Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1082 The Exterminated Cousin 32

There is a reason why Qi Yuan doesn't want An Ran's things.

You know, there are so many bitter people out there, who always say that he married An Ran and made a huge fortune. Fortunately, he didn't get a single penny from An Ran. If others hear now that he took 50,000 taels of silver from An Ran, why not? It's even more bitter, so let alone that he didn't want to take advantage of Enron in the first place, just because he didn't want to hear those people outside say that about him, he wouldn't take the money.

An Ran smiled and said: "I gave it to my uncle and cousin, so naturally I will give you some too."

Qi Yuan said: "If I want to give it to my uncle and cousin, it's because they are outsiders and they need to pay some money to help, but we are a family and we don't need to make such a clear distinction."

An Ran said: "Since we are a family, you should accept it. After all, what is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours."

Seeing what An Ran said, Qi Yuan could only say, "Well, you can buy some land with this."

An Ran nodded, then handed the 50,000 taels of silver and the other 250,000 taels of silver to Qi Yuan, saying, "It's not convenient for me to buy the land, so you go ahead and buy it."

In fact, it's not impossible for her to buy it herself, but it would be best to save some trouble.

Qi Yuan could still handle this small matter, so he agreed immediately and quickly completed the matter. He took the land deed of 30,000 acres and gave it to An Ran.

An Ran collected 25,000 acres of it himself, and left the remaining 5,000 acres in the public domain.

With the additional income of 5,000 acres, the life of Zhenguo General Mansion will be easier.

Naturally, the Wu family didn't know that An Ran had to take back a lot of the property that the Wu family had taken away from them. At this moment, the Wu family was still in a miserable state.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu were sentenced to exile. They were afraid of being bullied on the road, so they had to bring more money on the road so that they could be escorted.

Fortunately, this is the matter of the first house, not the second house, so it is the first house that has to bite the bullet and take the money.

Although Wu Erlang from the eldest house doesn't want to give money to Mrs. Wu, after all, he has been cheated by her and doesn't blame her. He doesn't want to spend money for her anymore, but he has to give money to his father, Mr. Wu—— Although many of these troubles in the family were caused by Mr. Wu, he is fine now. As a result, his title was taken away and he became white. In addition, Mr. Wu had always been a prodigal in the past. He looked very unhappy and did not want to It would be best if he gave money to his father, hoping that he would die on the road. However, if he really did that, it would be extremely unfilial, so how could he dare? So even if he didn't want to give it and had no money to give it, he could only grit his teeth and dig it out. I brought a thousand taels of silver to the two of them.

However, although the second roommate does not need to take money for management, Mr. Wu's errand is gone. Although Mr. Wu did not commit any crime, due to his mediocrity, when he was an official, his subordinates did many bad things behind his back, so Although he was not prosecuted like Mr. Wu, he was deprived of his official position because of his lax control - the family's money was gone, and Mrs. Wu had to take medicine, and the children should not suffer too much, as they had to spend money , so the second room’s life was not easy either.

Although Cui Zhenzhen’s family is rich, she also said that it is her family. Even if her mother and brother are willing to subsidize her, her sister-in-law is not willing, so even if she goes back to her family to borrow money, she won’t be able to borrow much.

Yes, my natal family, the Cui family used to live in the Wu family in order to use the Wu family as a source of support. However, when the Wu family ransacked their homes, they were afraid of being implicated. The Cui family's belongings were also treated as Wu family's belongings by the officials who investigated the case. Confiscated - the officials who were investigating the case deliberately confused the belongings of the two families and insisted that the things in the room of the Cui family who lived in the Wu family belonged to the Wu family. The Cui family really did not dare to argue. After all, the Wu family had fallen. However, their family is said to be an imperial merchant, but in the end they are still merchants. Those high-ranking officials will not take it seriously. If their Cui family's things are really confiscated, they will really have nothing to cry about, so Aunt Cui Seeing that the Wu family's house was confiscated, they quickly moved out of the Wu mansion and went to the Cui family's old house in Beijing.

Because life was not easy for both families, the two families finally discussed and decided to sell the villa where they were staying as relatives, so that they could have some money to live a better life.

When we first built the provincial villa, we spent a lot of money. Unfortunately, those decorative items have depreciated over the years because they are old. The furnishings inside were also confiscated during the house raid. Therefore, the current market price of the provincial villa is about the same as when it was bought. When the Wu family bought it, they spent 80,000 taels of silver. Later, they spent so much money to build it. Now the asking price is 100,000 taels, but there is no People want it.

At first, they insisted not to lower the price. After all, they would have suffered a loss if they set this price. But because no one wanted it, and then the two families were tight, they finally had to lower the price, all the way down to 70,000 taels of silver before anyone would buy it. The two families The family was divided into 35,000 taels, and life became a little easier now.

However, the Wu family is used to spending a lot of money. Although thirty-five thousand taels of silver is a lot of money, they will not be able to live like they used to for a long time.

So Cui Zhenzhu immediately started to lay off employees, and she happened to take advantage of this opportunity to sell some of the thorny heads in the house who had always listened to Mrs. Wu's second wife but did not listen to her. In addition, there were also some maids who wanted to climb into Wu Sanlang's bed. Cui Zhenzhen The pearls were also taken out and sold.

But now, Ruyi, who had been raised on Zhuangzi before, was in bad luck.

Although Ruyi was not in the house before, and Wu Sanlang seemed to have forgotten her and didn't care about her much, but before she was in Zhuangzi, her life was still very good. She had monthly money and maids to wait on her, and her life was still very good. Tolerable - Although Mrs. Wu Er hated Ruyi for doing one thing to her face and behind her back, saying that others were seducing her son, in fact she was the one who seduced her, but after all Ruyi had a son, and Mrs. Wu doted on her younger son. , loves Wujiwu, and naturally does not hate this grandson, so he still takes good care of her, and Ruyi has been looking forward to Cui Zhenzhu marrying her and taking her back to Wu Mansion.

As a result, Cui Zhenzhu married her and didn't take her back at all. She sent someone to tell her about it, but Cui Zhenzhu pretended not to hear and just ignored her.

This made Ruyi couldn't help but feel angry, thinking that she had really made a mistake. She used to think that Miss Fang was the kind of person who couldn't tolerate others, so she tried every means to drive Miss Fang away. She wanted Miss Cui to take over, so that she could do the same in the future. Better off.

This girl Cui did indeed get the position as she wished, but it turned out that she was not as good as girl Fang at all as she thought. She was also the kind of person who could not tolerate others, and actually refused to take her back.

Just when she was thinking about whether to take the Third Young Master's route and let him tell Cui Zhenzhu to take her back, news came from the house that her house was raided.

Finally, as the house was raided, Zhuangzi, where she lived, was also confiscated and sent to the officialdom. Now she didn't even have a place to stay, and Cui Zhenzhu still didn't mention taking her back, which made her anxious, so Without thinking too much at the moment, she quickly asked her servants to contact Wu Sanlang and ask him to take her back.

Thank you Hongguoguodudu, Zhao Yilin and Ziyan for the gifts~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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