Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1588 Demon Concubine 17

The disgraced concubines were overjoyed when they heard that many ministers were impeaching Concubine Zhang Huang, and they quickly sent people to find out why the former ministers had recently begun to impeach Zhang Anran again.

Not long after, I heard the palace maids and eunuchs come back and said that it was always dry outside recently. Many ministers said that this was a warning from God who was angry because the emperor favored the demon concubine. Your majesty should be considerate of the people. He should immediately issue an edict to punish himself and then deal with Concubine Zhang Huang.

When the disgraced concubines heard this report, they couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that these ministers are really powerful. This reason is so powerful. When the natural disaster cannot be controlled, the emperor will have no choice but to operate on Concubine Zhang Huang. After all, How can a woman compare to the people's support? In order to stabilize the people's support, she must do this. Emperors in history often did this kind of thing.

If the emperor gives Concubine Zhang a white silk ribbon, and Concubine Zhang is no longer in the palace, the situation will definitely return to what it was before. Thinking of this, can they not be overjoyed?

Unlike the concubines in the palace who were overjoyed, this wave of impeachment made the Zhang family panic again and become even more low-key.

You should know that An Ran has been pampered for a long time, but some young people in the family still don't listen to the opinions of their elders and feel that they don't have to live like a cowards. After all, they have a pampered concubine at home, so why should they be so cowardly?

It's okay now. So many people are impeaching the Zhang family. In addition, they are frightened by the adults, saying that they should be careful when doing things outside, so as not to be tricked and framed by the Zhang family. When the time comes, the empress will not be able to control it. She will be tricked by them. They were tired and would be relegated to a miserable place again. They were also frightened, so they kept a low profile again.

Therefore, this wave of impeachment is also good for the Zhang family. At least it serves as a warning and makes some people who are a little arrogant restrain themselves.

But the elders of the Zhang family were overly worried.

At first, Emperor Yuanfeng didn't take the ministers' impeachment seriously. He just treated their impeachment as nonsense as usual and just ignored it.

Seeing that there were more and more impeachments, and this matter was mentioned in court, he was so annoyed that Emperor Yuanfeng became rebellious. When he went to court, he saw that the ministers mentioned this matter again, and he couldn't help but get angry. He was so angry that he banged the table in the court and roared angrily, saying: "You people who don't eat corpses have the nerve to say that the imperial concubine is a demon concubine. God gave me a warning to cause a severe drought in the world! I think God gave you a warning to it is true!"

"As early as when the imperial concubine was pregnant, the imperial concubine said that after reading history, we saw that since ancient times, there have been natural disasters of various sizes every year. In ten or twenty years, there will often be major disasters. It is said that sea trade has made some money, so why not Build more reservoirs and canals. In the dry season, the reservoirs can store water and the canals can facilitate irrigation. In the flood season, the canals can facilitate drainage and prevent waterlogging. When the weather is good, we can collect more grain at a higher price and stock up on it. In preparation for disaster years, when the weather is good, the price of food for the common people will always be kept very low. On behalf of the court, we take action and purchase it at a high price, which is also a good thing for the common people. I was thinking at the time that the imperial concubine was pregnant and I wanted to pay for her belly. The child here is doing good deeds, so I did as she asked, and I didn’t expect that it will actually come in handy now, so I don’t have to worry about the current severe drought.”

"As for you, you can't achieve anything. You only know how to fight for power and profit all day long. You can't even solve the empty national treasury. It was because the imperial concubine said to go overseas to make some money that I had some money. I built reservoirs and canals and bought food to prevent natural disasters. I We are also preparing to provide tax exemptions to severely affected areas so that the people will not starve to death, but have you done anything practical under such a disaster? No, you only know howling in the court, saying that I should not pamper the emperor. Concubine, if I deal with the concubine, it seems that if I deal with the concubine, the drought will stop immediately. If I really deal with the concubine, the drought will not stop immediately, how dare you give my concubine Buried with her? If you dare to give this guarantee, I will issue an order to deal with the imperial concubine now!"

"On the contrary, if the imperial concubine hadn't allowed me to make some money from overseas, in such a big disaster, the national treasury cannot be short of money, and the court cannot function without money. I am afraid that not only will I not be able to avoid taxes, nor will I be able to open warehouses to release grain for disaster relief, but also We need to increase taxes in order to maintain the operation of the court and provide salaries to those of you who are living without food. You are not even as good as my royal concubine, but you have the nerve to call her a demon concubine! Look at yourselves, are you worthy?"

"I have only one request for you now, just don't cause trouble for me, and restrain your family members. Who dares to make a fortune at this time, deliberately hoarding food, and just wait for the drought to reach a certain level to sell it at a high price? I will let him Go home and eat old corn."

In fact, Emperor Yuanfeng originally didn't want others to know that An Ran told him this, because he wanted to take the credit for himself, but he couldn't stand a bunch of pig teammates starting a fight, so Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't help but say He came out, and the more he talked, the more angry he became. He felt that no one in the world was more capable than the imperial concubine. No, it was not that he was more capable, but that the imperial concubine always thought about him. As for these ministers, it was not that they were incompetent, but they were just , they used their abilities in intrigues and fights for power and gain. They only thought about themselves and did not think about sharing the worries of the emperor, so they appeared to be more incompetent than the imperial concubine.

Those ministers had never thought that Emperor Yuanfeng had already prepared for the severe drought, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Of course they can continue howling, and the drought will be resolved by beating the imperial concubine to death.

But... if the imperial concubine is really tortured to death, the drought does not stop, and the emperor goes crazy, I'm afraid he will really let them be buried with them. They don't want high-ranking officials and generous salaries, so how can they be buried with a woman? They don't have Crazy, so no one shouted anything at the moment.

However, some people secretly thought, no wonder Emperor Yuanfeng’s plan to regulate sea trade was originally Concubine Zhang’s idea? Before that, Emperor Yuanfeng became smarter and was able to suppress the situation in the court. The master they had never found couldn't be... Concubine Zhang Huang who helped him give advice, right?

It's really possible to say that.

Seeing that the domestic situation cannot be solved, those who can think of ways to survive through sea trade, earn a lot of money, build reservoirs and canals, stockpile food for disaster preparedness, and tax exemptions, I am afraid they really have such ability!

If Concubine Zhang Huang has such ability, then... it is a bad thing. After all, they have been targeting her before. I am afraid that she has hated them long ago, otherwise she would not have opened up sea trade in order to break the situation. Now Okay, let her develop. It would not be good if it were targeted at them one day.

But now that Emperor Yuanfeng had tasted the benefits of sea trade, he couldn't find any reason to object. After all, not only was this something that Emperor Yuanfeng could not agree to, but the fleets would not agree either.

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