Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1618 The real and fake princess 11

In fact, An Ran knew that this new team still had various shortcomings, so she used the traditional methods of forming a stronghold and fighting stupidly. Wherever she was in charge, every time she advanced some distance, she began to build star-shaped edges. Fort guard.

It happened that the refugees had just arrived, and many of them were penniless and could not survive at all. It was not appropriate to give money directly, so Enron recruited workers and asked them to build these bastions. Every time new people arrived, they asked them to help build the bastions and gave them Pay wages, and when they have money, they can live on.

This kind of bastion is different from traditional castles. No matter attacking any point of the castle, the attacker will be exposed to more than one bastion face (usually 2-3), and the defender can use cross fire. Multiple blows (from Internet information). In the era of cold weapons, such a castle was simply invincible. Unless it was an isolated city and the people inside would starve to death after being besieged for a long time, otherwise, there was nothing that could be done against such a castle. Therefore, the people of Wu State Their failure is certain because they have no food and grass and cannot survive.

And more importantly, when she builds this kind of bastion at regular intervals, it will make it more difficult for the enemy to advance - it will take ten days and a half to break it, and it will take a day and a half to break it. The myth of seventy cities is simply impossible, and it takes ten days and a half to build a bastion. He can't afford the food and population of Wu State, so unless they create thermal weapons, they will be safe. As soon as the bastion came out, these people were probably helpless.

In fact, not only the Wu people were surprised by the defensive capabilities of this bastion, but even the soldiers from Daqi were surprised. They really never thought that the princess insisted on letting them build such a weird castle. They even murmured, Why didn't Princess Andao build the traditional square one instead of building one like this? Now it seems that this castle is simply invincible. If we build such a fortress every time we expand some territory, we won't be afraid of the Wu people attacking at all. It will only cause the attacking Wu people to lose their troops, just like this time.

Those Wu people did not believe in evil. They had been attacking the city every day for the past ten days. They shot arrows downwards every day. They killed an unknown number of people and their shooting hands were sore.

The Wu people persisted for another five days, but finally they could no longer hold on and retreated.

Although the people of Wu State were defeated after attacking for half a month, the people of Qi State did not pursue them. Who told the princess that the most important thing is to preserve your strength. Unless you are sure of winning, you should not open the city gate easily to pursue, lest you originally If you win the battle, but are killed and wounded by the enemy, it is not good. The Uzbek people will always come to look for trouble anyway. As long as the opponent loses troops and generals every time they attack the city, that is enough. How can we kill them anyway? The enemy is not killed.

Those soldiers thought this was right. They also had families and children, so it was best not to take risks.

Defeating tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from the Wu Kingdom, this is a great thing. You must know that in the past few years, Qi and Wu have fought, and Qi has always lost more and won less. A draw is considered good, and it can be won easily like this. , really rare, made the people under An Ran's rule couldn't help but jump for joy, knowing that this kind of bastion was useful, so when the bastion was built later, everyone was even more enthusiastic.

Not to mention the people under An Ran's rule, who were happy to see that the Hu people were repelled, but General Luo couldn't help but be surprised when he heard that An Ran had repelled the Hu people. You must know that he was very worried before, but he was entangled by the Wu people. , couldn't be separated and sent troops to rescue, so I was afraid of hearing the news from An Ran, for fear that one day the news would come that Princess Fu'an's city was broken and she was captured by the barbarians again.

Unexpectedly, instead of hearing the news that Princess Fu'an was captured by the Hu people, there was news that the Hu people were driven away by Princess Fu'an. Can General Luo not be surprised by this?

"New style castle? What will it look like?" General Luo couldn't help but be surprised and curious when he saw the news sent by Captain Ye and others after he asked about the battle situation.

He couldn't feel it just by hearing people say it. General Luo thought that one day when he was free, he would go there and see for himself. If it was really good, he would do it in the same way. That way, it would be easier to defend the city. The pressure on him is much lighter. He only has to attack the enemy and doesn't have to worry about defending the city. This is great.

Not to mention that General Luo was curious, but when the south heard that Anran had repelled the attack of the black people, they couldn't help but be surprised. They thought about what kind of bad luck it was that Princess Fu'an's grass-roots team could actually defeat the black people? Is this black man the same black man they remembered who often beat them until they were crawling on the ground?

"General Luo must have secretly helped Princess Fu'an, that's for sure."

Because they couldn’t figure out the reason, and because they were thousands of miles apart and couldn’t communicate with each other, no one had seen the bastion with their own eyes and couldn’t imagine the combat effectiveness of the bastion. So everyone thought like this, even if they heard the news that General Luo didn’t help Anron. , don’t believe it.

Not to mention the surprise in the south, but on the other side of Wu State, they were surprised to hear that the people sent by King Zuodu returned with a great defeat, with more than a thousand casualties.

You know, in their imagination, there is only the difference between a big victory and a small victory, and there is no answer to failure. How could 10,000 soldiers and horses attack a grass-roots team that had only been established for a few months and be defeated in the end? Where to go?

The general also knew that his performance was a bit ugly, and he was afraid of being blamed by his superiors, so he began to exaggerate the terrifying degree of the bastion.

"No matter where they attack, the sons will be attacked from three or four directions. As a result, although they have few people defending the city, they can always defeat us and we can't fight back. That's why we were defeated so miserably. Of course, it's also the same as the last general. It's a bit related to underestimating the enemy. This time we know how powerful their castle is, and we no longer underestimate the enemy. I think if the prince sends people there again, we should be able to succeed." The general said.

He said this, but in his heart he felt that the other party would not succeed. The reason why he said this was just to reduce his punishment. He felt that if he sent people casually, he would not succeed, and the other party would also fail by then. , his punishment will be lighter. After all, if someone fails again and again, it means that the castle is really powerful. In this case, there is nothing to blame him.

King Zuodu heard what the other party said was so magical, and secretly thought, is this castle really so powerful?

It just so happened that winter was about to come, which was a difficult season for the Wu Kingdom, so King Zuodu thought that he would send someone to Princess Fu'an again. If they could capture it, the Wu Kingdom's cattle, sheep, and horses would be available. If the fodder is eaten, the people of Uzbekistan will also have food to eat and will not starve to death.

So after more than a month, the Uzbek people attacked again.

If the people of Qi were panicked last time when they heard that Wu State was attacking, then the people of Qi State were much calmer this time. Although some people evacuated to the rear like last time, there were far fewer people than last time.

Of course, the main reason is probably that they built a bastion in front again this time. The people on the front line are not considered the front line. At least there are several bastions blocking the front line, so they feel much safer.

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