Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 842 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (53)

After all, after following that day, not only him and Xiang Xing, but even Liu Feng noticed that the sinister aura in the surrounding air was already very faint.

Because of this, the innocent little King Anyang was still kept in the dark one day...

And getting impatient.

Because of the serious epidemic situation, he didn't dare to complain even if he was only forcibly placed in the camp by the royal brother, sitting on a chair to fill the scene, and showing it to Lu Wantian and others.

Now that the epidemic is under control, he is still tied to this chair and cannot leave for half a step.

I wanted to have a good chat with the emperor's brother and sister-in-law, but they took a group of people to another epidemic area, and he couldn't see them at all.

Thinking that Lingluo was still waiting for him in the southern border, and that his master's injuries were nowhere to be seen, he was helpless...

For the first time, Lian felt a deep depression in his heart.

I didn't dare to say it, I could only continue to work hard.

Just as he was depressed and drank the first cup of trouble tea.

Suddenly, there was a strange movement outside the small tent.

The first Lian suddenly paused, and in the next second, a dazzling silver light suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes.

I saw a dart, flying in from the small window at an extremely fast speed.

And the inner strength of this dart master is so high that even the shadow guards guarding around him, and even Liu Feng who is busy not far away, have not noticed.

With a snort, he nailed it dully to the wooden shelf beside him.


The first Lian was sluggish for a while, and quickly took off the dart and pinched it at his fingertips.


He didn't know the origin of this dart.

This is exactly the flower dart that his teacher used to tip off!

Thinking about it, the man couldn't help but glanced around.

After confirming that no one around was paying attention to him, he safely backed the tent door, bowed slightly, and used his inner strength to break the small flower dart in half.

Sure enough, there was a small note hidden in the hollow inside of the flower dart.

It's the handwriting of my master.

- "Lian'er, where have you been? Don't you want to save Ling Luo?!"

——"If you still want to save Lingluo, hurry up and return to Yelang Mountain for your teacher! The spies reported that Lingluo had been fighting to the death for the past few days to save Qingbai from the King of Southern Borders. If you don't come again, she is afraid that she will I can't take it anymore!"

The brushwork was too dazzling, and the last line of words that looked extremely shocking made the first Lian's heart suddenly panic.

Ayara's side...

He really can't hold back!

Thinking of this, the man did not know where a great confidence surged, and Shen Yan couldn't help getting up and quickly walked out of the tent.

Unfortunately, as soon as he reached the gate of the camp, Liu Feng jumped up and blocked his way.

"Second Young Master, there is an order from the Lord, without his permission, you must not leave our camp for half a step."

"...Well, you fluff!"

Looking at that frosty face, knowing his identity, but still showing no respect at all, the first Lian almost vomited blood with anger.

The resentment and anger that had been building up for a long time these days finally erupted in an instant.

"Liu Feng, for your rudeness, this king has endured you for a long time!"

He couldn't help but quickly took two steps forward and grabbed Liu Feng's front.

He roared, "Also, this king tells you that I'm leaving the camp today! Even if the royal brother comes back, he won't be able to stop me!"

"...That subordinate can only be offended!"

Liu Feng didn't have time to play Tai Chi with this little prince, so he narrowed his eyes coldly and made a move without hesitation.

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