Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 862 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (73)

Otherwise, if she is an outsider, if she is not careful, she will become the target of these mischievous people.

But looking at the way that No. 1 Lian was talking to other women, Ling Luo couldn't be more angry.

Thinking about this, a sudden urge of anger suddenly spread in my heart.

Seeing that she paused for a while and looked around, she couldn't help but put a plate of raw meat to the side, ready to send it to the big grill, as the object of venting her anger.


Make a mess of the mother's plan and hold a bonfire party proudly here, right?

Seeing that she can't take two laxatives, this group of unscrupulous people can't get up the next day!

After thinking about it, Ling Luo smiled viciously, and quickly took out a packet of medicinal powder from her belt.

Then, while no one was paying attention, he quietly moved towards the large plate of meat and approached slowly.

As everyone knows, this series of her actions were clearly seen by Xiang Xing and a group of people not far away.

The little guy tilted his head, smiled and blinked softly.

Immediately, he gestured towards the shadow guards beside him.

Then, just after hearing two sounds, the two shadow guards quickly rushed to Ling Luo's left and right, and one of them grabbed one of her hands.

"This girl, what are you doing here, sneaking around here!"

One of the shadow guards spoke solemnly, and quickly removed the laxative she had not had time to take back.

Seeing this, Lingluo was startled and rushed to use her internal strength to smash the two shadow guards away.

"Ben... this girl will do whatever she likes, what is it with you!"

She threw out a word in a hurry, and without hesitation, she used Qinggong and quickly fled to the side.

While running around, he hurriedly took out a few smoke bombs and threw them violently on the ground in front of them, throwing pieces of thick smoke.

This movement instantly aroused the attention of the surrounding guards.

But these ordinary guards in Ximeng City, who had been neglecting their teaching, seemed to have no idea what was going on. They just looked at each other in confusion, and did not assist the royal shadow guards in chasing Ling Luo.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xing was so angry that he almost fainted.

She thought about it helplessly, and had no choice but to snap down the duck parrot standing on her shoulders watching the fun, clasping its fateful bird's neck, and hurriedly said, "Duck, call out there is an assassin!"

"...cough, cough, I'm just yelling, don't pinch me!!"

Ducky cried for a while without tears.

After some deliberation, he spread his wings and flew up, while hovering over the biggest bonfire, he shouted:

"There are assassins! Assassins!—Protect the Queen Mother! Mother!—"

After it shouted like this, the guards responded one after another, and hurriedly launched a round-up stance, gradually surrounding the bonfire banquet venue.

It was a pity that it was too late. Ling Luo, who had smashed the entire venue with smoke bombs, had already jumped out of the encirclement and flew away desperately in the direction of the mountain behind the camp.

The shadow guards were even less skillful than her, and they were gradually being thrown away.

Seeing this, Xiang Xing felt anxious and tried to chase after him.

However, at this critical moment—

Two very familiar figures suddenly jumped out from behind her and swiftly attacked Ling Luo's back.

Seeing the little guy's soft eyes suddenly brightened.

That is the wind, and the first word!

Soon, Xiao Nan also hurried back to Xiang Xing: "Niangniang, are you all right?"

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