Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1617 The real and fake princess 10

An Ran was able to divide the land, which was also due to the fact that the land in the north has basically become an ownerless land - the owners of the land have either fled to the south, been killed, or have long been deserted due to years of war.

In the last mission world, An Ran always wanted to equalize the land, but it was not easy to do so.

But now that the north is deserted and uninhabited, she can only do this.

According to the modern model, Enron nationalized all the land, and then delegated management rights to the common people. One person was allocated three acres - there were many fields, but the population was small. Three acres per person could be divided - no use within three acres. Taxes are only payable on land with more than three acres. No matter whether common people or officials or gentry, they all pay taxes.

At the same time, in order to prevent land annexation from happening again, which has caused many people to become landless farmers and have no livelihood, buying and selling is prohibited. If you don't want to farm, you can rent it to others, but you can't buy or sell, because the ownership is in the hands of the state.

An Ran's measures would definitely not be possible in the south, but because the north has become a no-man's land, she can do it easily.

And this policy can also dig holes for the new emperor in the south - if he wants to fight against himself in the future, it will be fine if he doesn't win. Even if he wins, he needs to take back these lands and make the people have to pay taxes for farming in the future. People will lose their support in an instant. On the contrary, if the new emperor wants to attack, these people who have enjoyed the beautiful policies will no longer be able to accept it and will actively resist. The morale of the new emperor is definitely not something that the people of the new emperor can withstand.

And because of this policy, the common people burst out with great enthusiasm. They have been working hard to farm land in the past few months and have successfully harvested one round. Except for those who contracted a lot of land and paid taxes, most of them are cautious and fearful. A lot of land was contracted, but when the time came, the gods were not kind, and they did not make any money from farming. Instead, they suffered losses and could not pay taxes. The common people who only took their share of three acres of land per person harvested a lot of grain, and then did not give a grain of grain to the court. , got it all by themselves, and many people shed tears of happiness because of the long-lost harvest.

It was finally a good harvest. As soon as the harvest was put into the warehouse, the Uzbek people were about to attack. In fact, the Uzbek people also deliberately attacked at this time. They had heard the news about Anron's establishment of territory two months ago and deliberately waited until the autumn harvest. After it was over, they came here to fight, just to grab ready-made food that they didn't need to harvest. This made the people under An Ran's rule worried and angry, and they all hoped that Princess Fu'an could fight those people out. , so that they can continue to live a good life without paying taxes.

Not only did they think so, but the soldiers in the military camp also thought so.

These soldiers are all from good families. They were selected by An Ran from the millions of families under his rule. Everyone has a family behind them.

As early as when news came that Uzbekistan was about to attack, Enron asked the army's ideological staff to publicize the significance of this war to the soldiers.

"We must stop those barbarians, otherwise our family will be killed by them, and the food we just harvested will be robbed by them."

"You don't have to pay taxes to farm. Where can you find such good days? If we don't repel them, such good days will disappear. Don't forget, the princess said that we can go back after serving as soldiers for two years. Each person was given twenty acres of land (because there were fewer people and more land in the North, so the retirement subsidy was replaced by twenty acres of tax-free land. This would not only save the retirement settlement fee, but also better motivate the soldiers. After all, twenty (There are a lot of acres), these twenty acres are also tax-free, and there is no need to pay taxes. Where can such a good thing be found? How can we let those barbarians ruin our good life?"

"It's best to do your best and kill more enemies. The more you kill, the fewer people in Wu will be, and the safer we will be in the future."


As soon as these thoughts were conveyed, the emotions of the soldiers who were already angry with the Hu people were completely ignited, and their morale was instantly raised to the highest level. And according to the staff officers, even if they were defeated, they would not back down. , will move forward bravely, because they want to protect the good life they finally got.

But they said that in order to prevent General Luo, who was not far from Anran, from rushing to help Anran, the Wu people sent another army to attack Gu'an City to contain General Luo. In this way, Princess Fu'an, who had no one to help, in their view, It's definitely unbeatable.

It is normal to speculate like this, because in the past few months since Anran gathered the refugees and started to build the city, no decent forces have tried to attack her. Anran's team is more focused on attacking the bandits within the territory.

As a result, An Ran's soldiers have not been tempered by the fire of war and can only be regarded as new recruits.

In their opinion, can such a team that has only fought against bandits have a combat effectiveness comparable to that of the powerful cavalry like their Wu people? Isn't that a joke?

But... as soon as they arrived at the border under An Ran's rule, they encountered a strange castle - completely different from the square castles they had seen in the Central Plains before. This castle was angular and quite weird.

However, when they rushed to the city, they found that no matter where they attacked any point in the castle, they would be attacked by bows and arrows and catapults from several directions. They tried countless methods, but they just couldn't take down such a castle. Every corner of this castle , as hard to swallow as a hedgehog.

What makes them even more depressed is that there don't seem to be many people guarding the city. According to them, there are only two or three thousand people at most.

And they have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Two to three thousand people can defend the castle and cause them losses. Even General Luo, the general of Qi State, may not be able to do this. He actually let Duke Fu'an take charge. When it arrived, the people of Uzbekistan couldn't help but be surprised.

After fighting for ten days, they still failed to defeat them. Not only did they not defeat them, they also suffered heavy losses. Many people died. What's even worse is that if they continue to fight, they will not be able to hold it anymore. After all, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are extremely consumed. , they came from a long way, and felt that Anron was easy to fight, so they did not bring much food and grass. After ten days, the food and grass consumption was extremely heavy, and the surrounding area was desolate, and they could not find food even if they wanted to. I couldn't help but be anxious, thinking about how this Princess Fu'an built such a castle.

They didn't know about this castle. They grassland people like to live on horseback and don't know much about castles. However, they have received news that Princess Fu'an is said to like to build castles every time she expands her territory. They They thought it was because Princess Fu'an was a woman and timid, so she always built castles. The castles they built were no different from the Central Plains castles they had encountered before. They just used those siege tools to attack the city. Now it seems , they underestimated Princess Fu'an's castle. This castle whose shape they had never seen before was really difficult to fight.

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