Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 843 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (54)

The two of them cracked, and they fought in the huge open space in front of the door, and they also attracted a lot of epidemic people to watch the fun.

The first Lian's martial arts were not as good, and he didn't dare to disobey his master's orders and use his master's inner skills that belonged to the southern border. It didn't take long for him to be at a disadvantage.

In addition, the people around him are also taken care of by Liu Feng on weekdays, and they are more kind to him than to this self who was only caught as a facade.

Seeing that Liu Feng had the upper hand, the people instead applauded and cheered.

Seeing this scene, the first Lian was suffocated to death again.

His brain became hot, and finally he no longer held back, and directly used the sinister internal power mental method.

"Liu Feng, this king wants you to know today... This king is no longer like before, not as good as you!"

He raised his hand with a sneer, and gradually gathered a faint, dark purple internal force fluctuation in his hand.

As everyone knows, this scene is a sudden stagnation of the wind.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, and his eyes widened in surprise: "My lord, you..."

Isn't this sinister internal force the real source of the "plague" that is persecuting the people of West Bengal at this very moment? !

Why does the lord show such inner strength!

Seeing him stagnant, the first Lian was stunned.

However, before he had time to ponder Liu Feng's expression, let alone use his tricks, he suddenly realized that the surrounding air seemed to have changed a little bit strangely the moment he exerted his inner strength.

There seems to be a very familiar feeling in the breath of all things in the world, and it is inexplicably gathering towards his palm.

"……what happened?!"

The first Lian was shocked, and couldn't help looking at his hand in surprise.

However, he saw a faint trace of aura that was almost identical to his own internal strength. It just poured in between his palms, then diffused out, and repeated the cycle...

At the same time, not far from the side, there was a shrill scream.

Accompanied by the screams of the children: "Mother!! Mother, what's wrong with you!!"

"...God, it's Qing'er's mother who is sick!"

Some people around shouted loudly, and everyone rushed towards the source of the scream.

On this side, the first Lian and Liu Feng naturally had no intention of fighting again, so they quickly collected their power and rushed over.

Sure enough, the young woman who fell to the ground and kept twitching and screaming, her face pale and her lips black, was Qing'er's mother.

At that time, Xiao Nan was already squatting beside her, healing her.

However, Xiaonan's internal strength is not too high, and this Qing Erniang seems to have a more serious attack than all the patients in the past. It didn't take long for her to have the phenomenon of depletion of internal breath, and she was a little shaky.

Seeing this scene, Liu Feng frowned.

Seemingly aware of it, he glanced at the dazed little prince, and without delaying, he hurried forward and caught Xiao Nan, who almost fainted.

After helping her to the side, he immediately took Qing Erniang's hand and treated her with Yun Gong.

But after a while of healing, Liu Feng pursed his thin lips more seriously.

what happened.

All other patients were attacked by this sinister internal force on their bodies and meridians, but when they arrived at Qing Erniang, although the damage was not small, it was more like it was fused into her body and became her original internal force...

In this way, it directly caused him to be unable to forcefully resolve it with internal force, otherwise it would definitely hurt Qing Erniang's meridians.

good evening~

I didn't update yesterday, I will make up for yesterday's today.

So let's change half of it first, and there's more at night.

Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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