Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 872 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (83)

But he happened to see the corners of the lips of the first word, which seemed to be raised quickly and clearly.

Immediately, he chuckled and nodded: "Since it is Empress Wei's own request, how can you be respectful rather than obedient."

After saying that, the man turned around.

Carrying the bright white moonlight on his back, as if pointing, he raised his brows slightly towards the little guy who was staring blankly at him.

Suddenly, he turned to Junyan slightly again, and instructed the shadow guards behind him, "Take Queen Wei down."


The shadow guards pulled out the shackles in an instant.

But when she was about to put it on Wei Hongling, the woman suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

The first word with a shoulder.

He didn't even look back, he just smiled lightly and said calmly, "Please speak."

However, Wei Hongling did not continue to speak.

Seeing this, Xiang Xing was a little curious in his heart, so he couldn't help tilting his head slightly, looking past the man in front of him and looking at the woman in the atrium.

I saw Wei Hongling squinting her beautiful eyes, she smiled gracefully, and took a green jade flute from her waist.

Then, while putting the Yuxiao to his mouth, he spoke indistinctly towards the back of the first word.

"Before Ben Gong is captured, can Ben Gong play another song from his hometown and break some obsessions?"

The first remarks did not hesitate, and only raised his hand and waved it back to show his convenience.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wei Hongling smiled slightly.

He was really attached to the jade flute, and quietly played a desolate and melodious flute.

The sound of the xiao is clear and solemn, and the style of the music is indescribably graceful and ethereal.

It seems to have some kind of wonderful penetrating power.

But this song made Xiang Xing feel inexplicably wrong.

The small head melon seeds turned involuntarily, thinking for a while.

In other words, is Wei Hongling's song really just to cherish the memory of his hometown and to cut off his obsession?

Why doesn't she sound like that.

Thinking of this, the little guy couldn't help frowning, and the pink lips pursed slightly.

Suddenly, she thought of something, and could not help but quietly call out to the duck parrot who was standing on the fence of the pavilion, watching the show.

[Duck, can you do a search, what kind of tune is this Wei Hongling blowing? ]

[You can quack. ]

Duck Ya had a full meal tonight, and after watching such a good show, she was in a good mood, so she readily agreed.

Immediately from the GPS map, I called up an interface that Xiang Xing had never seen before, which was a bit like the interface of a mobile phone music player.

[Rong Benga comes to listen to the song and learn the music for it. ]

I saw Duck Duck waving its wings, clicked a bubble-shaped button on the new interface, and began to listen to songs.

After a while, the result popped out.

[...yo ho~]

Ya Ya glanced at it, Mung Bean's eyes brightened meaningfully, [This song is called "Dictionary", which is specially used by the Bayang people to transmit intelligence information or report the situation of the player. ]

Xiang Xing: ? ? ?

Blowing a tune, can you still pass on information?

However, before she could ask any questions, Ya Ya seemed to be used to it, and continued to teach her science.

[Although this tune sounds quite ordinary, as long as the internal force is used, and the tune is slightly changed, various codes can be combined from the change of tune... just like the telegram in the spy war movie It's almost like a word game. ]

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