Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 871 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (82)

"Oh, yes..."

The man also learned the tone of Wei Hongling's previous words, and the pouting corners of his thin lips also brought her the same sarcasm.

His eyes narrowed into two crescent moons, and he looked like an old fox with nine big tails swaying leisurely under the moon.

He continued, "These secrets of yours are the ones that the 'female subordinate' told Orphan personally."

Of course, in order for her to tell the truth, he had to use some special methods.

But these, there is no need to tell this Queen Wei~

"...No, it's impossible!"

Hearing this, Wei Hongling shook her head vigorously, with a complex look of shock on her face.

He murmured to himself in a low voice, "Impossible, my Lingluo has a delicate mind, absolutely not like this..."

She had taught Ling Luo since she was a child that if she was captured by the enemy, in order to protect everything behind her, whether it was her or herself, she would have to kill herself.

Although Lingluo has a bit of her own arrogant temper, but in the face of big right and wrong, she can't betray Bayang and the southern border!

——Perhaps, the woman who was captured by the first word was really not Ling Luo?

Thinking of this, Wei Hongling was shocked, and once again turned her complex and probing eyes to the first speech.

The first words seemed to understand what she was thinking at this time, and smiled again: "It seems that Queen Wei finally believes in the lonely, and it is not your Princess Lingluo who is caught?"


Wei Hongling did not speak.

There is still a trace of doubt in my heart.

After all, just letting her listen to the first words here, it cannot be concluded that Ling Luo did not fall into his hands.

Now that Xilan Peak has been destroyed, and the ten thousand warriors protecting the frontier are inexplicably ignoring her orders, her situation has reached a very serious point.

I can't pay Ling Luo any more!

After thinking about it, Wei Hongling's eyes narrowed a little.

But he quickly hid all his thoughts, curled the corners of his lips embarrassingly, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, very good... It really is a talented person from Jiangshan!"

I saw her laughing a few times, and suddenly raised her head again, looking at the first speech in an unusually calm manner.

There was a hint of admiration in his eyes, "You didn't embarrass your first family, but you can count Ben Gong to such a degree... Ben Gong admits it!"

Wei Hongling said, but suddenly stepped towards the first speech.

Several shadow guards rushed out at an extremely fast speed, stopped in front of the small pavilion, and confronted her solemnly.

But in the next second, the crowd saw that Empress Wei, who was aloof, had removed her body's defenses and slowly stretched out a pair of plain hands in front of Shadow Guard.

"Come on, I will take the initiative to capture it."

She squinted her beautiful eyes lightly, smiling like she looked away from everything.

The hostility between the words dissipated a lot, "What crime do you want to put on Ben Gong's head, and Ben Gong also admits it. After all, this 'plague'... it was indeed released by Ben Gong."

"Come on, take Ben Gong back to your Heavenly Prison, first word!"

After Wei Hongling finished speaking, her eyes slammed shut in a gesture of heroic sacrifice.

Not to mention the sluggish shadow guards, even Xiang Xing was stunned.

What is she doing?

With Wei Hongling's martial arts, if she wants to escape from this small back garden, she should be able to escape with a breath of air as she did last time.

——Could it be that she wants to infiltrate the Heavenly Prison and save Ling Luo?

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing stared at his soft eyes, and couldn't help but glance at the first resignation, wanting to give him some hints.

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