Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1551 Second Life 14

But no matter what, pioneers like An Ran and Xiao Wang still made the first pot of gold. Those who entered the game two years later really got nothing. They just came in to play.

Xiao Wang is like this, and so is Xiao Zhang, who also bought a house.

When asked about Enron, Anron didn't mention buying stocks, so as not to have to explain himself, he just said: "I also bought a house."

Xiao Wang laughed and said: "Haha, everyone is getting rich!"

Xiao Zhang said worriedly: "More and more people are entering the game now, and the game currency has begun to depreciate. It is not as valuable as before."

Xiao Zhang is right. Now the wealthy people are only willing to pay 90 real currency for one game currency.

Xiao Wang felt sad and said: "Oh, I can't help it. This game has become very popular, and many people want to come in and play. Fortunately, the production speed of VR helmets cannot keep up, and the number of entries is limited. Otherwise, the game currency will depreciate. Even more powerful."

An Ran couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this, thinking that maybe she should sell her stocks.

She bought it at the end of September, and now it is the end of January. It has been four months outside and more than a year has passed in the game. Although the two major oil-producing countries are still fighting recently, they have been fighting for more than a year and are gradually getting tired. Although she didn’t know when to stop, after all, she didn’t remember this, but the stock has almost risen now, she should sell it, and then exchange it for real currency, and continue to buy VR helmets, so as not to continue to use game currency. If it depreciates, not only will she not make money, she will also lose money.

So soon, Enron sold all the stocks in his hands, exchanged them all for real currency, and bought a helmet.

Her wealth now is completely different from what she had a few months ago. There are too many game coins - after the stock turnover, there are tens of millions - fortunately there are still many people in the market who want to buy game coins, and she still sells them smoothly. When I got out, I suddenly had a net worth of several hundred million.

With such a huge amount of money, it is unrealistic to buy a gaming helmet online. Fortunately, Enron had already prepared for it. He knew that the personal income tax alone would be scary if he spent so much money, so he set up a company a long time ago. After a while, all the money will go into the company account, and then I will buy helmets and stockpile them for sale - the game is still very popular right now, and there are still many ordinary people who don’t know about this game, so the price of gaming helmets has not gone up to the sky yet. After half a year, ordinary people will Now that she knows about this game and it is popular all over the world, the price of this gaming helmet will reach its peak, and she will sell it when the time comes.

With this money, she will have no problem buying life-prolonging pills in the future, and it is not just one pill, but one pill every thirty years. In that case, in the future, her life span will be longer in the real world. longer.

Yes, the longevity pill not only makes people live longer in the game, but also affects people outside the game. This is something I only heard people say before the original person passed away.

Nowadays, many people, like Xiao Wang and Xiao Zhang, have no interest in buying longevity pills. However, what they don’t know is that this longevity pill can not only keep people young in the game, but also make people in real life, Delaying brain aging and keeping the brain healthy can greatly reduce many problems caused by cranial nerves. In this way, a healthy brain will naturally make many people live longer. After all, the brain controls the entire body and is the center of the body. , the brain is fine, it is always a good thing for the body.

An Ran doesn't know what this means, but people can use VR helmets to connect human brain nerves and enter the holographic world. It is estimated that this effect is also achieved through this connection.

Therefore, if there is any medicine in the world that can prolong life, the longevity pill in this game is undoubtedly one of them.

After this discovery, many people will try their best to buy one. After all, many people in this world still want to live longer, especially the rich and powerful.

Many people are even looking forward to the development of medicine. If they live longer, maybe the legendary medicine that can really extend life will have a miracle, so as long as there is a chance to extend their life a little, they will naturally Everyone has to fight for it.

With so much money and being able to buy many life-prolonging pills, An Ran felt relieved and secretly thought, if he could live to be one hundred and twenty years old, excluding his current life span, he could still live to be one hundred years old. In the game If you only eat one pill every thirty years, you can live for four hundred years. If you want to eat one pill every thirty years, you will need at least thirteen pills, which is 1.3 billion. And the money she makes now is enough to buy it.

What's more, with such a long lifespan, you can definitely make more money in the game. After all, many people have retired from the stage of history because their lifespan has expired. If you are still alive, your wealth will continue to accumulate, and snowballing is not something you can make. When you get more money, you don’t have to worry about running out of money to buy longevity pills.

Seeing that the matter of longevity pills was solved under his own swift operation, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief and could do other things with peace of mind.

Now when An Ran eats at school, he no longer takes turns eating meat buns, vegetable buns, and only eats once in a while to improve his declining nutritional status. Instead, he eats meals that are well-mixed, delicious, and can extend his lifespan, although they are expensive. point, but it will not shorten the life span, from the average life span of eighty people to more than seventy or even more than sixty - many players who do heavy physical work have said that their life span has been reduced to more than seventy, and it is still declining.

But because they feel that they can’t earn 100 million to buy life-extending pills, they don’t care even if their life span is declining. They just want to make more money and exchange it for real currency. Fortunately, they can live a good life in reality. When the life span is up in the future, the big deal Just create another account, it's not like reality, they will really die, they are not afraid at all.

——Of course, that’s what they think now. When they can’t play the game for a year in the future, they won’t think so anymore. They will regret that they didn’t make so many money-making opportunities when they first joined the game. The longevity pill is at a disadvantage.

Also, if the game's health is severely damaged, although the life span may only be reduced to more than 60 years old, when you reach more than 50 years old, your income will not keep up with the medical expenses. At that time, you will have to cancel your account in advance and practice again. Frequent Cutting off your account and practicing again means you have to be unable to play games for a year. This is something that people who are addicted to games in the future will not be able to bear. So later on, those who can't save the longevity elixir don't dare to waste their health, so they can live longer. Sometimes, the interval between cutting off the account and re-training can also be longer. After all, if one lives twenty years longer than others in the game, it is equivalent to playing for five more years in reality before cutting off the account and re-training. In this way, people may I have to cut my number and practice again every ten years, but I can do it once every fifteen years. How great.

An Ran was still drawing sketches on the street to make money that day. Suddenly, a prompt popped up in the game, saying that she had drawn tens of thousands of sketches for others. After appraisal, her drawings had reached a professional level. Can she start her first career? --painter.

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