Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 846 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (57)

Seemingly seeing the little guy's doubts, the first word on the side stepped forward with a light smile, and carefully took her back.

"Don't stand on the side like this, if you fall, I won't be able to get you back with my martial arts."

He reminded her with a laugh, and then continued, "It is rumored that the warriors of the Southern Border grew up bigger than the mountains and fields since childhood. All of them are mountain climbers... So, since they can go down, they will naturally have a way to come up."

"That's it."

Xiang Xing pursed her pink lips, and nodded as if she understood.

Thinking about it, she had a small head again and looked at the first speech.

He continued to ask, "Then if the southern border is going to attack, they will not have a good chance of winning by adopting this method of going down the valley and going up the valley."

After all, as long as the opponent goes down the valley, Hai Qi will stand on the commanding heights in disguise.

Just rolling a rock can knock them down...

Hearing this, the first sentence couldn't help but chuckle.

"This is why this Simmons Grand Canyon is called a 'natural barrier'."

The man suddenly raised his hand and rubbed the little guy's head, his delicate brows raised slightly, "And the southern border generals in all dynasties are not stupid people, so for thousands of years, this canyon has not been invaded by enemies."

He said, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he sneered, "I'm afraid it is precisely because of this that this group of people will lie in ambush below in order to wait for an opportunity."

"Then how are we going to deal with it?"

After listening to the analysis of the first words, Xiang Xing could not help frowning solemnly.

Strictly speaking, the bottom of this canyon belongs to the southern border. If Haiqi takes the initiative to attack, if it is a little careless, it will leave some clues.

After all, the two countries are still in friendly exchanges. Whoever moves first will be caught.

At that time, maybe Ba Yang and other countries that covet Hai Qi will come over to join in the fun.

Thinking of this, Xiang Xing suddenly felt that the Grand Canyon didn't seem as well defended as she thought...

Seeing that her little girl suddenly gestured towards the Grand Canyon with a serious face, as if she was studying some kind of formation, the first word on the side couldn't help but burst into laughter.

I don't know what to think about.

He hooked the corners of Qiangui's thin lips and couldn't help raising his hand again.

Gently knocked on the little head, knocking the little guy back to his senses.

"Okay, you haven't read the art of war, and you can't study it for a reason."

The man laughed, suddenly wrapped his sturdy arms, and hugged Xiang Xing by the waist, half hugging him into his arms.

"Don't forget, we came out to relax."

He said softly, and suddenly began to use light power.

Before the little guy could react, he took her and jumped into the canyon...


Xiang Xing was so frightened that he let out a low cry, and hurriedly subconsciously shrank his little head tightly into his arms, daring not to look at the ever-closer darkness.

He even sucked in a breath of cold air.

what's going on!

Why did this guy suddenly look like he was going to take her off a cliff to die for love...

However, not long after this weird idea popped out of his mind, the little guy suddenly felt his feet.

He seemed to be... on the ground.

And it's very stable.

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing dared to slowly raise his little head again, carefully open his soft eyes, and quietly glanced around.


At this moment, the two of them were standing at the half-waist position of the cliff, on a large rock that protruded but was flat enough to stand firm.

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