Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1509 Good luck and good pregnancy 28

An Ran looked at the statistics and found that nearly a thousand people died this time. Some of them were shot and killed, and some were trampled to death. The harvest was huge, more than 100,000 taels, and a lot of weapons.

An Ran asked people to pack the things into boxes, and then said: "Go back and share the dividends with everyone, one hundred taels per person."

Everyone couldn't help but be very happy after hearing this. They secretly thought that they had received a hundred taels without any effort this time. This trip was worth it. With these one hundred taels of silver, they would add more than ten acres of land to their families. In the future, Life at home will be better, so how can everyone be unhappy?

Zhang Zhixian also did not expect that An Ran and the others would defeat the refugee army casually, and they did not expect that cleaning the battlefield would yield such a rich harvest. However, since they had agreed at the beginning that the captured items would be theirs, Zhang Zhixian did not dare to go back on his words. Of course, Mainly because he was afraid of An Ran. He had seen that heavy bow and it couldn't be pulled at all. But the little girl pulled it open with a slight pull and killed the leader of the refugee army with one arrow. With ten courages from him, he could He didn't dare to snatch things from her hands, so Ren Anran took the battlefield seizure back.

That night, Zhang Zhi County celebrated An Ran's success. Early the next morning, after receiving the employment fee from Zhang Zhi County, An Ran was ready to go back.

Zhang Zhixian was afraid that the refugee army would come back, so he tried hard to persuade him to stay. He now lacked a sense of security and always felt that he would only be safe if he was safely in the county seat.

An Ran also wanted to expand his territory, but he didn't show it on his face. He immediately said he would go back and think about it, and comforted Zhang Zhixian, saying that the refugee army had gone far and there was no need to worry.

Zhang Zhixian secretly said that this wave of refugee army saw that Taiping County was a tough nut to crack, so they left. But there are countless other waves. There are dozens of wars in the world. Today, this refugee army is coming from the west. Maybe tomorrow An army of refugees will also come from the north, so he is really worried that An Ran will not be stationed in the county permanently. So Zhang Zhixian repeatedly begged An Ran to come to the city to station, and said that money and rations were not a problem, saying that he believed in the city. The middle and rich families will be willing to help. After all, once the city is destroyed, they will be the most unlucky.

An Ran promised him that she would think about it carefully, and then led the patrol team away. She still had many things to arrange back to the village, and it was impossible not to go back.

An Ran immediately returned to Taiping Village.

Soon the news that the patrol team had earned hundreds of thousands taels, and that each member of the patrol team had received a share of 100 taels, seemed to have wings, and soon the whole village knew about it. At that moment, the villagers were surprised. There was a craze for signing up to join the patrol team, and everyone wanted to join the patrol team to make a fortune.

An Ran would not refuse, but he also made it clear to everyone that as refugees spread everywhere, the patrol team might accept the employment of Zhang Zhixian and continue to guard the county town. Then they might have to fight against the refugees one day. But there are casualties, let everyone think clearly.

Even so, except for some who were timid, many who were more courageous still insisted on joining the patrol team. An Ran recruited qualified people into the team according to the previous selection conditions.

Not only people from Taiping Village joined the patrol, but people from surrounding villages and towns also came after hearing the news and wanted to join the patrol.

In fact, when An Ran and the others came back, many of the civilian men that An Ran had hired before heard that the captain of the patrol team in Taiping Village was rich, so they were given a hundred taels of dividends at a time. Some of them even hid a lot of money secretly and made a lot of money. Bo Man, after listening to the boasts of the Taiping Village patrol team members, many civilians asked to join the patrol team. At that time, Anron collected a lot, plus the ones now collected by Taiping Village and surrounding villages and towns, the patrol team members quickly changed from the previous ones. Two hundred people rose to a thousand.

An Ran asked the old man to lead the newcomers to start training. There was no need to worry about their combat effectiveness for the time being, because for the time being, only the refugee army was passing by, and the regular troops would not come yet.

Seeing that An Ran's patrol team members had swelled to a thousand people, Chen Lizheng didn't come to worry about An Ran this time. How could she feed so many people? Anyway, the two previous worries were solved smoothly, and now they have collected so many I'm afraid it can be solved smoothly, so what he is worried about will not annoy the other party. The other party should not make trouble for him. After all, the Gu Wufu now is not the Gu Wufu before. He is now the county magistrate. The status of the person he relied on was completely different from before, so he naturally did not dare to offend An Ran, lest he would be unhappy and say a few words in front of the county magistrate, which would destroy his rightful position. .

As for the Gu family, after An Ran handed over the one hundred taels she received, Gu Gao didn't make any noise like last time, asking An Ran to give her the hundreds of thousands. She had already heard about it. An Ran shot the arrow and killed the enemy generals and many big and small bosses. An Ran, who had killed so many people, was no longer someone Gu Gao could dare to look directly at. She was afraid that An Ran would disagree with her, so don't kill her. , although this shouldn't be possible, after all, she is her grandmother, but, these are troubled times, if you really want to offend her, kill her, so what, others still rely on her, at most, they can say some unpleasant things about her in private, He wouldn't do anything to her. Thinking about it this way, in Gu Gaoshi's heart, An Ran was almost like a fierce god. How could he dare to cause trouble for An Ran.

Gu Liufu, who had been expecting something to happen to An Ran, couldn't help but be disappointed when he saw that An Ran came back unscathed. He secretly said that it seemed unrealistic to just rely on God to deal with Gu Wufu without using lucky energy, so he could only wait for his own luck. When the energy is full, no more trouble will be caused by An Ran.

After An Ran completed repairs, recruitment, dividends, etc. in Taiping Village, she informed everyone that she was ready to accept the call from Zhang Zhixian to help defend the city, but at the same time, just in case, there was an escape route, which would lead to the county seat in Taiping Village In the middle of the city, they choose a pass and build a few defenses. Once the county town cannot be defended, they will retreat to the town to ensure that nothing happens to the patrol team.

Naturally, no one would object to her plan.

But she said that Taiping Town, as a mountain town, has a similar terrain to Taiping Village. It is also surrounded by mountains and can guard the passes. That’s why An Ran made such a proposal. As for whether the town would agree to such a proposal, she didn’t have to worry. Because as long as Magistrate Zhang agrees, it will be fine. The county officials have agreed, and the town will definitely not dare to refuse.

Besides, it is also good for the town that she builds defenses. Otherwise, as the number of refugees increases, Taiping Town will not be able to live peacefully. In fact, since the refugees began to flee, there have been refugees in remote mountain villages like Taiping Village, let alone submit a pass. In the more developed Taiping Town, there are many more refugees than in Taiping Village. As a result, there have been many thefts, injuries, and children being abducted in Taiping Town recently. Now if Anron wants to build fortifications in the town , the people in the town and other villages will be very happy.

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