Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1549 Second Life 12

An Ran didn't believe that Grandma Li dared to let her die. After all, she thought, Grandma Li didn't trust that a grandson like Li Anrong could support Father Li.

Sure enough, An Ran's scare soon worked. Although Grandma Li loved Li Anrong, she had to admit that Li Anrong was not as promising as his sister Li Anran. Besides... Grandma Li thought, what Li Anran said was quite right. Hua So It’s really not cost-effective to spend too much money to go to college. It’s better not to go to school and use the money to buy a house. Don’t they all say that real estate speculation is the most profitable now? Since the purpose of studying is to make money, then now you can make money by flipping houses. The goal is achieved. Isn't it great? Why spend the money on studying? I don't know when Li Anrong will earn so much in the future.

However, Grandma Li knew that Li Anrong definitely wanted to study, so she did not dare to say that she agreed with An Ran. However, she was frightened by An Ran at this moment. She was afraid that she would really drive Li Anran to death, and her son would not be able to rely on Li Anrong in the future. , there was no one to support her, so she stopped talking and hung up the phone. At the same time, she thought to herself that she would find a loser to ask for money, and the other party would threaten her with her life. But because her son only had two children, she really didn’t dare to refuse her. He took the threat to heart so much that he couldn't handle her anymore.

Father Li saw that even Grandma Li's intervention was useless, and secretly thought that Li Anran really had no money, otherwise she wouldn't have seen such an old man begging her, and she wouldn't give it, right? ——He didn't know that An Ran could really be so cruel. He just thought that An Ran really had no money.

An Ran didn't care what Grandma Li and Father Li thought. She was relieved to see that the matter was resolved and Father Li, Mother and others would no longer bother her.

As for how Li's father and Li's mother would solve Li Anrong's tuition and other expenses, Anran didn't care, but she thought that Li's father and Li's mother would definitely be able to solve it. After all, just like Grandma Li said, Li Anrong couldn't really be left without money. Going to school, she also didn't care about how to solve it.

Time passed very quickly. Shortly after the phone call with Li's father, the new oil stock mentioned on the forum began to rise as the friction between the two major oil countries became deeper and deeper, and the rise was very fast. Enron hurriedly I sold the VR helmet I had saved and bought the stock. I was going to sell it when the stock price has almost risen, and then continue to buy helmets or exchange them for real currency.

This must be done by measuring the value that rises after selling and the value that falls when redeemed for real currency. If the rise rate is faster than the fall rate of redemption for real currency, then continue to buy, otherwise you have to sell and then redeem for real currency. , lest the money in the game has increased a hundred times, and then the game currency is worthless, and selling it for real currency is not as much as selling it for real currency now, then it would be boring.

What's more, you can now make another profit by buying a helmet with real currency. If the stock price in the game does not rise as fast as this, then naturally it is more cost-effective to exchange it for real currency and then use real currency to buy a helmet.

However, An Ran remembered that the stock only rose for a period of time. After the armistice between the two countries, the stock fell rapidly.

Thinking about it, the price of exchanging real money for real money will still be very high, and the price of gaming helmets should not have dropped yet. It should be the right choice for me not to exchange money for real money to buy a helmet for the time being.

Just when An Ran was thinking about how to make more money, Qin Hao called An Ran that day and asked about her job. An Ran said she hadn't found it yet.

Then Qin Hao said: "There is something I want to tell you."

An Ran vaguely understood what Qin Hao wanted to say, but why did she feel that it was too early? She remembered that in the original world, Qin Hao only said it at the end of the year. The reason why she remembered it so clearly was because the original person had said something new because of sadness. One year, if you want to start a new life again, in this case, it should be the end of the year, but it is only November, there is at least one month left, it shouldn't be so soon.

An Ran thought about it and said, "You tell me."

Then I heard Qin Hao say: "You have been busy. I asked you to go out to play, but you didn't go out. We are in the same city and haven't seen each other for such a long time. Can we still call them boyfriend and girlfriend? So I thought maybe we are not suitable, so why not break up?" Bar."

Although Qin Hao wanted to break up with An Ran, who had accomplished nothing and had a poor background, and choose Luo Xiaofu, who had better conditions, he didn't want others to say he was bad, so he wanted to blame An Ran. This was also the moment. , the reason why he said this.

When An Ran heard Qin Hao accuse her, she couldn't help but suddenly realized, and thought to herself, this should be the reason why Qin Hao broke up in advance, because she knew Qin Hao would cheat on her and was too lazy to deal with him, so every weekend, Qin Hao asked her to go out to play, but An Ran didn't agree. After all, she didn't want to waste her precious time on a scumbag.

Thinking about it now, because he never went out, Qin Hao's feelings for him faded earlier, so he proposed breaking up in advance.

However, it was clearly Qin Hao who cheated first, but in the end the other party accused him of being bad, so An Ran naturally refused to accept it.

So he said coldly: "You called me before, when did I not go out? Now I'm not going out, don't you understand why? I didn't say it because I didn't want to make it too ugly, but you accused me instead. It’s really ridiculous to put the responsibility on me.”

Qin Hao couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart after hearing this, and thought to himself, can't he? Does Li Anran know about her and Luo Xiaofu? Impossible, impossible, I haven't seen her recently, how could she know about his situation.

So he calmed down immediately and said: "You should give me a reason. It's because you are not good in the first place, and you still want to find excuses. Your character is really..."

An Ran coldly interrupted Qin Hao's accusation and said: "No matter how bad my character is, it's better than some people cheating. I'm really unlucky. I'm surrounded by JPs, my boyfriend is like that, and my best friend is like that, but I actually got it. We went together and now you are blaming me for being bad, it’s so funny.”

Qin Hao heard that An Ran really knew about his situation and knew that she should have the exact evidence, otherwise she wouldn't have said this, so he stopped talking. He knew that in this situation, anything he said would be useless. So he hung up the phone.

An Ran saw him hang up the phone and couldn't help but chuckle, secretly thinking that it was good that he finally broke up with Qin Hao. Otherwise, there was always something unresolved and hanging on his mind, which was quite uncomfortable. Now I have removed this matter. Don’t think about it, it’s good.

After settling the family issues and dealing with her cheating boyfriend, An Ran is now free and devoted to the game and making money.

Without the harassment from JP's boyfriend, best friend and family, Enron's money-making career went smoothly.

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