Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1587 Demon Concubine 16

As a result, it was discovered that although Concubine Zhang was slightly put on weight, she was definitely not ugly. On the contrary, the slight put on weight now made her look plump, plump and charming, and she seemed even more beautiful than before! She didn't look old at all, let alone ugly. It was obvious that many of these newly favored concubines were younger than An Ran, but looking at their complexions, they were not as gorgeous as An Ran. They were simply overshadowed by An Ran's beauty.

Not to mention An Ran's methods, Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't possibly get tired of An Ran just because she was like this.

So the concubines, except for two of them who were pregnant, couldn't help but feel discouraged, knowing that it was impossible for them to become the new favorite concubines.

Of course, not everyone is discouraged. For example, the two who are pregnant now are not discouraged. They think that they are also pregnant. It is a blessing to An Ran to be pregnant. It is her turn to sleep with her and she is pregnant. Otherwise, she will be pregnant. Zhang Anran's attitude of pampering her after giving birth would make it difficult for them to get pregnant again in the future.

If it's Concubine Zhang, oh no, Concubine Zhang has a good body and can get pregnant often. Then they can always get some soup to drink when she is pregnant. But the scary thing is that Concubine Zhang's body is not easy to conceive. God knows in the future. When can I get pregnant? In this case, if she has not fallen out of favor and is still as doting as before, they will not even be able to drink soup in the future. Therefore, they are not lucky enough to catch up and get pregnant, regardless of From now on, whether they are men or women, they will finally have a foothold, which is better than those who have no children and are lonely.

That is, there is danger in the palace. How many people have been killed during pregnancy before. They should pay attention to their safety and not be harmed again.

However, after Emperor Yuanfeng was furious and dealt with Concubine Liu, Concubine Cao and Concubine Wang, it is estimated that she will be safer recently.

This is true. In the past, if two people were pregnant, there would be bloodshed, but now, Emperor Yuanfeng is afraid of it, and there are far fewer troublemakers.

Of course, it is mainly those who are not pregnant. Except for a few who are particularly jealous of those who are pregnant, they are generally not as afraid of pregnant people as those who already have princes.

The most important thing is that those who already have a prince are afraid. After all, although An Ran has a prince, it seems that the throne cannot be fought. The emperor may give the throne to Zhang Anran's son, but who knows what will happen until the last moment. situation, so people with princes naturally don't want to see someone new getting pregnant.

Fortunately, three of the concubines of the four princes have been removed, leaving only one, and this one is also frightened by the previous ones. It is better to be ready to stop for the time being.

Therefore, these two pregnant people have caught up with the good time and are expected to give birth to their children smoothly.

And An Ran became the imperial concubine, and the Zhang family was naturally happy.

However, although they were happy when their status was high, they were not as happy as when An Ran gave birth to a prince. After all, with a prince, their status was not worth anything. On the contrary, no matter how high their status was, without a prince, they would not be as happy as they were. It will only be a temporary glory, and in the future it will be thrown into the dust by other concubines who have princes, and then the princes become great treasures - the Zhang family doesn't know that even if Anran doesn't have a prince, it won't be where they want it to be, so it's like this Thought.

Now that there is a prince, I think such a thing will not happen. After all, judging from An Ran's favor, it should not be a problem for the prince to be established as a prince; even if he cannot be established as a prince, it is at least better than not having a prince. After all, there is a prince. , at least he has the ability to compete. Without the prince, sooner or later he will be in despair.

And as An Ran gave birth to a prince and was promoted to an imperial concubine, the Zhang family became more and more popular, and the family became prosperous.

Fortunately, An Ran had been in confinement for a long time, and when the Zhang family came to visit, she reminded them that after she gave birth to the prince, the Zhang family might become even more heated and popular, and more people might come to flatter her, which would make her more popular. They should keep their heads clear and don't let others praise them too much, and don't do anything wrong.

So although being flattered by others was a bit arrogant at this time, because of An Ran's previous instructions and the fact that Zhang's mother, Zhang's father and others were still fresh in their memories of being relegated to hardship more than ten years ago, they could still control their emotions and not be too arrogant. So high, and at the same time, he also discourages girls, boys, new wives, etc. at home who have never experienced the pain of being relegated, and tells them not to be too arrogant outside.

Because there are more sober people at home, the Zhang family is relatively stable.

An Ran is not afraid that the Zhang family will not be able to stay awake in the end, because Zhang's father and Zhang's mother are getting older every year. They suffered a lot in the exile more than ten years ago and are not in good health. It is estimated that they will not need much. Years, he might pass away. By then, two old people will pass away. If any of the children of the Zhang family are unscrupulous, she will handle it. Is there anything else to be afraid of? If something happens to the emperor's wife, she will handle it the same way. She will naturally do the same in the future. , it is difficult to deal with parents, but it is not so inconvenient for brothers and even nephews.

But he said that just as everyone thought, An Ran did not fall out of favor after giving birth. Emperor Yuanfeng still favored her exclusively. On the contrary, those concubines who were favored during An Ran's pregnancy gradually fell out of favor.

It's no wonder that Emperor Yuanfeng didn't go to the other concubines very often. Since Anran had not fallen out of favor and Emperor Yuanfeng often came to Anran, then how could he still have time to visit the other concubines? After all, Emperor Yuanfeng is now older and cannot summon his concubines to his bed every day like he did when he was a young man, usually only about ten times a month. Although he comes to An Ran almost every day, he does not ask An Ran to sleep with him every day. , many times, they come to see the children.

Originally, there were not many days to recruit people to serve as bed attendants, and they often went to An Ran's place. How many days could others take their turn?

What Emperor Yuanfeng didn't know was that An Ran didn't have sex with him at all, but just used the dream trick on him to make him think he had done it.

And because he didn't really have sex with An Ran, he only had sex occasionally when he went to other concubines, and these times were very few, so in fact, even if An Ran didn't help him recuperate, his energy would be full and his body would be able to. Very well maintained.

Those newly favored concubines who were favored during Anran's pregnancy couldn't help but feel angry when they saw that Anran had given birth and was ready to sleep with them. They couldn't help but feel angry, thinking about Zhang Anran. No wonder the adults in the previous dynasty said she was a witch. Concubine, it’s true, if it weren’t for the enchanting concubine, why would she be almost thirty years old and still have a child? Logically speaking, she should have become ugly and fallen out of favor. However, she could continue to be favored, but young concubines like them still fell out of favor. Pampered? After all, according to normal circumstances, it shouldn't be the older ones who fall out of favor, but the younger ones who gain favor. Why is it different when it comes to Zhang Anran? What is it if it's not a demon concubine?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but secretly cheer for the former ministers, thinking, hurry up and impeach Zhang Anran a few more times! Their chance came when the ministers of the previous dynasty put pressure on His Majesty and forced him to deal with Zhang Anran.

Not to mention, I wonder if their prayers have come true. Recently, the voices of the ministers in charge of impeaching Zhang Anran have really become louder and louder.

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