Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1107 The New Rich House 17

At that time, when Su Sanhua left her hometown and came to Beijing with her master, she was already fourteen or fifteen years old and looked like an adult. In addition, she was raised in a wealthy family and no longer looked as sallow and skinny as she did at home, so now Although more than ten years have passed since her daughter, because Su Sanhua took good care of her, she has not changed much from when she left more than ten years ago, so Mrs. Gao can still recognize her. When she saw that she was really her daughter, she couldn't help but step forward. He hugged his daughter and cried bitterly.

Although Mrs. Gao favors sons over daughters, she is her own daughter anyway, so it is impossible for her to have no feelings at all. In addition, Su Sanhua is now prosperous and can bring benefits to the family, so Mrs. Gao already has some feelings. In order to please My daughter likes it, and she is willing to take care of the family. Naturally, she makes full use of this feeling. She looks like she misses her daughter very much.

Concubine Su saw her mother crying and thought about what Eunuch Zhang told her when he found her. She said she missed her, and she couldn't help but be as moved as Gao thought. She hugged Gao and cried bitterly.

Eunuch Zhang was on the side, and he wanted to say that Gao should give the national gift to Empress Su first, but seeing Empress Su burst into tears, he put his words of persuasion on hold, thinking that the family would be reunited, so he had better not let people down. .

When the two of them were almost done crying, they stopped with the consolation of several daughters-in-law, and then An Ran and others came forward to pay tribute to Concubine Su.

Seeing a large group of people including her brothers, nephews, nieces, etc., Concubine Su couldn't help but feel comforted, thinking that the Su family was still prosperous.

Especially when I saw that Eunuch Zhang told me that with her outstanding appearance and temperament, she might be the third niece of the rising star of the Su family in the future, she was even more satisfied. Secretly, she was really good. With this appearance and temperament, she would definitely be able to marry a good one in the future. The family has become more and more prosperous.

What's even better is that Sanniang is the legitimate daughter of the eldest daughter. This status is more important than the second- and third-bedroom girls. She will be able to choose a good family in the future. It's like God has arranged it.

So he couldn't help but praise An Ran a few words, and said to Gao and others: "Three girls are good, you should train her well in the future."

Gao and others did not expect that the empress would praise Anran alone. They did not understand the meaning of the eldest daughter, and they had never thought that Anran had anything special. After hearing this, they couldn't help but look at Anran in surprise.

Gao hurriedly said: "I will."

Since the empress likes the third girl, she will treat the third girl better in the future to please the empress, so that the empress will be happy and give more things to the family. Otherwise, the output of the 600 taels of salary and 600 acres of official land will be enough. , she really felt that her family’s money was not enough.

Seeing Concubine Su praising An Ran, and then the Gao family promised Concubine Su that she would train An Ran well. Naturally, some people in the Su family became jealous. This is normal. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Seeing others doing well will make them even more jealous. Normal.

An Ran doesn't know that anyone is jealous of her, but even if she knows, she is not afraid, because in the future she will get better and better, and she doesn't know how many people will be jealous. If one or two people are jealous now and are afraid, what will she do in the future?

At that moment, Concubine Su asked Gong E to take out some sachets and gave them to An Ran and others as gifts.

Then he hurriedly asked the maids to serve tea and cakes, and let everyone sit wherever they liked.

After everyone was seated, Mrs. Gao quickly asked her why she suddenly lost news after entering Beijing.

In order for Concubine Su not to blame her for not looking for her more - in fact, it was because Mrs. Gao didn't want to spend that money on a girl, but when it came to her mouth, she said this again: "Back then, we were everywhere asking for news about you. , but our family has no money, and you know it, so we couldn’t go to Beijing to inquire, and in the end we lost your news..."

He choked up as he spoke, looking sad.

In fact, if they really wanted to find it, the Su family could still scrape together some money and go to Beijing to inquire, but they just didn't want to spend that money on the Su family.

Concubine Su didn't know that Mrs. Gao was just putting on a show, and she felt that her mother was right. Their family was indeed poor back then, and there was a reason why they couldn't find her, so she couldn't help but shed tears at that moment.

After hearing Mrs. Gao ask about what happened back then, Concubine Su immediately told her what happened back then.

It turned out that Concubine Su was working as a maid in the Wang family, a wealthy family in the city. Later, the second son of the Wang family passed the Jinshi examination and did well in the examination and entered the Hanlin Academy. So the Wang family left Qingshan County and came to Settled in Beijing.

Afterwards, Concubine Su grew bigger and more beautiful, and Mr. Wang Er couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​adding fragrance to her red sleeves. Mrs. Wang was jealous and couldn't stand it. When she found out the news, she became furious and took advantage of Wang Er. When the second master was not at home, he sold Su Sanhua, and he had evil intentions. He wanted to sell her to a brothel, the most despicable kind of brothel, and wanted to trick Su Sanhua to death.

But Su Sanhua's life should not be cut off. On the way, Su Sanhua found an opportunity and ran away from Ren Yazi. Ren Yazi chased after her. Just when she was about to catch up, she met the current emperor and the then prince Kang Wang. Su Sanhua shouted for help, and King Kang was moved by his pity for her, so he rescued her. Later, Su Sanhua told the story, and King Kang bought her from Ren Yazi. She was a prince, so Ren Yazi naturally didn't dare not give it to her. So she didn't listen to Mrs. Wang's words and sold Su Sanhua into a brothel. Of course, she was afraid of Mrs. Wang's blame, so Ren Yazi didn't mention it, so Mrs. Wang only thought that Su Sanhua was in a brothel. How could she know that Prince Kang was interested in her? She married Su Sanhua and took her as a concubine. Within two years, she gave birth to a little prince, and her status rose rapidly. Once Mrs. Wang saw it, she discovered that Su Sanhua was not sold to a brothel, but was working as a concubine in the palace, enjoying wealth. .

Although Mrs. Wang was unwilling at that time and thought about how such a woman could live such a good life, she was not afraid at all because King Kang was not a strong contender for the throne at that time. She thought that as long as King Kang could not become emperor, Even if Su Sanhua was the prince's concubine, it was nothing. After all, her husband had a good official career at that time. He was promoted one after another and soon became a fifth-rank official. If promotions continued like this, her husband would become a high-ranking official in the future. Is she still afraid of Su Sanhua? Not a concubine?

Unexpectedly, not long after, King Kang ascended the throne and became the emperor, and Su Sanhua also became a concubine because she had a prince. At that time, Mrs. Wang was a little scared. In recent years, Concubine Su became more and more favored, and soon she was granted the title of concubine. The imperial concubine, the emperor favored her to the point where he ignored the fact that the imperial concubine’s mother-in-law could only be granted the title of seventh-grade idle official, and instead rewarded her family with the title of earl. As for her family, since Emperor Kanghe came to the throne, her husband’s official position has not been changed. It was fifth grade. Although on the surface, it seemed that this was not Concubine Su's hand or foot, due to guilty conscience, everyone in the Wang family felt that this might have been caused by Concubine Su's pillow blowing. Otherwise, why would they not be promoted in a few years? Now, she was even more afraid, fearing that Concubine Su would cause trouble for her one day.

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