Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 885 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (96)

In order to smile boldly, Xiao Nanji greeted the maids behind her, and helped her own queen, who was still carrying a few sleepy worms.

After carefully dressing her up, she put on the gorgeous red palace uniform.

The embroidery of the gold and silver threads on the dress is actually more gorgeous and graceful than her queen's palace dress.

But this style looks more like a suit...

Happy clothing?

Thinking of this, Xiang Xing couldn't help but his head was full of question marks.

She is not a bride, so what is she wearing a wedding dress for...

This hasn't calmed down yet, but the little guy vaguely heard that there was a very festive sound of ritual music in the palace outside the dormitory of the Temple of Mental Cultivation.

Although she has never heard of it herself, in the memory of the original owner, this... is exactly the joy of the court played on the day of the emperor's wedding!

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing was even more confused.

What exactly is this...

Soon, she was bullied by Xiao Nan and others from head to toe.

The self in the mirror really looks like the married bride.

The only difference is that she did not put on a red hijab at the moment, but replaced it with a very graceful and luxurious phoenix crown adorned with pearls and fringed beads.

Until everything was ready, Xiao Nan didn't say a word. Together with another maid, he giggled and supported her stupid master, and walked out of the Temple of Mental Cultivation.

The door of the hall was only opened, and Xiang Xing was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that in front of the Yangshen Temple, it changed its appearance overnight.

A long red brocade, like a red carpet of the Avenue of Stars, stretched from under her feet to the gate of the palace.

And looking at the extension of the "red carpet", it vaguely looks like the direction leading to the Phoenix Palace.

As for the two sides of this "red carpet", there are all kinds of dowries used by ancient people to marry their daughters, which spread along the whole carefully paved road.

And every five meters, there is a palace servant and guard who specially changed into red clothes and stood respectfully with their hands over.

Everything, Xiang Xing was surprised and a little funny at the same time.

Although I have already guessed a few reasons for this in my heart, but...

The guy who first resigned, is this big shop trying to create a red makeup road for her?

He actually does this trick too!

Well, in addition to looking a little tacky, it really surprised her.

Thinking about it, the little guy tried his best to hide the corners of his blushing lips that were about to rise, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

After that, accompanied by Xiao Nan and others, he finally took a step forward and set foot on the "red carpet".

Under the sound of ritual music, we walked slowly.

As for the palace servants and guards who were on the side, after the queen started to move forward, they also lifted up the dowry on the side and followed them.

Soon, Xiang Xing was put on a eight-carrying happy sedan chair and moved on.

It is estimated that the first speech wants to create the effect of the ten-mile red makeup. The red brocade under the feet of the pro-pro team is directly detouring in various ways. I don’t know how many turns I have turned in this huge palace. Gradually came to the front of the Phoenix Palace.

As she expected, the first speech was indeed riding a tall horse, wearing a red and yellow dragon robe specially used for the emperor's wedding, and waiting in front of the hall with a group of civil and military officials.

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