Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1602 Demon Concubine 31

Although he didn't die, the Zhang family was frightened.

They didn't know that An Ran had magical powers. They thought that their family had a big family, so they were frightened. There were only two An Ran, mother and son, and they were more dangerous in the palace. They were afraid that they would be even more frightened. So when the crisis was over, Zhang On behalf of the Zhang family, her mother hurried into the palace to visit An Ran, hoping to comfort her.

Zhang's mother said: "Your Majesty is also frightened, right? Well, we also wanted to enter the palace to help our Majesty, but the soldiers in Yunzhou were very powerful and surrounded our house. We couldn't enter the palace no matter what. You are all worried to death, afraid that the Song family will do something bad to you."

They also know that if An Ran and her son are favored, if the Song family really becomes emperor, the first person they will deal with will definitely be their daughter and her son, so it is false to say that they are not worried.

An Ran said: "Of course I was worried too. Fortunately, His Majesty the Gods protected us and he came back quickly to save us, so I didn't worry for long. Is everything okay at home?"

An Ran naturally knew that nothing was wrong at home. After all, she had been paying attention to the situation there and was ready to see if there was anything to be saved. However, she didn't seem to know on the surface, so she naturally had to ask.

Zhang's mother nodded and said, "It's okay. It's all a blessing from His Majesty."

Then he added: "But after what happened this time, your father and your brother were also frightened, so they discussed recruiting more servants in the future. Although it costs a lot of money to raise servants, it is safer after all." Otherwise, if something like this happens again, there won’t even be anyone to resist, and it will all depend on luck. If we don’t have such good luck next time, it won’t work.”

Naturally, An Ran would not object, and immediately said: "You guys go ahead and do it. If the money is not enough, you can get it from me."

Mother Zhang hurriedly waved her hands and refused, "No, no, no, the palace has given me rewards from time to time over the years, and my family has bought a lot of land. Now the annual income, plus salary, etc., is enough to cover expenses."

In addition, there is gray income, which is even more sufficient - although the Zhang family will not accept bribes, as a favorite concubine's mother's family, there are always people who are fawning and pay tribute by giving them three years and two years of life. This is a lot of money, so Zhang My family has bought a lot of land over the years, and we can still afford to raise a family.

Of course, the main reason is that the Zhang family does not spend much money, otherwise no matter how much money they have, it will not be enough.

The Zhang family felt relieved when they saw that An Ran and her son were fine.

The most unhappy person about this palace change was naturally Emperor Yuanfeng, but there were also some who were happy. This person was none other than Concubine Liu, who had been controlled by Concubine Song before, and who was sure to end badly in the future.

Originally, she was so controlled by Concubine Song that she thought she had no chance to succeed. As a result, Concubine Song committed suicide. Now, no one knows that she had ever thought of harming Concubine Song. She is free again. From now on, she will Her son can continue to compete for the big treasure, and there is one less competitor - the sixth prince and his mother-in-law Gao Fei - so can she be unhappy?

——She didn't know at this moment that Emperor Yuanfeng would never let her son become emperor because he hated her. Otherwise, even if he was happy to be out of Concubine Song's control and survive, he wouldn't be so happy.

After clearing Song Yuwen and his men, An Ran breathed a sigh of relief, because at this point, the mission was almost completed. Next, as long as he can maintain the current situation and prevent anything bad from happening to himself and his original family , I think this task is completed.

Now that the task is almost completed, An Ran stops working so hard and begins to enter a state of retirement. If things can be left to the people below, let them do it, and it will not be so hard for him.

Fortunately, in the past few years, An Ran had already gathered a group of good and reliable people through spiritual observation, so even if he relaxed, the palace affairs would not be handled in a mess.

After this battle, Emperor Yuanfeng saved his life because of An Ran, but the trauma in his heart could not be healed. His suspicion and illness became more serious. Even towards An Ran, whom he trusted the most, he still had reservations. .

Fortunately, the gods allowed him to kill less people. Otherwise, he would have killed many people due to his paranoia.

An Ran can also understand this kind of mental state. If it were her, after being treated like this, she would probably become suspicious and always feel that everyone in the world wants to harm her.

The same thing as Emperor Yuanfeng's suspicion was that he was lazy in government affairs.

It seems that this palace change has exhausted all his energy and energy. Now he just wants to eat, drink and have fun, and no longer wants to worry about political affairs.

Fortunately, the drought has ended, and the sea trade business is on the right track. Even if he does not continue to be enthusiastic about development, as long as he maintains it and does not make wrong decisions, he can still do well.

So when An Ran had free time, she supervised the situation at Haimao to prevent Emperor Yuanfeng from going crazy and making wrong decisions, which would ruin her hard work.

An Ran did not use spiritual power to interfere with Emperor Yuanfeng's indulgence in singing, because she knew that in Emperor Yuanfeng's heart, she was still the most trustworthy. This cleared up his doubts. After all, since he wanted to indulge in vocal music, it would be easy to be discovered if he forcibly stopped it.

And because An Ran did not control Emperor Yuanfeng, Emperor Yuanfeng was old and indulged in vocal music, so his body soon collapsed.

Fortunately, when he occasionally came to An Ran's place, An Ran would help him heal himself, otherwise he would have been finished long ago.

Even so, within three years, Emperor Yuanfeng began to become seriously ill.

At this time, Emperor Yuanfeng did not want to establish a prince.

The older a person gets, the more suspicious they become, fearing that if they establish a prince or the country has a heir, they will not care about his life or death.

So he just refused to stand, so everyone had no hope and could only wait for him to die.

And he was still thinking about what happened last time, thinking that God was blessing him. He was seriously ill last time and recovered, but he might not be able to recover this time? So why should we establish a prince?

Don't say, no matter whether it is good or not, Emperor Yuanfeng himself and outsiders all have this idea.

Because the last time Emperor Yuanfeng was seriously ill and finally recovered, Concubine Song and others died due to misjudgment of the situation, so this time Emperor Yuanfeng was seriously ill again and no one dared to do anything because of what happened three years ago.

Just when Emperor Yuanfeng thought that he could live another five hundred years, and those ministers thought that Emperor Yuanfeng would get better like last time, Emperor Yuanfeng died that day.

Like when all emperors who have not established a prince pass away, when people learn that the emperor has passed away, their first reaction is not to bury the emperor, but to rush to seize the throne.

Except for the third prince who had become a commoner, the eldest prince, second prince, and fourth prince all took action at this moment.

Although they did not dare to take action before Emperor Yuanfeng died like last time, they were already prepared.

Only An Ran stood firm and motionless.

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