Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1601 Demon Concubine 30

Seeing his mother like this, the third prince was also afraid that his father would really kill his mother as his mother said, and then her mother would suffer, so he stopped and stopped trying to persuade her.

After Concubine Song left, her confidants, eunuchs and maids, one or two, couldn't help hanging beams or hitting pillars. Coupled with the screams and cries, the scene was really terrible. The third prince couldn't bear this. She yelled and ran out of Concubine Song's palace.

He didn't run far before he met Emperor Yuanfeng.

Emperor Yuanfeng felt a fire in his heart when he saw the third prince.

Don't blame him for being so angry. After all, the reason why Concubine Song did this was to support the third prince to come to power. In other words, the third prince had competing interests with him and was his potential enemy, so Emperor Yuanfeng saw it now. The third prince didn't feel the affection between father and son at all. He felt as if he saw a gangster who wanted to take his last bite. With a command, he was arrested.

It's no wonder that Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't feel the father-son affection between him and the third prince. He thought that the third prince, a son, was disobedient and unfilial, and had no father-son affection for him. He still wanted him to be a loving father. ?

It is easy to understand why the third prince is said to be disobedient and unfilial and has no father-son affection towards him.

Because if the third prince had any father-son affection for him, such a thing would not have happened - if he had no idea about the throne and had a little respect for his father, he could have dissuaded Concubine Song when she did such a thing. , but he did not dissuade him and allowed the Song family to do those things, which shows that he has no father-son affection for him at all.

Since he has no father-son affection for him first, don't blame him for not caring about father-son affection now.

After taking care of the third prince, Emperor Yuanfeng asked people to inquire about Concubine Song and several other princes.

I heard that Concubine Song was very foresight and saw that the situation was not good, so she committed suicide. Emperor Yuanfeng was very depressed. After all, he hated this leader to death. As a result, she died, which naturally made Emperor Yuanfeng unhappy. .

Then I heard that the sixth prince and his son were in trouble because they were together, but the fourth prince was not suitable to live together because he was old and not Concubine Liu's biological child. He lived in the prince's residence, and Concubine Song finally went crazy. At that time, I couldn't care about that, so I was still alive.

There is also Concubine Zhang and her son, who are still alive because the palace doors are closed.

In addition, the eldest prince and the second prince in the city were originally watched by soldiers from Yunzhou. Because the natural punishment came so suddenly, the soldiers were busy running for their lives and did not have time to kill them.

So in this incident, only the Sixth Prince and his son were unlucky, and everything else was fine.

After Emperor Yuanfeng was done with it, he went to see An Ran.

When An Ran saw Emperor Yuanfeng, he couldn't help but pretend to sob - it would be awkward not to cry when such a big event happened - and said: "Fortunately, your Majesty is fine, otherwise we would have died too... Wuwuwuwu... When His Majesty didn't come back on time that day, I felt that something was wrong and sent someone to inquire. As a result, Concubine Song led people to surround the palace gate. I couldn't even get out. I have been worried about Your Majesty until today. Your Majesty is back and the Imperial Guards have fled, so I have the opportunity to send people out to inquire about the news. Only then do I know that God has blessed me, and Your Majesty has shown great power and repelled those rebellious officials and traitors. It is really God's blessing."

Emperor Yuanfeng heard An Ran say that he sent people to look for him, but Concubine Song sent people to besiege the palace and could not get out. He believed it because not only An Ran said it himself, but someone from the Imperial Guard also confirmed it, saying that Concubine Zhang Huang was indeed Someone was sent out to take a look, but they were stopped when they reached the palace gate.

Because he heard that An Ran was worried about his safety and came out to look for him, Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He patted An Ran's hand and said, "Among the people in the palace, only my beloved concubine cares about me. Everyone else is thinking about how to rob me." The throne, they don't care about my life and death at all. They always talk about how I love you so much, but they never thought that if my wife hadn't been so good to me, would I have loved my wife so much. What you said about God's blessing is true. This time I will do it. Unless God bless me, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back to see you."

In fact, he still had something to say.

He had never believed in the existence of ghosts and gods in the sky before, but now it seems that they still exist. In the future, he will have to accumulate virtue and do good deeds so as not to do bad things and not be punished when he reaches heaven one day.

So after that, Emperor Yuanfeng became much better than before and no longer killed innocent people indiscriminately, which was An Ran's unexpected joy after doing this.

After listening to Emperor Yuanfeng's words, An Ran said: "Everything about me is given by Your Majesty. Isn't it right to care about Your Majesty? If you don't care, wouldn't you be a wolf-hearted person?"

Emperor Yuanfeng sneered "Hey" and said: "Don't tell me, how many such wolf-hearted people are there? There are Concubine Liu and others in the front, and Concubine Song in the back. Which one takes me to heart? All of them only have the throne in their hearts, but if they have me in their hearts, they will never do such a thing!"

Emperor Yuanfeng took some time to rest in An Ran, and when he was well, he went to deal with the palace change.

Needless to say, Song Yuwen was executed by Ling Chi; his subordinates Ding Song and others were also killed and exiled. Anyway, those who participated in the palace coup did not get a good deal, allowing An Ran to successfully complete the task.

The third prince, as Concubine Song thought, Emperor Yuanfeng did not kill him, but because he was different from the eldest prince and the second prince back then, most of them did not know what their mother and concubine did. Yes, even if they knew it, at least they didn't do it themselves, and they only harmed the concubines and heirs, not Emperor Yuanfeng himself, so Emperor Yuanfeng didn't do much with them.

But the third prince not only knew what his mother-in-law wanted to do, but did not stop him, more importantly, the person he touched was Emperor Yuanfeng, so Emperor Yuanfeng would not treat him lightly, and treated him like the eldest prince. Like the second prince, he was given the title of a county prince and released, but he was directly demoted to a commoner and imprisoned in the Huai'en Palace, which was used to imprison the royal family, so that he could reflect on it.

Although he was imprisoned and demoted to a commoner, he survived in the end. Thinking about the death of his mother and concubine, and the execution of his entire family, he was not dead now, so that was okay, so he was satisfied.

In fact, such a serious crime would have implicated the nine tribes, but because Emperor Yuanfeng thought of the gods, except for the people of the Song family who were involved in the matter, the people who were not involved were not dealt with. Otherwise, if the nine tribes were killed, people would not be able to do it. Know how much to die.

Not to mention Emperor Yuanfeng's handling of palace affairs.

But he said Zhang family.

As the mother-in-law of An Ran, the Zhang family was naturally on the list of people surrounded by the Song family this time.

However, just like the First Prince's Mansion and the Second Prince's Mansion, following Song Yuwen's defeat, Yunzhou officers and soldiers were busy running for their lives, so they stopped causing trouble to them and allowed them to get through safely.

In fact, An Ran had been paying attention to them and wanted to rescue them if they were in danger. However, because there was no danger, he just let the situation develop naturally.

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