Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1550 Second Life 13

That oil stock rose rapidly as the war became more intense.

Soon, although it was only the end of the year outside the game, almost half a year had passed since the game appeared. In the game, the flow rate was four to one, and two years had passed. An Ran happened to be taking the final exam in the second semester of her second year.

Although he was not in the first grade now, but in the second grade, the content was still simple. Naturally, An Ran successfully scored over 90 points and received two hundred yuan.

Although two hundred yuan is not much to her now, mosquito meat is still meat.

After the final exam, it was approaching the end of the new year. It was reasonable to wait until the Chinese New Year before going back.

But An Ran didn't want to see the Li family, plus she had to play games and didn't have time, so she decided not to go back this year for a good reason - not long after she became a full-time employee, she was assigned to be on duty during the New Year.

Anyway, the Li family didn't know the situation and just thought what she said was true.

Later, at the end of the New Year, when she said this, the Li family did not find it strange. After receiving the 3,000 yuan New Year money from her, it didn't matter anymore. After all, An Ran said that if she went home for the New Year, there would be no overtime pay. The return fare is expensive, so I might not have any money to give them when I go back. Now I have three thousand yuan, which is a little less, but at least I have it. If An Ran doesn't come back, they will naturally not object.

At this moment, news came from the university classmate group that Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu were scheduled to get married on May Day next year. The atmosphere in the group couldn't help but become weird. After all, as far as they knew, Qin Hao was not talking to An Ran in the first place. Of? Why are you getting together with An Ran's best friend Luo Xiaofu now?

So a classmate who had previously been in the same dormitory sent a private message to An Ran, asking her what was going on.

An Ran said: "It's a very common trick of best friends breaking into the wall and boyfriend falling in love with my sister."

She didn't care if others would sympathize with her and think she was the one who was dumped.

Anyway, for her, she didn't want to hide this matter for Qin Hao just for the sake of face.

He was stupid and saved his face, so he concealed the matter for Qin Hao. He only said that they broke up because they were not in harmony with each other. As a result, Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu's reputation did not become bad later, which was fine.

She didn't want Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu to live with their good reputations, so she would rather lose face and tell the truth about this matter.

Sure enough, as soon as she said this, the classmates knew that Qin Hao and Luo Xiaofu, one was a scumbag and the other was a bitch, probably because of being irritated by others. Qin Hao was better, either because he knew some sense of shame, or because he was a bitch. The last time I was scolded by An Ran, I felt guilty and was too embarrassed to contact her again, so I didn't call her. However, Luo Xiaofu called me and scolded An Ran: "Why do you go around telling people bad things about me?"

An Ran really didn't expect that this Luo Xiaofu would dare to go to the sufferer and curse him even though she had pried her best friend's wall. That's right. If she wasn't stupid, would she even pick up trash like Qin Hao? Qin Hao would cheat on her, so she wasn't afraid that Qin Hao would cheat on others in the future? After all, cheating has its own inertia, and if there is a first time, there will be a second time.

After hearing Luo Xiaofu's angry curse, An Ran said slowly: "Oh? What bad words did I say?"

"You tell people everywhere that I stole your boyfriend! Now others are looking at me strangely!" Luo Xiaofu scolded angrily.

An Ran couldn't help but laugh when she heard what she said, and said: "Oh, you also know that this is a bad thing. Then you are quite self-aware. You know that what you did is a bad thing and you can't tell it. You have done a bad thing, and you still can't tell it. Do you have the nerve to come over and scold me for being such a miserable person?”

Luo Xiaofu couldn't help but choked after hearing this, and then said: "How did you and Qin Hao break up, don't you know it yourself? You are lukewarm to others, and you don't allow them to break up and find someone else! You are really overbearing! "

An Ran said coldly: "Then he broke up with you and got together with you before breaking up. I'm in two different situations. I can't say that anymore? Do you want me to remind you, when was the first time you had sex? It was Saturday last year. On the 25th of the month, you went to the XX Hotel. At that time, Qin and I were still in school. We met every day and we were never lukewarm. Didn’t you get together with him? "

During this period of time, An Ran used hacking technology to find the time when Luo Xiaofu and Qin Hao had a room together for the first time, so they got rid of it at this time.

Luo Xiaofu couldn't help but be stunned when she saw that An Ran actually knew when she and Qin Hao got together. She couldn't continue to make excuses like Qin Hao and put the pot on An Ran's head, so she stayed for a long time. All he could do was argue: "No wonder Qin Hao doesn't want you! You are so perverted and spy on him!"

Many men would use such strong words when they were caught cheating, but this was the first time An Ran heard a woman say this. She couldn't help but find it very interesting, so she smiled and said: "Okay, you must not spy on him, lest he God found out that he went to steal food again. Picking up rubbish as a treasure, I really admire you."

After hearing this, Luo Xiaofu fell back in anger, feeling very uncomfortable, and immediately hung up the phone.

But An Ran's words had already pierced a thorn in Luo Xiaofu's heart. She thought, An Ran was right. This Qin Hao had cheated on her before, and he might cheat on others in the future. If he didn't monitor him, he would really cheat on her. I don't worry, but if I want to monitor him, wouldn't he be like Li Anran and fall behind? So there was a conflict for a while.

An Ran naturally didn't know that her words made Luo Xiaofu feel a thorn in her heart and she began to distrust Qin Hao. She was listening to Xiao Wang talking happily about how he had made a fortune in the past few months.

Since "Second Life" came out in early July last year, he has been playing the game for half a year and has made a lot of money - although unlike Enron, he doesn't draw sketches or buy stocks, so he makes money faster. , he just goes to school normally, but after deducting the expenses, he can still earn two hundred game coins a day. He exchanges all of them with the rich people for real currency, deducts the 10% transaction fee of the exchange, and then gets the real currency. Turning to reality, despite the 10% withdrawal fee and personal income tax, he still earned more than two million in the past six months, which was something he could not even imagine before.

Xiao Wang lives in a second-tier city, and the house price is around 20,000 yuan. With more than 2 million yuan, he has already bought a house.

"I couldn't afford to buy a house before, but thanks to this game, I can have a good year this year." Xiao Wang said proudly.

He could imagine how his relatives would envy and praise him when he told this story.

But An Ran knows that such a good thing will not last long. It will last for more than a year at most. After that, the speed of making money in the game will be almost the same as outside the game, because the game currency is worthless, even if time flows fast, It’s useless to earn four times more money in the game than outside the game. After all, as time goes by, players still have to spend money in the game, plus transaction fees, withdrawal fees, and deductions here and there. Once you get it, it’s just like the real income. It's almost there, the only advantage is that it feels like its lifespan has become longer in the game.

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