Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 857 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (68)

But that's not the point!

The point is, the first Lian couldn't understand why he came to rescue him, and even brought down the Great King of the Southern Border, but he was also a Southern Border!

Now, he was even more curious about the identity of this woman.

However, before he could ask the next sentence, the woman also seemed to realize what had been revealed, and suddenly flicked her eyes in panic.

In the end, she didn't stay any longer, she turned around, continued to use her extremely high Qinggong, and walked away...


Seeing this scene, the first Lian couldn't help but staggered after a few steps.

When he hurried to the place where the woman was standing, he felt a strange reflection on the ground for no reason, and shook his eyes.

The man was stunned, he couldn't help but stop and looked down.

I saw a bracelet-like ornament lying quietly on the sandy ground.

The first Lian blinked, squatted down quickly, and picked up the bracelet to take a closer look.

This is a unique tourmaline bead string, revealing the rich southern Xinjiang ethnic customs.

He couldn't help pursing his thin lips and subconsciously tightened his palms.

Sure enough, they are from the southern Xinjiang...

But according to the current situation, there should be few people in the southern border who will treat him well.

...Or is it that Wei Hongling and Ling Luo were trying to get hold of it, intentionally?

The first wave with a simple mind, after all, couldn't think of a reason, and could only silently go back in the direction of Ximeng City.


a few days later.

The emperor's western patrol troops that came from afar from the imperial capital finally arrived at the city of Ximeng.

Since the news, there has been a lively scene in and out of the city.

Except for Lu Chengzhu and his party who have been deliberately kept in the dark, no one can recognize the people who have recovered from the epidemic area before. A pair of men and women in phoenix skirts...

It is the "eldest son" who has been running back and forth in the disaster relief camp for many days, and his little lady!

It was only at this moment that they were shocked to realize that these two were their legendary "tyrant" emperor and his newly married queen!

In addition to being shocked, the common people rushed up excitedly, causing the only official road leading to the city gate, which was not too big, to become congested in an instant.

The West Mengcheng guards also had to go into battle together and try their best to maintain order.

Soon, the large army came to the gate of the city.

The city owner Lu Wantian also came to the front of the city gate early, and when he saw the holy car, he hurriedly bowed and kneeled respectfully: "Wei Chen respectfully welcomes the holy superior, and the holy is blessed and holy!"


The first speech only glanced at him lightly, and after a low response, he motioned to An Tu to let the team pass Lu Wantian and go directly into the city.

This move made Lu Wantian's face bewildered.

Suddenly, my heart was beating wildly.

Why did the sage make a bad face for him when he just arrived in Ximeng?

Could it be, could it be that Prince Anyang told the secret, what did the sage know? !

Lu Wantian's apprehension continued until the western patrol unit settled down smoothly in the city.

When the sage officially accepted his worship, Lu Wantian saw a little smile on the sage's face.

"Lu Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite, please calm down quickly."

The first word smiled lightly and stepped forward, seemingly enthusiastically helping the kneeling city lord to himself.

He continued, "I have already heard of Lu Aiqing's various achievements in disaster relief and anti-epidemic efforts along the way. You are a great hero of Ximeng, but it is too late to reward you."

More tomorrow~

Then this plane, which seems to be all plot, ends!

The mentality is not very good recently, and the writing is also in a hurry, please forgive me~

In the next plane, the old salted fish will try to adjust back to the original mentality, um!

So, good night~

Thank you for your reward~ Please recommend a monthly ticket~

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