Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1106 The New Rich House 16

Su Dazhu didn't expect that the flames of war could still burn him. He was already forty years old and still had to study, so he couldn't help but grimace. However, his father had said so and he couldn't object, so he could only listen.

Butler Sun on the side heard that the Su family wanted to study. This did not surprise him, because this was normal. In this era, the first thing for any family with a little money is to start training their children to study. After all, everything is inferior, but He is good at reading, isn't he? So it is normal for the Su family to think of letting their children study.

However... they have never thought about letting girls study, which obviously means that they do not have more awareness. Butler Sun feels that this should be within the scope of the Su family who did not ask, but he should remind them, so at that moment Butler Sun said: "Not only Young men need to study, and ladies also need to study.”

Mr. Gao shook his head and said: "Girls are going to get married. What kind of books should I study? It's a waste of money and food."

Although no one in the Su family is studying, she has heard from people that in their countryside, a child studying in the country needs more than ten taels of silver a year, let alone in the capital. A dozen taels a year is definitely not enough, I'm afraid More expensive, so expensive, it will cost a lot of money for several boys to read it. The earl's salary is only 600 taels a year, which sounds like much more than what they used to earn from digging food in the fields at home, but it is expensive in the capital. Money is also very important, just like girls' clothes, jewelry, rouge, and gouache, they are all very expensive. There are more people studying, and their families may not be able to afford it, so how can they study all of them.

Although there are rewards in the palace, it is possible. If there are not many rewards in a year, then they only rely on the salary of 600 taels and must not spend it randomly.

As for others giving money to their families, that is not reliable. If someone gives you a congratulatory gift, you will definitely have to give money to someone else's family in the future. It is impossible to make money from this back and forth.

Therefore, giving Su Dahua, Su Erhua, and Su Daniu's family 100 taels a year, the Gao family will never give it in the future. Her own family's money is not enough, and she also gives her son-in-law and grandson-in-law 100 taels a year to support the family. Why should their family want so? After all, she has left her hometown and fooled them. She will not pester them and ask them to take them to the capital, so she does not need to worry about them. She is not afraid that they will find the capital to ask for money. Even if they come, she will scold them. Theirs, after all, even if they are raising their daughter, they still want her to spend money to support their whole family. Why? Yes, it is to support the Cao family, the Jin family, and the Ding family. After all, one hundred taels is very valuable in the countryside. It is estimated that not only can it support Their whole family can still support their relatives.

Butler Sun knew that Mrs. Gao would say this, because from the information he learned, the Su family was managed by Mr. Gao, and Ms. Gao was also very stingy and favored sons over daughters. It was normal for him to say such a thing.

However, Butler Sun still said conscientiously: "The noble lady in the capital also asked a female gentleman to teach her. Not to mention being proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, at least literacy is necessary. Otherwise, how will she manage the house in the future? Not to mention anything else, just talk about marriage. When the time comes, generally big families choose to be the matron of the house, and those who are illiterate generally don't choose her, lest they don't know how to read, don't even know how to keep an account book, and can't manage the family."

Butler Sun did not say that the girl from the Su family was illiterate and would not be able to marry in the future. He only said this. He believed that when the Gao family heard that the big family wanted to choose someone who could read as the matron, they would definitely pay for the girl to learn it. After all, it looked like Mrs. Gao is not stingy about the girls' dress. She probably wants the girls to marry into a good family so that they can support their parents' family. After all, she has already tasted the sweetness of her daughter marrying into a good family from Empress Su. Will give up this shortcut.

Sure enough, when he said this, Mrs. Gao immediately gave up the idea that it didn't matter if the girl couldn't read. She immediately made a decision and said, "In that case, fine, let's hire a female gentleman to teach the girls how to read and write."

Although she is reluctant to spend money, she still spends some money for long-term planning.

And An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Housekeeper Sun had persuaded Mrs. Gao to ask the female teacher to teach the girls how to read. She thought that now, someone would teach her how to read, so she wouldn't have to pretend to be illiterate in the future.

After discussing with Su Laoshuan, Mrs. Gao entrusted the matter of finding teachers for the boys and girls to Butler Sun. After all, they had a dark eye on the capital and couldn't find them by themselves.

Butler Sun originally wanted to take good care of the Su family so that he could fulfill Eunuch Li's instructions and make Eunuch Li happy and bring benefits to his family in the future, so he naturally agreed after listening to Gao and Su Laoshuan's entrustment.

After that, Mrs. Gao asked Butler Sun about the situation of various families in Beijing, and Butler Sun naturally introduced them one by one.

If the Su family is not illiterate, otherwise this matter is very simple. He only needs to compile a set of information about each family in the capital and give it to the Su family. He does not need to speak one by one. Not only does it make him tired, but the Su family has to listen to it again. It is impossible to remember it, after all, a good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

After three days of this, the Su family had a general understanding of each family in the capital. Then an acquaintance, Eunuch Zhang, came over early in the morning and took Gao and others into the palace to see Empress Su.

Mrs. Gao and others were naturally happy, so they happily dressed up and followed Eunuch Zhang into the palace.

However, when we entered the palace, we were obviously shocked by the majestic and solemn appearance of the palace. No one dared to chatter like they did outside. Instead, they carefully looked at the solemn palace around them and did not dare to make a sound. .

Because Concubine Su is the most favored concubine at the moment, she can even be said to be the most favored concubine in the Sixth Palace, so she lives in the best palace in the palace. Emperor Kanghe is willing to spend money for her and decorate her palace with splendor and splendor. Very majestic - of course, this also attracted many courtiers to criticize Concubine Su as a demon concubine. Fortunately, Emperor Kanghe has not done anything stupid yet except doting on Concubine Su (although everyone feels that this will happen sooner or later) thing), so the only one who got scolded was Concubine Su, and Emperor Kanghe got scolded less.

The Su family didn't know that Emperor Kang He's courtesy to Concubine Su had brought her a lot of infamy, which was not a good thing for her. After all, it was impossible for Butler Sun to say such things to displease them in front of them, so they didn't do it for the time being. They knew what people in the capital thought of them, and they didn't know how many people scolded Concubine Su. They were so happy just looking at this magnificent palace. They all thought in their hearts that their daughter/sister/sister/aunt was in the palace. You are really favored, otherwise the place you live in would not be so good. You know, along the way, I have never seen a more magnificent palace than this one.

They didn't know, but An Ran knew that Concubine Su seemed to be extremely prosperous and wealthy, but in fact she had been put on fire. Even she was so proud of the emperor's favor that she didn't realize that the danger was coming.

Not long after, the Su family arrived at Concubine Su's palace.

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