Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1626 The real and fake princess 19

However, he said that as Anran's power further expanded and extended to the Wu Kingdom, the leader of the Wu Kingdom became more and more wary of Anran, even more wary of General Luo. After all, the man named Luo had been guarding the Gu'an line these years, and had She did not continue to expand her power. On the contrary, Princess Fu'an never stopped expanding. If she continues to expand like this, not only will the territory she occupied after wiping out Da Qi the last time be vomited out, but also the territory occupied by Da Qi in the past. , were about to be thrown away. The leader of Wu Kingdom obviously did not want to see such a situation, so he immediately summoned people to ask what to do about this matter.

Speaking of which, the leader of the Wu Kingdom began to regret it now. He complained that King Zuodu didn't know people well. He had been in close contact with Princess Fu'an for so long, but he didn't realize what kind of person she was. He should have known it earlier. As powerful as she is, you shouldn't let your guard down and let her run away.

When it comes to discussing ways to deal with Princess Fu'an, the whole country of Wu actually has no particularly effective way.

"In the past, we just couldn't break Princess Fu'an's castle. Now we can't even defeat her cavalry. How can we deal with her? What we have to worry about now is not how to deal with her, but how to prevent her from invading us. Although now she The area it occupies has not yet reached our traditional territory, but if it continues to develop like this, sooner or later, it will develop like this.”

"That's right! If you can't defeat it, it won't be easy to solve!" someone echoed. After all, the Black people believe in using force to solve problems. If it's scheming, they may still look down on it. But if the bastion is playing scheming, then they will directly confront them. If they can't beat them, it means they are stronger than them. Since they are stronger, what else can they do?

"Speaking of which, I still blame Zuo Du. If you hadn't realized how powerful Princess Fu'an was, you wouldn't have caused such a big trouble."

King Zuodu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard others complaining like this. The most terrifying thing was that not only others were complaining about him, he could feel it, but even the king was complaining about him. This made him feel uneasy, fearing that his future would not be ruined. If he really fell into the hands of Princess Fu'an, he would regret it very much. He did not kill Princess Fu'an at that time, but let down his guard and let her run away, although he regrets it now.

——What he was thinking about at this time was his own future. When he was beaten and fled in a hurry later, he would have no time to think about this.

After much discussion, no one had a way to defeat Princess Fu'an. The leader of the Wu Kingdom couldn't help but frown, and immediately said: "It seems... it's time to agree to the conditions proposed by the new emperor in the south. Zuodu, go back and bring the new emperor's mother Su She will find another job, and when the time is right, let her go back."

Naturally, it is impossible to let her go back now. After all, he still needs to hold her to threaten the new emperor.

The new emperor may not care about the Supreme Emperor, after all, it would be a threat to him to return, but he seems to be willing to care about his mother, so Concubine Su will naturally be a bargaining chip.

After hearing this, King Zuodu nodded and said, "Okay."

They had made a decision before and had made an agreement with the new emperor to let them take care of Princess Fu'an and General Luo, and they would put Concubine Su back at the right time and cover up Concubine Su's identity. They would not Embarrass the new emperor.

And because it is in the interests of Concubine Su and the new emperor to deal with Princess Fu'an and General Luo, they will agree to this condition.

Since they couldn't defeat Princess Fu'an, they had no choice but to find another way and kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Not to mention that the Wu Kingdom decided to cooperate with the new emperor in the south to attack Enron and General Luo, but after Enron's power expanded, some other northern forces fell a lot because most of the people under their rule fled, but some also learned from her bastion. After the technology, a bastion was built, and then she began to disobey what she said before, prohibiting the issuance of escape orders. If people were allowed to come freely, she began to prohibit people from escaping.

An Ran has never touched these northern forces and wants to use royal methods to deal with them automatically, but this does not mean that she can tolerate someone violating her proposal. After all, if no people escape, how can she use royal methods to unify the north.

Therefore, those who think that they dare to rebel if they have a bastion, they must attack it immediately so that others will not dare to follow suit.

So that day, An Ran sent troops to attack the Liu surname, the most stringent force that had escaped from the people's order, so as to scare the monkeys.

Hearing that An Ran came to beat him, the man named Liu was not worried at all. After all, hadn't he heard that the fortress couldn't be broken at all? So what is he worried about? He wanted to see if Princess Fu'an could invent this thing and break it!

Anyway, if it were him, even if he knew how to break it, he would not be stupid enough to use the method to break it, lest other people, like Wu Guoxue, would be disadvantageous to her in the future.

But seeing that Princess Fu'an didn't seem to be afraid and still sent troops to fight, I couldn't help but want to see how Princess Fu'an was going to fight.

Not only did the leader of that force want to see how An Ran could break through his bastion, the country of Wu in the north was also paying attention to this war. After all, if An Ran had a way to break through the bastion, then they could also use this method to break through An Ran in the future - -Although they can't defeat An Ran's army, no matter what, it's always good to learn how to break the fortress.

As a result... Enron did break through, but the method they had used before didn't work at all.

What Enron used was the siege method.

In fact, there are naturally other ways to break the bastion, but siege is one of the methods that consumes the least amount of troops.

But this method is useless against a behemoth like An Ran, because the enemy is besieging one of the fortresses. An Ran can mobilize troops from other places to fight against the besieged people to relieve the besieged people, but it is useless against someone named Liu who has no other strong soldiers to relieve the siege. A small force, but useful.

In particular, the forces surnamed Liu did not have much supplies. After more than three months, there was no food in the city. The people surnamed Liu could no longer hold on. They knew that if the siege continued, they would kill and eat everyone in the city. In the end, it was also the word "death", so he prepared to sneak away, but there were too many people besieging An Ran, and he was still discovered. Finally, he captured the man named Liu and cleaned up the man who jumped out and dared to sing against An Ran. .

After taking care of the man named Liu who owned the bastion, the other forces became more honest and no longer dared to rebel. They finally understood that even if they had a bastion, they could not protect them. Princess Fu'an could still take care of them. In this way, Can they be less honest to avoid being dealt with by Princess Fu'an?

The Wu Kingdom originally wanted to learn from An Ran, but they couldn't help but be disappointed when they saw that An Ran was using an old method. King Zuodu used this method last time, but it didn't work at all. In other words, they learned this method in vain. , in this case, isn’t it very disappointing?

The Wu Kingdom was disappointed that An Ran could not be solved by using force, so they finally made up their minds to implement the method they had discussed with Emperor Qi Xin to get rid of An Ran and General Luo.

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