Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1589 Demon Concubine 18

If there was only one fleet, it would be better. It would be destroyed as soon as it was said to be destroyed, but the key point is that Dazhou now has ten fleets! How many stakeholders must there be among these officers and soldiers? If they wanted to attack Zhang Anran and prevent the development of sea trade, without Emperor Yuanfeng taking action, these navy would probably tear them apart for profit!

I had never thought about this before, but now that I think about it more deeply, the more I think about it, the less I dare to think about it. Secretly, if this multi-faceted flowering was arranged by Concubine Zhang Huang, then she must have considered it at the time. Once someone opposes it, the more fleets she has, the more power she will have. The bigger they get, the less they dare to do anything?

If she had really thought about it at that time, she would be so smart that she was not someone they could fight with!

But... can a woman consider so much? In reality, I have never seen any woman so capable.

No matter what the ministers in the court thought, in short, after Emperor Yuanfeng said this, the ministers finally shut up and did not dare to say anything anymore. However, their fear of An Ran became more and more serious. Many people Get together and discuss the matter and how to deal with it.

Not to mention the reaction of the ministers, only the reaction of the concubines in the harem.

Hearing that Emperor Yuanfeng said that Concubine Zhang asked him to make money from sea trade, and Concubine Zhang asked him to build reservoirs and canals, etc. Except for a few smart people, they knew that if Emperor Yuanfeng really did it, Emperor Yuanfeng would not be able to use his own money. The credit goes to others, so I'm afraid that what Emperor Yuanfeng said is really true. Most people don't believe it at all. They just think that Emperor Yuanfeng deliberately put his own credit on Concubine Zhang in order to keep the concubine.

Thinking of this, the concubines couldn't help but feel sour in their hearts, thinking about His Majesty's eyes, why do you like Zhang Anran so much? He actually helped her make a contribution. After all, they are still younger than her. How can such an old woman be so good?

Therefore, it is no wonder that the former ministers said that Zhang Anran was a demon concubine. This would confuse people. Could it be that she was not a demon concubine?

Although they thought so, they couldn't do anything about it because they had no energy at all. Maybe their family members had some energy in the court, but this time the ministers were suppressed by Emperor Yuanfeng, and there was nothing they could do about it, so They could only watch the severe drought outside, but they couldn't make a fuss about it and bring down Zhang Anran.

When the Zhang family heard that Emperor Yuanfeng said that these measures were all done by their girls, they couldn't help but be stunned, thinking, are their girls so powerful? Why don't you feel it?

But that's right, she was still very young when they were relegated and left the capital.

It is normal for someone who entered a complex place like the palace at such a young age to become such a calculating person.

——Of course, they automatically ignored why others in the palace did not become so powerful.

However, since the girl was so powerful, they naturally felt a lot more relaxed. You know, they had always been afraid that the girl was incapable and would not be able to survive in the palace.

But when it came to repairing reservoirs, canals, buying grain, etc., Emperor Yuanfeng naturally asked his own people to do it. He did not go to the ministers in the court to do it for fear that not only would they not help him, but they might also do it. What's the stumbling block?

Although it was done by Emperor Yuanfeng's own people, An Ran still didn't trust the efficiency of those people, and this was the most important thing. It was the most critical factor related to whether the disaster could be controlled in the future and whether the turmoil could be stopped, but Qian Qian There must be no mistakes, so she asked her father to help her find out the information.

As soon as he heard that this was to accumulate virtue for his grandson, Zhang's father inquired carefully and quickly collected the information for An Ran.

So it would be good if Zhang's father didn't become an official in the court. At least he would have time to help her get information. If Zhang's father were an official in the court, he would have to scheming in the court every day, and then he would have to complete his job. How could he have free time to help her? She asked for information.

Besides, she only believed in Zhang's father. She didn't say that they were a family. She only said that their interests were closely tied together. That was enough.

After Zhang's father's investigation, An Ran found that most of the reservoirs, canals, and grain hoarding operations were successful, and only a small number of them were deceived. He couldn't help but feel relieved at the moment, and secretly seemed to get rid of those ministers in the DPRK who were only interested in their own interests. , Emperor Yuanfeng's confidants are still somewhat reliable. Of course, this is also because the staff that Emperor Yuanfeng hired were mostly eunuchs in the palace. These people's glory is all tied to Emperor Yuanfeng, but they are not efficient in their work. Yuanfeng The emperor immediately pulled the people out and chopped them off, and no ministers would beg for mercy on their behalf, so he acted more honestly.

Of course, Emperor Yuanfeng used eunuchs to work for him, which naturally led to unanimous criticism from the court ministers, calling them eunuchs. Together with An Ran, the demon concubine, they are all evildoers in "When a country is about to perish, there must be evildoers." In short, In their eyes, eunuchs and An Ran are not good people. Only those who collect business taxes will cry and howl to persuade the emperor not to compete with the people (that is, them) for profit. It is best not to do anything in business or how rich they are. The good people are the adults who cannot collect a penny from them.

Because things were done fairly well, when the drought became more severe, things did not continue to deteriorate like they did in the original world.

According to An Ran's discussion with Emperor Yuanfeng, at the beginning of the drought, only water from the reservoir would be released for irrigation; when the drought continued to worsen, tax exemptions would be given; when the drought worsened, the stored grain would be used to sell affordable grain to the people. .

In order to prevent wealthy people from rushing to buy cheap grain and causing this measure to be ineffective, Enron told Emperor Yuanfeng about the planned economy in the real world and asked him to imitate it.

These sets of measures were taken together and the situation was quickly stabilized. Of course, this was mainly because of another measure.

It turned out that at the beginning of the severe drought, Emperor Yuanfeng adopted An Ran's advice and mobilized those who could not survive to immigrate, giving each person ten taels of silver to settle down.

This may not be attractive to those with families, but it is attractive to those who are single. They think they won’t have enough to eat here anyway, so they might as well go out and have a look.

And these bachelors are often the main force in future rebellions. After mobilizing them away, the remaining people have cheap food sold by the court and don't have to pay taxes. Although life is a bit difficult, they can survive at least. Compared with the original world, there was a severe drought, and there was no food to begin with, and then there were heavy taxes, and finally the people were forced to survive, so it was much better to rebel.

So although there were sporadic restless people who wanted to cause trouble, except for those who were ambitious, most of the people did not follow blindly because their lives were still going well, so they basically controlled the situation.

This means that Emperor Yuanfeng made some money through sea trade, otherwise he would not be able to provide food, settlement allowance of ten taels per person, or even tax exemption, so it is good to have money.

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