Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1591 Demon Concubine 20

However, for the time being, Emperor Yuanfeng is still the emperor and still has power, so he can't offend him.

Of course, they didn't even know that Emperor Yuanfeng was in good health and his lifespan would not be short. Although they could know Emperor Yuanfeng's physical condition from the imperial physician, they only looked at Emperor Yuanfeng's age and would not tell him about it. Since Emperor Yuanfeng was in good health, they felt that he would definitely live to be seventy or eighty years old. Anyway, Emperor Yuanfeng was over fifty years old, so they had to prepare.

Without An Ran, their plan would be right, because Emperor Yuanfeng might not live to be seventy or eighty years old. However, with An Ran as a variable, they are destined to be disappointed.

However, the Zhang family did not know the situation. Seeing that the struggle for relegation in the court was becoming increasingly fierce, they could not help but worry. On this day, Zhang's mother asked An Ran on behalf of Zhang's father and others: "Your Majesty...haven't you thought about making the fifth prince the prince? "

Thinking about it in the Zhang family, Emperor Yuanfeng doted on An Ran so much, so he should have wanted to make the fifth prince the crown prince. Why hasn't he done so yet? Let others jump up and down, which makes people anxious.

An Ran said: "The prince is still so young, how can he bypass the older prince and make him the prince now? Even if His Majesty is willing, the ministers in the previous court will not be willing."

After hearing this, Zhang's mother couldn't help but said anxiously: "What should we do? Does the empress know? Now other families are having activities, is our family also..."

An Ran waved her hand and said: "No, just stay there and don't get involved in those..."

"But other families are active, but our family is not active, and His Majesty does not take the initiative to appoint the fifth prince as the crown prince. What if other families take the lead?..." Zhang's mother thought that An Ran did not know the complexity of the current situation. I want to explain the seriousness.

An Ran said: "I will handle this matter, you don't have to worry." Seeing what Zhang's mother wanted to say, she said: "You should also know the abilities of brother and father. Back then, because they had no ability, they accidentally got involved in party disputes. , something happened, and now you still dare to take the initiative to get involved in such a dangerous matter as seizing a banishment? Aren't you afraid that something will happen again?"

Zhang's mother also knew that her husband and son were incapable, but she still whispered in a low voice: "This is not for you."

"Don't worry, His Majesty is still in good health. Now is not the time to worry about these things. On the contrary, if you worry about it and let Your Majesty know about it, Your Majesty will feel that everyone is looking forward to his death, and I'm afraid he will be unhappy. Instead, It's not beautiful. You are also an elder and should understand this idea." An Ran said.

Zhang's mother was shocked when she heard this. Indeed, if her children were looking forward to her death, she would definitely not be happy.

At that moment, he couldn't help but understand what An Ran meant, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Since the queen said that your majesty is in good health, I will believe you and won't take any action for the time being."

An Ran nodded and said, "That's exactly what it should be."

She doesn't want the Zhang family to be involved in these things at all, because they are pig teammates. Not only will they not have a good effect, but on the contrary, if they are allowed to do these things, they will become her weakness and hold her back, so it is better to Let them stay quietly, and then Emperor Yuanfeng will see that other families are making trouble, and only his own family is honest, and his impression will be better.

An Ran thought well. Ever since she persuaded the Zhang family not to mess around and stay quiet, Emperor Yuanfeng occasionally sent people to inquire about the situation of several families, and she became more and more kind to An Ran. She felt that he was right. , inside and outside the palace, only the imperial concubine was his only confidant. She was the one who was really good to him. She took care of his worries and was not busy with his son's accession to the throne. Others were only good to him because of his position. Yes, I secretly hope that he will die.

——Don’t say that, in fact, when it comes to truth, this is indeed the case.

While it is getting better for Enron, it is getting worse for others.

Especially looking at Concubine Liu, the more he looked at her, the more displeased he became. Thinking about Concubine Liu, she had no children and was old. He thought she was honest and reliable, so he gave her the fourth prince to raise. As a result, How long has it been since he was raised? He has developed ambitions. He dances blindly with that group of people and wants to compete for the throne.

what! The glory she had only depended on him, and she turned around and looked forward to his death so that she could become the Queen Mother. She was so beautiful! No one should be the queen mother, and she would not be allowed to do so to a white-eyed wolf like her!

With this idea in mind, although the more he looked at Concubine Liu, the more he disliked her, but Emperor Yuanfeng did not find any reason to abolish her and deprive her of the right to raise the fourth prince. Instead, he allowed her to die and wanted to see her in the future. Unable to fulfill one's wish, despair.

Obviously, when Concubine Liu was asked to raise the fourth prince, how grateful she was at that time. She said she was satisfied if she could raise the fourth prince. When he let people adopt the fourth prince, many women in the palace were worried. She had said such words and expressed such an attitude, but after Concubine Liu actually adopted the fourth prince, she was only honest for a year or two, and then she slowly broke her promise, her ambitions grew, and she was no longer satisfied.

Sometimes he didn't quite understand what these women thought. They said they would be satisfied if they could adopt the fourth prince, but she was not satisfied after he let her adopt him. She was really greedy.

Obviously, as long as she is honest, he will make the fourth son a prince in the future even if he does not make him the prince. She will also be the prince's mother-in-law in the future. She can enjoy glory and wealth for a lifetime, but she has to take risks to fight for it. I don’t know what they think about the throne or the queen mother. Aren’t they saying that women don’t like to take risks? Well, logically speaking, it is enough to be a prince and concubine without taking any risks. How come one or two of them are so bold as to participate in the fight for relegation?

But he doesn't understand women.

It is true that women do not like to take risks, but there is a psychology that can put the fear of taking risks far behind, that is, women's jealousy and comparison psychology.

Unfortunately, Concubine Liu is obviously such a person.

Concubine Liu has not been very favored since she entered the palace, otherwise she would not have only been granted the title of concubine. Even this concubine position was because her father and brother were doing well in the court and were rewarded by Emperor Yuanfeng.

When she entered the palace, she was not very favored. After the original body became the favored one, she really fell out of favor completely.

Outsiders thought she was very honest and reliable, but they didn't know that she was actually very jealous of the favored concubines. Of course, the one she was most jealous of was undoubtedly the original person, who is now An Ran. She had imagined countless times in her mind that she would be rich. How to deal with these favored concubines, especially An Ran.

It's just that she is not favored, so there is nothing she can do. And because she is not favored, she can develop an honest and reliable personality. She thinks that she is not favored anyway, so it will not be a bad thing to develop such a personality.

Sure enough, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. She has always maintained this kind of personality. When Emperor Yuanfeng wanted to find someone to raise the fourth prince, she attracted Emperor Yuanfeng because of her reputation as always being honest and reliable. She was allowed to raise the fourth prince, and those who only knew how to compete for favor were excluded by Emperor Yuanfeng.

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