPS map, almost vomited out a small heart.

While thinking about whether to confront Wei Hongling, or continue to pretend to be dead——

She suddenly felt that the first resignation body suddenly moved, as if moving in a certain direction, secretly waving an internal force.

Sure enough, the next second, on the shelf in the other corner of the wing where the copper wash basin was placed, there were suddenly a few clanging sounds, the sound of things falling to the ground.

In this silent night, it was especially abrupt.

It even directly alerted the shadow guards who were guarding outside the wing: "What sound?!"


The sudden change made the woman who was about to start panic suddenly, and turned around subconsciously to run.

But she carelessly ignored the first words that she had been waiting for a long time ago, only to feel an extremely domineering and fierce palm wind suddenly coming from behind.


The woman couldn't dodge in time, so she took the palm of her hand, and immediately spit out a large mouthful of blood, staggering.

However, just as the first words were about to be filled with another palm, an extremely sinister and vicious inner breath suddenly erupted from her whole body.

Naturally aware of the power of this inner breath, the man hurriedly took two steps back to protect his body.

But it also gave her the opportunity to escape, and she could only watch the slender shadow come out of the window and disappear into the night.

"...Someone! Chase the assassin alone!"

The first speech screamed in anger.

Xiang Xing only felt a few movements that quickly cut through the air outside the house, and followed the trajectory of Wei Hongling's escape.

good night~

Ask for a ticket~

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