Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1508 Good luck and good pregnancy 27

When the bandit soldiers arrived, as usual, they first said false good things and followed their nonsense, saying that this was called courtesy first and then attack.

First, they persuaded Taiping County to open the city gate, saying that they were refugees and it was not easy. They asked everyone to pity them and let them in. They found some food and left after filling their bellies.

——Of course not. If they were allowed in, they would burn, kill, and loot.

Seeing that the gates of Taiping County were closed and no one paid attention to them, they became angry and started to attack.

An Ran kept observing the army of refugees. When he was done observing, he opened the bag he had been carrying and took out a strong bow from it.

This bow is naturally not from this era, but the best bow she made in a certain world. Since there is a lot of space now, there is room to put it, so she did not throw it away and kept it in the space.

After forming the patrol team, she took out the bow and said that she had paid for it. The villagers in Taiping Village had little experience and did not find it strange.

This bow was considered a sacred object in the era of cold weapons. It has a very long range. Of course, it takes a lot of strength to pull this strong bow open, but strength is nothing to An Ran now. She can pull it open. .

Now that An Ran had finished observing, he drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot a heavy arrow straight towards the leader of a certain refugee army.

These refugee leaders have attacked many cities and have some experience, so they usually stand outside the shooting range and command.

However, that was the range under normal circumstances, and Enron's range was different from that of ordinary people, so he thought it was safe. He didn't think that there would be any sharpshooters in a small county town, but in fact he was still in Enron's range. Range range.

At the moment, because the other party felt that it was safe, he did not pay attention to the situation on the city wall. When a heavy arrow came straight towards the door with an icy chill, he had no time to hide. He quickly screamed and fell off his horse. .

This man must have been a leader. His death after falling off his horse soon caused a commotion in the refugee army. Others who were also leaders ran back for fear of being shot by An Ran.

But this commotion, and the leader ran back again, soon caused the army of refugees who didn't know the truth to run back collectively.

In the real world, too many people will gather together, leading to stampedes, which was not uncommon in ancient times. What's more, there are several horses among them. If the horses are frightened and run away, the stampede will become more serious.

Some people tried to call a stop and maintain the situation, but the panicked people were so defeated that they could not hear the voices of rational people. After all, they had neither the internal power to focus the sound nor the modern electric speakers to amplify the sound. That sound was naturally lost in the shouts of the crowd.

Therefore, there is a saying in the ancient art of war: to capture the thief first, capture the king. This is the truth. Once the leader is gone, it is easy for the army to become morally chaotic, and then the army will be defeated like a mountain.

Of course, only this kind of miscellaneous army can have such an effect. If it is a strong army, even if it is a bit chaotic, it will not be like now, and it will become a mess before the battle begins.

The man in the patrol holding the arrow looked at it and couldn't help but be stunned. He thought that before they even started fighting, the opponent was in chaos. Is this really an army of refugees with rich fighting experience and having destroyed more than a dozen counties in a row?

An Ran quickly reminded, "What are you doing standing around? Shoot quickly. If you hit one, we will earn one."

After hearing this, the patrol team hurriedly drew their bows and fired arrows. After all, the county provided the arrows, but the income from cleaning up the battlefield went to them, so naturally they had to kill a few more to make money.

Not only did the patrol members quickly draw their bows and fire arrows, but An Ran also looked at some people who looked like leaders and kept killing them.

Compared to the people on the patrol, her archery skills were much more powerful. She was completely focused on who would die, which led to the scene becoming more chaotic and screaming.

When a situation like this is out of control, as long as an army is dispatched, there is no need for many people. Hundreds of cavalry and thousands of infantry can kill countless people in a sudden charge. However, because the people on the patrol are all novices, An Ran He didn't dare to take them out of the city to fight in the field, so he only took them to shoot arrows on the city wall. Anyway, because of the crowds, these people didn't run far, and the accuracy of shooting arrows was extremely high.

Although there were nearly tens of thousands of people in the refugee army, they were crowded together in a chaotic mess and it was not easy to escape. However, as time passed, this group of people still escaped from the range of the bow and arrow, leaving corpses on the ground.

Those who escaped did not regroup outside the bow and arrow range and continue to attack the city. Instead, they scattered and fled for their lives. They were obviously frightened by An Ran's attack.

Of course, they may also be thinking that there are many county towns around that are easy to break, so why bother chewing this hard nut and risking their lives in vain? You must know that they have robbed so many gold and silver treasures, but they want to live a good life in the future, not to risk their lives. , so he escaped. If this was a formal army, it would definitely run out of range and reorganize for another attack.

Of course, it was precisely because they were so useless that Lieutenant Li asked Magistrate Zhang to stay and defend the city. If it were an organized army, Lieutenant Li would not be so bold.

An Ran waited for half an hour and saw that the enemy had disappeared, so he sent out spies to investigate. After another half an hour, the spies sent back the news, saying that the enemy had run away and showed no signs of turning back. .

An Ran nodded and led the patrol out of the city to clean up the battlefield.

Cleaning the battlefield is a familiar task, because we have cleaned the battlefield before after cleaning up theft gangs and bandits, so everyone is very skilled.

Draw lots first. After drawing the lot, press the name of the teammate on the lot and work in pairs to carry the body. This will play a role in mutual supervision.

Although they supervised each other and used the lottery method every time, so they were not the same people and had no chance to collude and cooperate, some people still stole it, but as long as they didn't take everything away, An Ran would turn a blind eye.

After all the corpses were piled together, everyone began to search each other's bodies and put the money on each other's bodies together.

As a result, no matter what you look at, you will be shocked to see that the money on these people is more than the money they usually collect from the theft gangs! Some people don't even bother to take silver with them, but instead take gold ingots and gold jewelry.

"This is normal. They have looted more than a dozen counties in succession. They must have a lot of gold, silver and jewelry on them."

After searching everyone, An Ran asked people to register them, and at the same time called the peasants who had paid for them earlier, and asked them to dig a big hole and bury the corpses. Although it was winter, so many corpses, once they rotted It is still easy for bacteria to breed, which would be bad if an infectious disease develops, so An Ran naturally asked people to bury the body nearby.

There are more people to work with, and it only took about an hour to dig a big pit. After everyone was buried, the harvest of the battlefield was also registered.

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