Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1081 The Exterminated Cousin 31

Seeing the situation in the house, Cui Zhenzhu thought to herself, if she had known that the Wu family would be ransacked, then she would have married a little worse than Wu Sanlang at that time, and it would have been better than now, and the family would have been less stable. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make ends meet in the future.

But just like Mrs. Wu regretted killing Wu Yuanniang, no matter how much Cui Zhenzhu regretted it at this time, there was no regret medicine in the world, and it was useless for her to regret it.

At this time, the saint also spoke out and did not embarrass the women and children of the Wu family. He only arrested Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu who had committed many crimes and imprisoned them on charges of soliciting lawsuits and exploiting usury.

Although he did not embarrass others and said that the property that did not violate the rules would be returned, it was impossible for the emperor to explain one by one how to define the property that did not violate the rules. Therefore, it was just what the court officials said. If you want to put it aside, Wu The family has a backing, so most of it will be returned to them, but now that the Wu family is like this, no matter how much the court officials will return to them, most of it will be swallowed up by these people who are investigating the case.

So although the Wu family didn't arrest much, their money was almost completely robbed. Unfortunately, they only managed to get almost a million in property from the old lady, but it was all in vain. Fortunately, the other property deeds were taken away. The An Guo Gong Mansion where they lived and the provincial villa next to it were left untouched by the other side and left to them, otherwise they wouldn't even have a place to live.

When the Wu family ransacked their home, An Ran asked Qi Yuan, "My family had nearly a million dollars in property back then. Because my mother-in-law wanted to build a villa for relatives, I borrowed it first. Later, because we were relatives, I was too embarrassed to ask for it. But now, The imperial court confiscated my maternal home, do you think we can go to the court officials who are investigating the case and ask them to return to me some of the things they borrowed from the Wu family?"

The reason why An Ran asked Qi Yuan was because it was inconvenient for her to come forward, and she would have to ask Qi Yuan to help her, so why not tell him?

Qi Yuan was shocked when he heard that Fang's father had left millions of property to An Ran, but he immediately calmed down and said: "They built a villa for relatives, how can you prove that they used your money?" ?”

An Ran said: "I have here the IOU written by the old lady, as well as the property list my father made back then, which is stamped with my father's seal."

In fact, of course there was no IOU. After all, although the old lady said that she would pay her back when the house had money in the future, she passed away soon before she could fulfill her promise. There was no such IOU at all.

Although there is not one, it is not difficult for An Ran to forge one, because she imitated the old lady's handwriting very closely, and then she stole the old lady's seal to stamp it, and also pressed the old lady's fingerprint - of course this cannot be It's true, but a lie. Fortunately, the old lady has already entered the temple. Even if it is false, I believe that the other party will not be able to open the old lady's coffin and check the fingerprints - and she has already done this. I'm just waiting to get my money back when my house is raided.

When Qi Yuan heard what An Ran said, he nodded and said, "Since there is an IOU, if it works, I'll go and see if it's feasible."

Although both the IOU and the property list were stamped with seals and could not be fake, even if they were genuine, Qi Yuan could not guarantee that these things would be useful, so he immediately took An Ran's IOU to the Qinghe County Prince's Mansion and asked The opinion of the eldest uncle Prince Qinghe - after all, he has been in charge of the house since he was young, so Qi Yuan is still better than other clans. He knows that he cannot handle this matter by himself. After all, it involves hundreds of thousands of property (the IOU written by An Ran, get rid of The old lady paid her back the money, so I have only opened an IOU of 500,000 yuan.) With him coming from a powerless clan, I am afraid that people will not pay attention to him, but if I let my uncle Qinghe County The king asked for help. He was the king of the county after all and had some status. He might be able to get the things back.

The Prince of Qinghe County saw that the property was worth hundreds of thousands, and immediately shook his head and said: "With so much, I guess the other party may not agree to give it to me. It can only give tens of thousands at most, which is great. We have to go to Prince Qing's Mansion." Bian, ask your cousin Prince Qing for help, he is a prince, and the officials handling this case will not dare to neglect him."

At the current Prince Qing's Mansion, Qi Yuan's great-grandfather naturally died long ago, his great-uncle also passed away, and the head of the family is his cousin, the cousin of Prince Qinghe.

Although they are separated by a room, it is related to the overall interests of their team, so they will still help.

After hearing this, Qi Yuan hurriedly said: "Then I need Uncle Lao to help me run."

The Prince of Qinghe County said: "Family, there is no need to be so polite. We will go over and ask him for help."

At that moment, Prince Qinghe found Prince Qing.

When King Qing saw that so many things from his family had been confiscated, he immediately said that he would help them file a lawsuit.

Prince Qinghe and Qi Yuan were extremely grateful.

Immediately, the three of them came to the Criminal Department to find the court official who was hearing the case.

Seeing that the prince was here, the other party told him about this matter. Sure enough, as King Qinghe thought, even if he didn't want to spit out the things he chewed in his mouth, he was still a prostitute to save the prince's face, so in the end, although he didn't ask for fifty yuan back. Ten thousand taels, but it reached 400,000 taels. Excluding the money returned to the Wu family, it was almost one-third of the money this group of people made this time. Naturally, the Wu family not only confiscated the old lady’s money, but also There are things from the Wu family's previous public house. Although the Wu family has no money, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse. There are still some things in the public house. These things, plus those belonging to the old lady, total more than one million taels. .

At this time, one-third was given to An Ran, and they certainly did not dare to take all of the remaining two-thirds. Half of them had to be handed over to the court, so basically it was considered to be between the court, the officials who were reviewing the case, and An Ran. The three families share it equally.

Qi Yuan is also good at doing things. After asking An Ran for his consent, he immediately gave the money to King Qing and Prince Qinghe, fifty thousand taels each. Although neither of them wanted it, Qi Yuan and An Ran couldn't help but really wanted to give it, so they immediately gave it to him. As soon as I accepted it, my affection for Qi Yuan and An Ran doubled in my heart. I felt that this nephew was quite good at handling things. If they came to them for anything in the future, they would definitely help.

Although only 300,000 taels are needed back, which is still far behind the 500,000 taels, it is better than not getting any at all, so An Ran is very satisfied now that he has recovered so much.

He also thought that Qi Yuan had put a lot of effort into this matter. Both Qinghe County Prince and Qing Prince had received rewards. Qi Yuan could not live without rewards. Moreover, without rewards, it would not improve his motivation. If he had anything to do in the future, he would ask him for help. , he thought that he might not be interested in helping because of all the busy work but getting nothing, so An Ran also gave him 50,000 taels and let him arrange it by himself. How the funds are used.

Qi Yuan couldn't help being surprised when he saw An Ran returning the money to him, and said, "This is your family's property, just take it, what can you do for me?"

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