Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 845 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (56)


Following the doctor's instructions, Xiang Xing, who was taking the medicine, raised his soft eyes again and glanced at him quietly.

But when the man's voice fell, he saw a touch of unbearable and helpless from the bottom of his reddish-brown eyes.

Seeing this scene, the little guy blinked, but he secretly smiled in his heart.

Still his own brother after all.

Although the first Lian is really stunned.


In this room, after the two of them sent away the shadow guard, they continued to mix the medicinal materials.

Not long after, another shadow guard stepped in and bowed to the first speech.

"Lord, there is an urgent report from the border."

The shadow guard's face was very serious, "Last night, 10,000 warriors in the southern border, escorting a young woman, secretly arrived in the canyon near the border of our country."


Hearing the first remarks, the writing hand paused lightly.

But he didn't raise his head, only slightly hooked the corners of his crimson lips, and said lightly, "Is that the new princess from Southern Border."


The shadow guard was embarrassed for a moment, but shook his head helplessly, and bowed his hands again, "Please forgive me, the other party's troops are too heavy and the deployment is strict, and the subordinates have not been able to spy on the woman's true identity."

"After all, it's an army of 10,000 people, so I don't blame you."

The man laughed.

After staring for a while, he continued to ask casually, "What's going on with Empress Wei and Lu Wantian recently?"

The Shadow Guard replied: "Tomorrow, the Western Tour Brigade will arrive, but City Lord Lu is stepping up his preparations for your welcome banquet to the Lord, and he has not done anything out of the ordinary."

"As for Empress Wei...she's well-trained, she went down the mountain this morning and sent a secret letter to the prince."

"Young Master Liufeng said that Wang Ye decided to leave the camp only after reading this secret letter."


The first word pondered for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"If that's the case, the woman who is escorted by ten thousand warriors is probably Princess Lingluo."

He said, and suddenly stood up calmly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and took out the little guy who almost buried himself in the pile of medicinal herbs, and took it into his arms.

"Xing'er, are you tired of dividing the herbs?"

As if no one else was around, the man leaned into her ear with a low smile and whispered softly, "I will take you to the 'outside' to relax, eh?"


Xiang Xing shook his head.

After a pause, he softly blinked his eyes and shook his head silently, "No, my concubine doesn't..."

A tired word was only half said, but a slender big palm quickly attacked her small face, calmly covering the small mouth.

"No, you are tired."

The first speech had a hidden smile, pretending to be serious, and forcibly replied for her.

The little guy could only shrink in his arms and rolled his eyes silently.

……Forget it.

Your own man, pamper yourself, that's all.


As a result, the first words really took her to the real "outside" - the junction of Haiqi and southern Xinjiang, the Ximeng Grand Canyon called "natural barrier" by the local people.

At that time, Xiang Xing was standing at the top of the canyon, shivering and looking at the bottom of the deep canyon.

Glancing at the GPS map again.

Looking at the dense, almost uncountable dark spots in the depths of the canyon, the little guy blinked softly.

Such a deep canyon, these people went down, how to get up?

Could it be that the people from the southern border have grown wings and are bird people?

good night~

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