Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1627 The real and fake princess 20

When the new emperor heard that Wu Guo had agreed to his proposal, he was overjoyed and naturally agreed immediately.

In the original world, just as the Wu Kingdom was not so quick to cooperate with the new emperor, the new emperor was not so quick to cooperate with the Wu Kingdom, because at that time, he was still waiting and watching, wanting to see if he could make the northern expedition to the Central Plains and regain the lost territory. In that case , he will be famous in history.

Of course, these things must be done after his father's death, so as not to regain the lost ground too early. His father's return would be detrimental to him.

But later, the Emperor refused to die. On the contrary, General Luo continued to fight more and more vigorously. He was afraid that one day General Luo would really regain the lost territory and bring the Emperor back, so he agreed to Wu Guo's proposal and brought his mother back. Come back and get rid of General Luo.

But now, in Enron's world, Enron is developing too fast. Although he blocks news in the south, there are still a lot of gossips circulating. For example, he is a prince, but he is not as good as the princess. The princess can still regain the lost territory. As for him, he only knew how to run south. When he was chased by the Wu Kingdom before, he didn't know how to fight back. He only knew how to beg the Wu Kingdom to let him live. It was too embarrassing. For example, there were many People are spreading the word about how great it is in the north. Each person is given three acres of land and does not have to pay taxes. This has caused many people to run away. Not only the people who originally came from the north have left, but also many people in the south who cannot survive. In the north, the population under his rule decreased rapidly, which made him want to issue an escape order, but he did not issue it because of his face.

——Actually, those gossips have to be spread by the common people themselves. Faced with the blockade and suppression of the New Emperor, no one dares to spread them. However, An Ran had already let the intelligence agencies infiltrate in the south, so the New Emperor blocked them even if they wanted to. The reason why people in the south can easily cross the river is naturally the result of the arrangements sent by Enron.

By then, the population in the south will be getting smaller and smaller, and it will not be able to support the exploitation of those aristocratic families. After all, how many dignitaries and nobles have gone to the south this time, and how many people will be needed to serve them and exploit them. Now there are more and more people. The less, the life will naturally become unbearable. An Ran is looking forward to what will happen then.

Because the situation in the south was very bad, rumors that were detrimental to him and rumors that were beneficial to Enron were flying everywhere. The new emperor had long wanted to deal with Anron, so when the new emperor saw that Wu Guo agreed to his proposal, he naturally agreed immediately. .

Now that the two parties have reached an agreement, Concubine Su changed her job to a laundry job in Huanyiyuan, saying it was laundry. However, since Wu Guo and the new emperor of Qi had reached an agreement, they would not embarrass Concubine Su in any way and would just hang around. In the name of doing laundry, when Concubine Su goes back in the future, she can also say that she lived a miserable life in Uzbekistan, doing laundry for others to earn sympathy points, but the fact is that she does not need to do laundry now and is very leisurely.

Not only did she not need to do laundry, but in order for Su Concubine to encourage the new emperor to quickly kill Princess Fu'an and others, Wu State also sent someone to wait on Su Concubine, telling her that as long as she handles things well, she will definitely have delicious food and drink. Keep her in mind, and they won't say anything when she returns to the south in the future; of course, if things don't go well...

Without the threat of the Wu people, Concubine Su knew what would happen to her if things went wrong. After all, no one would be kind to a useless person.

In fact, she doesn't need to be threatened by the Wu people. Just for her own reputation, she has to get things done.

Immediately, Concubine Su conveyed the meaning of the north to the new emperor.

Now that Wu Qi had reached an agreement, it was more convenient to spread the news, so the new emperor quickly received instructions from the north.

The new emperor had actually wanted to deal with Princess Fu'an for a long time, so that the people would not always say good things about her and make him incompetent at all. So now that he saw that Beifang also wanted to deal with her, he was ready to cooperate with Beifang and work together.

At that moment, the new emperor sent an order to Princess Fu'an, saying that he wanted to congratulate Princess Fu'an for regaining the lost territory in the north. However, as a girl who had reached the age of Huaxin, as an elder brother, he could not bear to see her continue to sacrifice for the country in the north and asked her to come back. , he will make her the Princess Protector of the Country, help her choose a good marriage, and let her get married with great splendor.

As for what to do with the lost territory recovered in the north, she didn't have to worry. Qi was full of talented people, and he would send capable people to take over.

The new emperor's order is high-sounding. The common people at the bottom who have little knowledge may think that the emperor is good and thinks that he is good to his sister. However, people with a little knowledge know that the new emperor's behavior is extremely shameless. Originally, there was chaos in the north before, and you escaped. Now that your sister has regained her lost ground, you want to pick peaches. Isn't this shameless?

In fact, the new emperor's order has two purposes. First, if Princess Fu'an listens to the order, it will naturally be the best. He will send people to take over the territory and regain the lost territory without doing anything. From now on, his reputation will be his. Isn’t it great to be famous in history? Second, if Princess Fu'an disobeys orders, then he can send troops to suppress the rebellion on the grounds that Princess Fu'an wants to cause separatism. If she dares to resist, then he can define Princess Fu'an as a rebel and call on the people of the world to do so. Everyone goes to beat her, including everyone in the world, including General Luo.

At that time, if General Luo obeys the order, it will be fine and let the two strong men kill each other. Then it will be best if both sides suffer losses; if he does not obey the order, then he can declare both of them rebels at the same time. Being able to deal with the two of them in an honest and fair manner can be said to have accomplished several things with one stone, so why not do it?

But he believed that Princess Fu'an would definitely not obey orders. After all, who wants to conquer a country by himself while others pick the fruits?

When she doesn't want to come back, he can directly declare her a traitor.

Therefore, whether Princess Fu'an receives the order or not, it will be beneficial to him - it is best not to receive the order. Then he can openly let General Luo attack Princess Fu'an. If General Luo does not attack, he will have an excuse to deal with it. General Luo, otherwise if Princess Fu'an agreed, he would still not be able to find a reason to deal with General Luo. Then he would have to think of ways to deal with General Luo in the future, which would waste his brain twice.

When this order was sent to An Ran, An Ran laughed.

If we have a lot of talents, we will lose the country with tens of millions of people. If we can't defeat less than a million people, it will be a shame! Forget it, except General Luo who is struggling to support himself in the north, everyone else has gone to the south?

She could say unceremoniously that in the entire Qi State, except for General Luo, who was considered a talented person, everyone else was incompetent and weak.

At that moment, An Ran brought this funny imperial edict to everyone for discussion and asked everyone what they thought.

When everyone saw this imperial edict, they were generally smart and capable people who could be promoted by An Ran to discuss things together, so they naturally understood what the new emperor meant by issuing this imperial edict. They couldn't help but become nervous at the moment, fearing that An Ran would be moved. , one or two people began to persuade An Ran not to pay attention.

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