Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1609 True and False Princess 2

"Ah, it's General Luo's team! We are saved!" someone cheered.

As if to confirm this statement, the pursuers behind seemed to have stopped and retreated.

An Ran felt that the danger was receding, so she stopped with her numb legs.

I looked up and saw a group of about 500 cavalrymen coming in front, holding a flag with the word "Luo". I guess it was General Luo's group that those people were talking about just now.

At that moment, someone came forward and said: "We are the people in distress who were kidnapped to the Uzbek Kingdom last year. We took advantage of the opportunity to escape today. We need General Lao to inform General Luo on our behalf that our team..."

The man glanced at An Ran and the others, especially at An Ran deeply, and then said: "There are the princes and princes from various families in the capital, and there is also Princess Fu'an who was born to Queen Zhang."

After hearing what this man said, the leader of the team said, "Okay! Come with us."

While An Ran followed the crowd towards the team, he began to check the memory of the original person.

Her original name was Li Anran, a princess of Qi State and her mother was Queen Zhang.

Originally, with such a noble status, she should have lived a noble life in the peaceful court.

But, it's a pity that she is a subjugated princess.

The state of Qi valued culture over military affairs. Even with the large Hu state of Wu in the north, its military preparedness was lax and it was often harassed by the state of Wu. This time it was even more frightening. The state of Qi went south and actually broke through the royal capital, including the princess and the county. Nearly four thousand people including the master, concubines, and noble ladies from the capital were taken captive, and many people were raped along the way.

It was difficult for these four thousand slender girls to reach the Kingdom of Wu, let alone receive such inhuman treatment. So by the time they arrived at the court of the King of Wu, only less than half and more than half were left, just like that. What a waste.

This is not the end of the suffering.

The leader of the Wu Kingdom distributed these noble girls who had not been tortured to death to his generals and some royal families. These noble girls who were supposed to be rich and noble, married to the sons of high families as their wives, and enjoyed the wealth and honor of the world, became like this. The concubines of the generals and the royal family - official wives were impossible, after all, they were used to humiliate Daqi - and were tortured from time to time.

The original body was also rewarded to a great king and struggled to survive.

This time the opportunity came by chance, and the Wu State gathered at the border again, preparing to continue to attack the lingering Qi State.

The original body was taken with him, not because the king loved her, but because he knew she was a princess and was prepared to see if she could come in handy at a critical moment.

Along with them, there were other men and women who were brought to Wu State when the capital of Qi State was conquered.

The reason why the escape was successful this time was because one of them was able - the person who just spoke - gathered everyone and led everyone to escape while the Wu people were out hunting.

Some men and women who yearned for their homeland, or who could no longer bear the torture, responded to his call and ran away.

In the original world, some people managed to escape, but obviously the original ones who could not run were not included.

The original person was not able to run like An Ran, so he was captured.

After being captured, he naturally suffered some more torture, and then lived a hard life in the north for several years. Until Qi had a new king, and Hou Qi was established on the other side of the river. The civil strife was calmed down, and the situation gradually stabilized. The two countries A peace treaty was signed, so they, the princesses, princesses and other noble ladies who were kidnapped to the north, as well as the new emperor's mother Su Fei and other concubines, were released alive and willing to come back.

Most of the princesses, princesses and other noble girls who had a bad life have returned. They were not married before. Although they were abused by barbarians there, they were considered second marriages and remarries at most, and it was not very serious. This is because although the world is not very friendly to women, it has not reached the level of cannibalism in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is okay for women to marry a second time and remarry.

But most of the concubines or princesses, even if their lives were not good, did not choose to come back, because they were the concubines of the late emperor, as well as the concubines of other princes, etc., and they had husbands. It stands to reason that when they were kidnapped and raped, , they should commit suicide to save their lives with their full names, rather than survive and come back when they are better now. After all, based on their experience in the north, if they come back, it will make it difficult for their children or husbands to live, unlike those who have never been married. Although some people will criticize those noble girls in the country, even if it is difficult to get married after they come back, at least the princesses and princesses will have enfeoffments, and their life will be much easier. In short, it will be better than being a concubine in Uzbekistan. Don't be strong.

And because Concubine Su was the mother of the new emperor, she would be able to become the Queen Mother when she returned and enjoy the highest status, splendor and wealth of any woman in the world, so she was naturally willing to come back, so she came back.

But in order to survive, Concubine Su was kidnapped by the Wu Kingdom and divided among various generals and queens. She succumbed and became the concubine of King Zuodu. Unfortunately, she was also divided by the King of Wu Kingdom. Gave it to King Zuodu.

At that time, in order to live a better life in Hu Di, Concubine Su often flattered her and asked for favors. Her ugly behavior was seen by her original body.

Although the original person had no choice but to be rewarded to King Zuodu, although he was defiled, he did not show favors and favors, so his life was naturally very poor.

Now that she has gone back, Concubine Su naturally does not want to have any acquaintances to go back to, so she talks about her ugly appearance in Hu Di to avoid being scolded or laughed at by others, so seeing that her original husband who shared the same husband with her can also go back, she feels in her heart Worried that she would talk nonsense when she went back, he came up with a vicious plan and found a palace maid who looked similar to the original person to pretend to be the original person. When the original person returned, because there were two princesses, and because all the palace people who knew the princess back then were She was almost dead, and she had grown again. She was different from when she was a child. Everyone didn't know which princess was real and which was fake, so they asked Concubine Su, who was familiar with them, to come out and identify her. Concubine Su identified her and said , the original person was a fake, and the palace maid was the real one, so the original person was beheaded by the new emperor and abandoned.

In fact, Su Fei's flattery and favors in Wu Kingdom were excusable in An Ran's view and not worth mentioning. After all, in order to survive, as long as people did not harm others, no matter what they did, it was not something worthy of criticism.

But in order to cover up this, she later used a trick to kill the original person, which was an unforgivable crime.

The original person encountered this life, first the country was destroyed and humiliated, and then she finally returned to her mother country, but was killed by the Empress Dowager Su. Naturally, she felt resentful, so she made a wish to the system, asking capable people to avenge her, and then let her live this life Those who can live a peaceful and happy life will not be like her life, which was very hard and difficult, and she was killed in the end.

In the real world, An Ran seemed to have heard stories about real and fake princesses that happened in history, but she didn't expect that this parallel world also had such stories. She also remembered the previous stories similar to the Dream of Red Mansions, and An Ran couldn't help but secretly thought, it's really like a flower, a world. , one tree, one bodhi, there are similar stories everywhere.

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