Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 886 The Emperor loves to listen to the stories told by Ben Gong (End)

Until the sedan chair stopped gracefully in front of the crowd, Xiang Xing was helped down again and brought to the man.

Xiang Xing still had a hidden smile, quietly and shyly raising his soft eyes slightly, looking at the high-spirited young emperor with a hint of caution.

Silently waiting for his "explanation".

Soon, as if the young emperor was finally ready, he took two steps forward with his slender legs.

Gentle, but solemnly took the little guy's plain hand from Xiao Nan's hand, and immediately clenched it in the warm palm.

Then, he spoke hoarsely, his tone was tense, trembling faintly.

"Xing'er, this lonely road with red makeup... are you still satisfied?"

Speaking of this, the first speech suddenly pursed his thin lips again, and added with great care, "Gu and Gu also heard from the emperor's younger brother that private marriages will be prepared like this... So I hide it from you, It took one night to hurriedly prepare the scenery along the way.”

"Look, Gudu did this..."

The man murmured, with a rare touch of soft words like a coquettish request.

And with a hint of unease, while coaxing softly, he lifted Xiang Xing's plain white wrist, which was still wearing a tourmaline bracelet, and rubbed the string of exquisite beads.

"So, are you willing to give this string of beads... to me?"


When Xiang Xing heard this, he couldn't help but stare at him slightly.

Laugh in my heart.

What, he went to great lengths to arrange all this, just to "deceive" her into giving her a tourmaline bracelet...

However, before she could think about whether to ask it out on purpose, the first sentence seemed to be remembered again, so she couldn't help but continue to add.

"Besides, Gu also thinks that when I married you before, including the ceremony of the queen conferring ceremony... Gu Ji didn't put any thought into it. This is very unfair to you, Xing'er."

As he spoke, the strength in his hands could not help but tighten a little, and his words became more serious and solemn.

"I have been preparing for so many days, and I have tried my best to hide from you for so many days. I just want to re-marry you with the Queen, hold a more grand ceremony of conferring the queen, and re... marry you as a wife."

"So Xiang Xing, are you willing to... marry me for real?"

After saying the first words, he quickly lowered his eyes, and even his breathing was tensely suffocated.

Just waiting so quietly.

At this time, Xiang Xing was even more surprised.

To tell the truth, this was the first time she had seen such a cautious young emperor who was domineering and resolute in his actions.

And, for her.

- Then what's the hesitation!

After thinking about it, the little guy smiled sweetly and raised his beautiful brows, but without saying a word, he shook the man's hand instead.

Taking advantage of the situation, he put the tourmaline beads on him.


The first words seemed to have finally waited for this moment, and the slender and delicate eyes widened in ecstasy.

He paused, and couldn't help but excitedly embraced the little man in front of him.

And smiled, and quickly ordered, "Quick, set up a car to sacrifice to the Temple of Heaven, and hold the ceremony of conferring queens again!"

"...According to the purpose!"


On this day, the Haiqi Palace was particularly lively.

The people of Haiqi all know that their dedicated sage seems to be showing loyalty to the empress, and they have re-married with her in a folk way.

It is also announced to the world that from now on, he and the queen will live together forever, and grow old together.

And he did what he said.

In the decades to come, there will be no more concubines or concubines in the huge harem.

There is still a tail in the next chapter~

This story is finally over hahahahahaha...

The next story is vampires!

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