Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 828 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (39)

After a while, Liu Feng led a group of shadow guards back in a hurry.

"My subordinate is lost, please forgive me!"

He half-kneeled with a look of embarrassment, "The assassin's speed is too fast, the subordinates just went out, and almost no trace of her... and smelled a strong poisonous gas along the way!"

Liu Feng said, suddenly raised his eyes solemnly, and looked at the first word, "Young Master, this assassin's movement is strange, according to his subordinates, it is not our Central Plains martial arts, and the inner breath is very similar to the inner power of the common people... …”

Hearing this, the first speech couldn't help but look at each other with Xiang Xing.

The man narrowed his eyes and pondered, it seemed that this man was inseparable from this "plague" of Simeon.

Xiang Xing was extremely surprised in his heart.

Wei Hongling did everything that Ximeng was suffering from?

She is a queen of Bayang. After her daughter married the king of Nanjiang, she went to Ximenlai, which was connected with Nanjiang, to do something.

Could it be true as the first remarks said, even if the first Lian didn't rob the princess, Bayang and Nanjiang would unite to deal with Haiqi sooner or later...

The little guy frowned in frustration.

It's complicated enough.

Thinking about it, she raised her soft eyes and glanced at No. 1, who was also pondering, as if she had felt something.

Unlike her, he still has a plot to assist him. I wonder if this level of interest is at stake.

Should I think of a way to remind him...

Just when Xiang Xing was hesitating, he saw that the first words seemed to have realized something.

"The man just now is obviously a woman..."

The man murmured softly for a while, and he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Liu Feng, who was still half-kneeling on the ground.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to ask, "Liu Feng, when you were investigating Aunt Ling, did you pay attention, did you expose your whereabouts?"


Liu Feng was stunned by the question.

He couldn't help scratching the back of his head silently, his face covered in a circle, "With the prudence of the subordinates, it shouldn't be so..."

"However, that woman's martial arts are really strong! If you get hit by the young master, you can still use your spare strength to escape!"

A shadow guard behind Liu Feng took over the words and said with emotion, "In our group, maybe no one can match her except for the son..."

"Yeah, it's the first time I've encountered such a weird martial arts trick..."

"Okay, stop talking."

Seeing that the shadow guards were actually discussing it in his room with the little girl, a look of displeasure flashed across the man's face.

He thought about it for a while, and finally waved his hand, "This is the end of the matter, let's step back, it's time to rest, and the head of the wheel to guard."


The Liu Feng group then retreated.

However, after this uproar, Xiang Xing's sleepy bugs had long since retreated, and he was very awake.

He was thinking about how to convey the fact that Aunt Ling is Wei Hongling to the first word...

At that time, the first speech took a deep breath, and just happened to look at her.

Seeing the little guy sitting beside the bed in a daze, with the words on his mind written all over his face, he paused, feeling soft in his heart.

He hurriedly turned around, walked back, and sat beside her.

"But scared?"

He pretended to smile lightly, then immediately raised his arms and gently embraced the little man in his arms.

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