Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 856 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (67)

After looking at the Southern Border Warrior lying on the ground for a moment, the two looked at each other silently.

"I didn't expect that even the great king of the southern border, Wu Yuejian, came over to join in the fun."

The first speech took his slender legs and walked to Wu Yuejian's side calmly. He glanced down at the burly man who was unconscious, and couldn't help laughing suddenly.

The hoarse voice was even colder, but it also revealed some inexplicable meaning, "It's more lonely."


Xiang Xing, who was beside him, could only tilt his head, looking at him with question marks on his face.

I didn't understand it.

And she didn't understand even more than this.

It was the masked man who appeared suddenly, quickly rescued the first wave, and then quickly left.

That speed was even faster than the first word that he was still trying to save, and he planned to rescue him.

She was so surprised that she didn't have time to call up the GPS map to check the person's identity.

Only from the slender and graceful back can be recognized, it is a woman.

A woman who is inexplicably familiar.


The more the little guy thinks about it, the more confused he feels.

After a pause, I had no choice but to step forward, gently tug at the sleeve of my man's sleeve, and asked softly, "Aci Aci, do you think that the masked man who came to the rescue just now has a little Familiar?"


The first speech raised a delicate brow lightly, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The corners of Qiangui's lips were deeply hooked, but she lowered her head slightly and smiled at the little girl beside her.

Indifferently, "She is someone you and I are familiar with."

"……Is it?"

Xiang Xing blinked his soft, moist eyes, and seemed to be even more confused.

Why every session of the Ambassador of Enjoyment likes to talk in half!

Oh hate.

She has been wandering around for a long time, but she still can't come up with a reason, so she can only lower the corners of her eyes softly and continue to look at the man.

The man is better, and he will not give any prompts directly.

He only raised his hand and vigorously rubbed the soft and fluffy little head, then leaned down and deliberately bit the chubby cheek.

In the hoarse low smile, there is a hint of arbitrariness.

"If you can't figure it out, think about it slowly. The more you use your brain, the brighter you will be, eh?"

Xiang Xing: "..."

Uh, you big bastard!

——She, she went back to Ya Ya to check for herself, hum!


On the other side, near the border of West Mengcheng.

I don't know if it was because the other party deliberately slowed down, or because of the unremitting efforts of the first Lian, in short, he finally caught up with the graceful black back.

When he was so exhausted that he was about to die, he finally shouted in a hoarse voice.

"Benevolent, please stay behind!"


The masked woman froze for a moment, then stopped moving forward, and turned around silently.

But he remained silent, still squinting his beautiful eyes and staring at him silently.

And the first Lian supported the tree trunk on the side, and finally calmed down his breath, then looked back at her faintly, and continued: "Anyang will never forget the life-saving grace of the benefactor! If possible, please also ask the benefactor to leave his name, in the future. Xiao Wang will definitely offer gold and silver jewelry to repay the life-saving grace!"


The masked woman froze for a moment.

But he silently shook his head, thought for a while, raised his plain hand again, and made a few simple gestures.

Seeing the first Lian, he was suddenly shocked: "My benefactor, are you from the Southern Border!"

He would not have read it wrong, the two gestures she just made were the secret hints that Wei Hongling had taught him and belonged to the people of the Southern Border.

What she drew was exactly "no need" in Nanjiang language.

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