Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1610 True and False Princess 3

In the world of the original body, others cannot recognize the original body. That is because many years have passed, and the original body has grown and looks very different from before. Even if it is an acquaintance, it is not possible to recognize it, let alone there are no acquaintances. Only in this way can Empress Dowager Su succeed.

But now, An Ran has successfully escaped. In less than a year, An Ran has not changed much, and she escaped with these young masters. They can all testify that she is indeed a princess, so now Xu When Qian (the person who just spoke) said this, no one doubted it, and someone immediately went to report it.

After the announcement, General Luo came out to greet her and welcomed her, other young masters, princes, etc. in politely.

General Luo is a young general in his early thirties. Of course, according to the average life expectancy of people in this era, he may be considered middle-aged.

He is heroic, cheerful and generous, and he is a person who makes people get close to him at first sight.

An Ran could tell that he was still very polite to them, which was normal, because in his original memory, this man was a loyal minister who had been committed to regaining the north.

Since they are loyal ministers, they naturally still have the idea of ​​superiority and inferiority in their hearts towards these princes and princesses, so they will be very polite and normal.

Although he is a loyal minister, because of the current chaos in the Central Plains, his supplies are not very rich. If he wants to support the army, he cannot afford to support these dozen princes, princes and princesses. He is also afraid that neglecting them will make them unhappy. It would be bad to remember his kindness as well as his hatred. In addition, most of these people were not used to the poor life in the army, so soon after the meeting, they agreed to General Luo's proposal. , after a few days of rest and their energy recovered, they sent someone to take them across the river to the south. Now the nobles of the aristocratic families are there, safe and sound - at least the people at the lower level are safe, but the higher-ups are busy fighting for power, because If you are not on the right team, someone may die.

After discussing it, General Luo immediately sent people to arrange for more than a dozen nobles to wait on them to bathe, change clothes, and prepare meals.

These people are very particular and cannot be arranged in this way. It is for this reason that General Luo planned to send them back, otherwise he would not be able to serve them.

At that time, there were dozens of people who ran away together, but only a dozen of them escaped, and among them, only An Ran was a woman. This shows the low success rate, so Xu Qian asked people to run away, but many people were unwilling to run away. It's normal. After all, if you don't succeed, catching it back will be another torture.

Now that everyone had taken a bath, changed clothes, and had a meal, they had recovered and could not help but gather together to talk, specifically about what to do after crossing the river and going to the south.

"If nothing else, we have gone through adversity together. When we go to the south, we must unite," Xu Qian said.

The others couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

This escape was planned by Xu Qian. This man still had some ability. Now that he had successfully escaped, everyone was naturally convinced of him. So when he said this, everyone naturally agreed, including one of the princes who nodded.

Naturally, this prince is not the son of his original father, but a member of the clan. The clan of this dynasty has no power, but has a distinguished status, so he is not the leader now. On the contrary, Xu Qian is the leader, and it is normal that he still listens to him.

As the only woman and a princess, An Ran did not express her opinion, and Xu Qian did not force her to express her opinion. He probably thought that although An Ran was a princess, she was humiliated in the north and did not die. If she went to the south, her future fate was unknown, so it was unclear whether she expressed her opinion or not. never mind.

After gathering, these people went to do their own things.

The ambitious people inquired about the situation of defending the city, while the unambitious people visited this important frontline town so that they could brag about it when they went to the south.

An Ran hid in the house and began to practice martial arts.

She discovered that this body could not cultivate spiritual power or spiritual power, but could only practice martial arts, so she started practicing martial arts. When she left in a few days, not to mention how much internal strength she had gained, at least after practicing, she was much better than before. .

Except for eating, she had been hiding in the house. Others didn't pay attention to her. They just thought that she had suffered too much humiliation and shock in the north and was unwilling to come out.

Before General Luo could send them away, three days later, news came from the front line that the Wu army had gathered under Gu'an City, and it looked like a war was about to begin.

It turned out that because of this escape, the people in Wu State were very angry, so they decided to attack Gu'an City and knock it down to vent their anger.

Because the original person was with the army at the time, although he was put under custody after being captured, he still has memories of this war.

The reason why she has the memory is because the Wu Kingdom suffered a defeat this time and failed to capture Gu'an City, which made her feel particularly happy. She wished that her mother country would kill all these beasts.

It's a pity... General Luo is indeed very capable. He has blocked the enemy outside the Gu'an line so that the rear can fight for power with confidence.

It can be said that the new emperor can successfully succeed to the throne, thanks to General Luo blocking the front. Otherwise, if General Luo fails, the Gu'an Line is lost, and the enemy keeps fighting forward, the new emperor will not be in the mood to succeed at all; even thanks to General Luo was blocking the front line, and the Uzbek army was unable to advance, so he agreed to peace talks. Otherwise, if he could keep fighting across the river, Uzbekistan would be a fool to negotiate with you.

If such a person can lead, what will happen?

After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he was afraid that General Luo would really defeat the Wu Kingdom and bring back the still alive Supreme Emperor in the Wu Kingdom. After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, the previous emperor who was still alive, his father, was The Supreme Emperor - influenced his position, and later made plans with others to frame General Luo and kill his entire family.

So there was a reason why An Ran didn't express his position when Xu Qian said they wanted to unite when they returned, because although this Xu Qian was somewhat capable,... he was the one who would conspire with the new emperor to kill General Luo in the future.

Of course, in the original memory, he was the one who killed General Luo, and the new emperor is a white lotus.

But An Ran felt that whether this new emperor was very similar to a certain emperor in the real world or not, just by thinking about it for a moment, An Ran knew that Xu Qian could not handle this tragedy alone. If the emperor had not had that idea , is impossible. After all, from the perspective of who benefits the most and who has the most motive, it is obvious that killing General Luo will benefit the new emperor the most. It can prevent General Luo from really destroying the Wu Kingdom and welcoming the Supreme Emperor back to him. unfavorable.

Regardless of whether he is the mastermind or not, if he can do such a thing, Enron will naturally not agree with him.

Knowing that General Luo would win this battle, An Ran was not worried and still hid in the house to practice.

On the other hand, the dozen or so people who had escaped from the Wu Kingdom had little confidence in General Luo when they heard that the Wu Kingdom was attacking again. They were afraid that the Wu Kingdom would break through Gu'an City and they would be kidnapped again. This time If they were kidnapped again, they would be killed by the other party. Thinking of that outcome, these people were scared to death, so they strongly demanded that they be sent away now.

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