Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 861 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (72)

Meiyu frowned in disbelief.

No, even if this Qing Erniang is from the Southern Border, didn't she all get married and give birth to Qing Er?

How could there be a confession token from this unmarried girl...

- Could it be that she has other sisters!

Thinking of this, an inexplicable spark of hope ignited in the bottom of Yi Lian's heart, he couldn't help clenching his hands, and stepped forward a little excitedly.

Carefully said: "Qing Erniang, this king has something to think about..."

But before he could ask, the Qing Erniang suddenly trembled.

He turned around quickly, thumped, and knelt down to him!

"Qing'er, she is still young and ignorant, so she disturbed the lord just now, and asks the lord to forgive her!"

I saw Qing Erniang's trembling and beautiful voice, as if panicked, and apologized to the first Lian again and again.

However, he kept his head down the whole time, so that the first Lian couldn't see her eyes again no matter how he looked at it.

And after she apologized, she got up quickly, pulled up Xiao Qinger who was still in a dazed state, and left in a hurry...

The first time I saw it, I was stunned.

However, he quickly regained his senses, hurriedly stepped forward, and chased after her: "Wait!"

This scene was directly seen by Xiang Xing, who was eating the second round of barbecue.

While nibbling on the meat, she tilted her head and thought about it.

He couldn't help but turn to the duck-duck parrot on his shoulders who was also tearing up the barbecue: [Duck, please help me get the personal information of that Qing Erniang and take a look. ]


Duck Duck, who was bought by the barbecue for a whole night, had long forgotten the pain in his heart when he was plucked and a drop of blood was taken away last time, and he turned on the retrieval system.


Three minutes later, the little guy couldn't help but meaningfully raised the corners of his pink lips.

That's right.

After she swallowed the last piece of roasted meat with relish, she patted her belly and glanced at the two fools who had caught up with Qing Erniang and were talking to people in various ways.

When she was thinking about giving him an assist, at this moment, in the corner of her eyes, a very abrupt figure suddenly flashed.

Xiang Xing was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help moving his eyes in astonishment, focusing on the abrupt place.

Instead, I saw a beautiful and familiar face.

Princess Ayara!

How did she come to their bonfire party...

Thinking about it, the little guy suddenly frowned seriously.

The watery apricot eyes flickered a little, and she hurriedly whispered a few words to Xiaonan next to her.


Xiao Nan took the order and flew away quickly.

Xiang Xing greeted a few shadow guards who used the first tone to protect her, all of whom were staring at the dog-like Princess Lingluo.

However, she found that the woman's eyes were glued to the first Lian and Qing Erniang who were talking the whole time, and she didn't even notice the movement of her own staff.

And her eyes were full of disbelief, as well as a bit of jealousy and anger.

Could she be angry.

After waiting for so many days at the bottom of the dark Ximen Grand Canyon, I didn't even see the shadow of the first wave, which made this arrogant and arrogant princess feel uncomfortable.

But who knows, I couldn't help sneaking out to take a look, but I saw that the man was chatting happily with other women!

It was said that she was the only one in her heart from beginning to end?

Thinking of this, Ling Luo was so angry that her whole body felt bad, but she could only secretly stamp her feet in anger, not daring to rush forward.

Good afternoon~ Let’s start with some more~

Thank you garbled Jun, Lan, Qingyuan old naphthalene for the reward~

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