Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1592 Demon Concubine 21

Concubine Liu couldn't help but be overjoyed when she became the concubine of the fourth prince. She felt that her opportunity had come, so she was not satisfied with her future status as prince and concubine. She would naturally participate in the fight for the throne, thinking that one day If he succeeds, he can trample on An Ran and the concubines who were once more favored than him.

Emperor Yuanfeng thought she was honest and reliable, but he didn't expect her to be honest and reliable. It was just a persona she put on out of desperation, which was not her true nature at all. So at this time, he naturally wondered why this woman changed so quickly. In fact, she didn't. Changed, it was just that he looked away.

Concubine Liu naturally didn't know that her current behavior had ruined her previous image of being an honest and reliable person, and angered Emperor Yuanfeng. Emperor Yuanfeng would not appoint the fourth prince as the prince even if he made him the prince. She can't realize her wish; she will even try to live longer, trying to let her die before she can, so that she can't even become a prince and concubine, and has been living in the palace like a life of neither death nor life.

If you want to know, maybe she will be honest, of course, maybe not, because she will think like those ministers, Emperor Yuanfeng will not live that long, and she has to fight for it.

An Ran was not interested in caring about the petty thoughts of Emperor Yuanfeng and the concubines in the harem. She had many things to worry about now, such as the severe drought in the world and the affairs of Song Yuwen and others. She had no time to care about those unimportant things.

When Zhang's mother went into the palace to visit An Ran as usual, An Ran asked her about the situation outside.

"How is the situation in several drought-stricken areas? Has it rained? Are the tax exemptions and food distribution going well? But somewhere has it happened that His Majesty's tax exemption and food distribution have not been conveyed to the public, and then the people cannot survive. , what caused a commotion?"

Because frequent correspondence with the harem is not a good idea, now An Ran sometimes directly asks Zhang's mother, Mrs. Zhang and others, asking Zhang's father to directly bring in the insignificant information they have investigated; the important things are brought in directly. Write to her.

At this time, Zhang's mother listened to her inquiry and said: "Don't worry, Madam, it has rained recently in some dry areas. Although it is not very heavy, I heard that the reservoir built by your Majesty has accumulated some water, and it is estimated that it will be able to If we hold on for a while, the tax exemption and food distribution issues will be progressing very well, and there will be less room for confusion, so there will be less room for trouble."

An Ran nodded, knowing that it was impossible not to fool him at all, as long as there were fewer places to fool him and fewer people making trouble.

At that moment, An Ran said: "Tell my father, brother and younger brothers that we must keep an eye on these things for a long time, lest His Majesty's kindness is not passed on, causing the people's life to be difficult and causing big troubles, which we cannot bear."

Although An Ran had said these words a long time ago, he would continue to tell them every time he met them, lest they would forget or not take them to heart after not saying them a few times.

Zhang's mother and Mrs. Zhang's sisters-in-law have been repeatedly told clearly by An Ran, Zhang's father and others for a while. They know that it would not be a good thing for the Zhang family if chaos breaks out outside, so they have always listened to what An Ran said. So after listening to An Ran's repeated words, he didn't dare to take it seriously and said hurriedly: "That's natural. Everyone in the family knows the seriousness of the matter and has been sending people to keep an eye on it. Your father is very busy now. Receiving news from all over the place, I feel even busier than before when I was an official!"

This is true. When Zhang's father was an official in the past, he was an official in the Buddhist lineage. He would do whatever the superiors told him to do. After he finished it, he would drink tea with others and discuss poetry. The day passed like this.

But now, ever since I took over several things assigned by Enron, I haven't had a day off. I have to receive news from various places every day, and then I have to give new instructions to various places in accordance with Enron's instructions.

The only good thing is that his daughter is capable and she gives the instructions. He only has to execute them, and he doesn't have to worry about how to do them.

——In fact, they are mainly ordinary people who inquire about information. An Ran can just recruit people according to conventional methods. Therefore, given Zhang's father's ability, as long as he is willing to obey, An Ran can operate in the palace.

But those who need to spy on Song Yuwen and others' illegal and criminal information are not something ordinary people can do. How to get this group of people, where to get it, An Ran doesn't have a charter yet, there is no way, she is in the palace, It’s really hard to find people to do things when you’re not outside.

In fact, it is not that there are no capable eunuchs in the palace. After inspections over the years, she has selected some capable and loyal eunuchs and kept them at her side. She just... let these people investigate Song Yuwen, Ding Song and others...

How was she going to explain to them why she suddenly wanted to investigate these people for no reason?

It's not a good explanation. If among them there are those who are more loyal to the emperor than to themselves, and tell the emperor about his suspicious movements, the emperor should not think that he has created a green grassland for him.

Therefore, even if you want to use the capable and loyal eunuchs you have selected over the years, you must have the opportunity, and you cannot suddenly let them do these things.

Things outside the palace have not been settled yet, and there is something going on inside the palace today.

However, An Ran used his spiritual consciousness to inquire about the situation in the palace as a routine that day, only to find that Concubine Liu was in the palace of Concubine Gao, the mother of the sixth prince, discussing matters with herself and Concubine Song, the mother of the third prince.

"Sister, I think it's impossible for us not to join forces. We can't compare to Concubine Zhang Huang in terms of favor; we can't compare to Concubine Song in terms of family background. It doesn't matter what we want. If we don't join forces and fight with each other, we will definitely be defeated by them. The two of them cleaned up one by one, I think this is not what my sister wants to see, right?" Concubine Liu said after the screen retreated, she went straight to the topic.

Concubine Liu had been in the palace for a long time, and Concubine Gao came in later. Concubine Liu was more than ten years older than Concubine Gao, so she called herself this way.

Seeing what Concubine Liu said so sincerely, Concubine Gao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Sister is right, we have to join forces."

An Ran saw that Concubine Liu wanted to join forces with Concubine Gao, and she could also understand why Concubine Liu asked Concubine Gao to cooperate instead of Concubine Song, the mother of the third prince. The reason was very simple. After Concubine Liu discussed with the capable eunuchs and nuns around her, she felt that The sixth prince was still too young to be afraid, but the third prince was very old and very threatening, so he asked the sixth prince's mother, Concubine Gao, to cooperate. As for An Ran, as the biggest threat, he was naturally not considered. middle.

As for whether the cooperation was successful and An Ran and the third prince's mother and concubine were killed, she was not afraid of whether the sixth prince's mother and concubine would betray her. Dealing with one was better than dealing with several. It was always profitable.

As for why Concubine Gao agreed to cooperate with Concubine Liu, it's even simpler - Concubine Gao's child is still so young, and she is not favored by her. If the court wants to establish a prince, her child is currently the most unlikely. Therefore, if she cooperates with Concubine Liu, If Concubine Liu cooperates and can get rid of the third and fifth princes, her child's chances of becoming emperor will increase, so this cooperation is also a good thing for her.

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