Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 829 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (40)

He spoke softly and comforted, "It's alright, I'm alone."

"...I'm not afraid."

Xiang Xing shrank in the man's arms and shook his head silently.

She bit her pink lips, and simply threw all the various methods in her mind that had been smashed into a ball into the trash.

After that, he grabbed his front, raised his head slightly, and said straight to the point, "Your Majesty, I remember the aunt you mentioned, what's her surname."

Before waiting for the first word to respond, the little guy suddenly broke out of his arms and sat up straight.

The round Xing'er stared at him very seriously, word by word, "Her surname is Wei. When I was a child, I heard my father call her Miss Wei."

"...So, Aunt Ling's surname is Wei?"

Hearing this, the delicate brows of the first remark could not help frowning again.

There seems to be a line in the complex relationship diagram that has been playing for a long time in my mind, which is gradually becoming clear.

The surname is Wei, and there may be a ling in the name, and the person is related to Princess Ling Luo.

He can use sinister martial arts similar to Southern Border Martial Arts, and his internal skills are deep, so he should be regarded as a leader among martial arts practitioners.

In the scope of his cognition, there is only one person left who can completely combine this fragmented puzzle.

That is the current queen of Bayang Kingdom, known as Wei Hongling, the Queen of Bayang Poison!

Reaching such a conclusion, the man instead widened his red-brown eyes as if he were even more surprised, and his thin lips were pursed tightly.

The Queen personally went to the horse, which was almost equivalent to Ba Yang directly attacking his Haiqi Kingdom.

... It seems that what he thought was right, I was afraid that when she appeared in front of the first Lian with Ling Luo, she already had such an idea about convenience.

All of this has been going on for many years.

In addition, Wei Hongling seems to have some connections with Xiang Qian.

Here, will Xiang Qian also have a foot in it?

With so much information, even he felt that the matter had developed to an extremely complicated level.

Not only the first words, although the two did not communicate information to each other through words, what Xiang Xing was thinking at this time was exactly this one.

But fortunately, she and Ya Ya can check the background and information of the plot characters!

After thinking about it, the little guy threw his head back on the couch and rolled to the inside.

On the surface, he pretended to rest, but in fact, he watched a wave of plot angrily.


the other side.

Wei Hongling staggered back to Yelang Mountain on the northern outskirts of Ximeng City, dragging her severely injured body that could no longer be sustained.

When she climbed up to the not too conspicuous stone cave on the mountainside, she couldn't help it anymore, and spit out a mouthful of blood, and she fell directly at the entrance of the cave.

After that, as if using the last strength of his body, he shouted hoarsely into the cave, "Lian'er...!"

"...is that the master!"

The figure in the cave swaying with the firelight saw the movement outside, and couldn't help shouting nervously, then rushed forward and helped her up.

"Master, why are you so seriously injured!"

The first Lian looked at the woman in her arms that was covered in blood, as if she had only her last breath left, and her eyes were shocked, "Who ambushed you!?"

"...an enemy of mine."

Wei Hongling didn't point it out, but continued to urge weakly, "Quick, help the teacher in, go in to heal... The teacher can't hold it anymore..."

"...Tutor will heal you right away!"

Where did the first Lian have time to think about other things, he hurriedly dragged Wei Hongling into the cave.

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