Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1635 The real and fake princess 28

The Supreme Emperor actually kept his word and did not get involved in outside affairs.

Although there were some spies planted by the South who wanted to get close to him and sow discord, they were discovered and dealt with by An Ran every time before the matter happened. This caused the South to suffer heavy losses in manpower on An Ran's side, and An Ran saw it. I couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this was also a disguised form of encirclement and support. The Supreme Emperor was here, attracting countless spies to rush forward, allowing her to eliminate many, which was good.

After taking over the original territory of Uzbekistan, Enron also temporarily stopped its forward expansion.

Although there were some small countries in the desert ahead, they didn't cause any trouble for her. She was the king's master, so naturally she couldn't raise troops to invade the other side. Unless they cause her trouble one day in the future, she would continue to expand her power.

Now, the territory is large enough. In addition to the south, there are still some small forces in the north that have not been wiped out. In other places, all the places that Qi and Wu once ruled have been brought under her control. There is less territory to say. There are tens of millions of square kilometers, which is enough for the time being. The next step is to find a way to control the empire's tentacles over all the occupied land, instead of saying how big the territory is like the previous dynasties, but in fact many frontiers are There is no actual occupation, at least there are no large troops stationed at the border. There are only garrisons in places where there are intrusions from foreign enemies. In general places, just appoint a local as an official and that's it. Seriously speaking, it is not substantive rule at all, and what Enron wants to do is , which is substantive rule.

She has a way to do this. After all, whether it is modern or other worlds, there are homeworks for her to copy. She just needs to take some good methods and use them.

Let's not talk about An Ran's affairs, but say that after Wu Kingdom set off, Concubine Su and the fake princess thought they were just being forced to retreat by An Ran's army, instead of preparing to embark on the escape road, so they didn't take it seriously at first.

Until the Wu Kingdom crossed the border of Mobei and fled to the polar desert. Although it was not winter and the temperature was not bad, such a long journey was unbearable. So I couldn't help but start to inquire.

This inquiry was serious. Only then did Concubine Su and the fake princess know that Wu State felt that it could not defeat Princess Fu'an and was planning to give up its territory and flee further away.

When they heard the news, Concubine Su and the fake princess were frightened and anxious.

They were not used to living in the capital of Wu State, and felt that the living conditions were too poor, incomparable to the previous imperial capital of Qi State.

Now that they can't even live in Wu Kingdom and are planning to flee to the desert, can they stop being anxious? They didn't want to leave their hometown thousands of miles away to live in some desolate place, so the two of them, as well as other people from the original Qi country who got the news, all ran to beg the leader of the Wu country to let them back.

Can the leader of Wu Kingdom care about them? There must be servants to serve you on this journey. It is okay to serve as servants yourself, but it would be better to use Qi people as servants. Besides, there are few Uzbek people, and they have lost a lot in the war with Princess Fu'an in recent years. The population, which is in urgent need of population, will be able to establish themselves in a new place in the future, so how could the leader of the Uzbek country let them go.

Of course, the main reason was that Princess Fu'an didn't say she wanted those people back. If she had, he might not be willing to pay him a price.

But Princess Fu'an didn't say anything, so naturally he wouldn't let her go.

The main reason why An Ran did not bring those people back was because, according to the information she obtained, when Concubine Su contacted Emperor Jianfeng and spread rumors about herself, these people were the ones who helped. At that time, they all They thought that Emperor Jianfeng could rule the world. After all, they didn't believe that women could rule the world. In that case, they would be able to gain the advantage of being a slave to the dragon, so they did such a thing. An Ran did not let the leader of the Wu Kingdom kill such a person. It's not a bad idea to get rid of them, so how can we ask the leader of the Wu Kingdom to let them back and continue to live a good life?

However, An Ran once sent someone to ask those noble ladies of the Qi State who had not done anything to her if they were willing to come back. As a result, except for a few people, everyone else was unwilling to come back. Either they gave birth to a child there and did not want to leave the child, or they felt that the name was not good enough. The integrity has been ruined, and when I go back I will be criticized by others, and I will not be able to marry a good man, so I simply become a concubine in the country of Wu.

In this case, forget it An Ran.

But their thoughts are all based on the situation that they can still live a life in Dadu.

Now they have to escape to a more difficult place. The journey has been extremely hard, and they can't bear it anymore and want to go back.

Unfortunately, it's too late now, because they rejected An Ran's proposal, and the army has already set off. Even if they want to go back, even if the leader of the Wu Kingdom is very kind and willing to let them go back, no one will escort them, and they will go back by themselves. There are many dangers on the road, and it is also a word of death. Besides, the leader of the Wu Kingdom is not very benevolent. After all, he would like to let the noble man of Qi State back, but why would he let the noble daughter of Qi State back when she can give birth to a child? He wants to keep them to give birth to children for the Uzbek people, so he will not agree to their request.

Seeing that begging was in vain, some people prepared to run away.

Don’t mention it, because Wu Kingdom has not gone too far at the moment, and some people have actually successfully escaped to the original land of Wu Kingdom. It is now a safe place. Those who are willing to stay can stay, and those who are unwilling can be sent to An Ran. Arrived in the south.

Of course, more people died on the way to escape.

There were also some people who were timid and did not dare to act, so they stayed and continued to work as servants for the people of Uzbekistan.

Concubine Su and the fake princess are timid people. Seeing that some of those who escaped were caught and killed, they did not dare to leave. They were afraid that if they didn't leave, they would be killed by the angry Wu people. That's not good.

However, the further north the country of Wu went, the living conditions did get worse and worse. How could Concubine Su and the fake princess ever suffer such hardship? Even if the Qi Kingdom was destroyed and taken captive to the north, they had never suffered like this. Naturally, I couldn't stand it day by day, I felt like I was suffering too much.

But no matter how much I felt that I couldn't bear it, I didn't have the courage to commit suicide or escape, so I had no choice but to let the Wu army take them further away. From now on, whether they live or die, they can only leave it to fate.

I just complained in my heart, these black people are really useless. Since Princess Fu'an can build a fortress to defend them, they have to herd cattle and sheep and build a fortress to deal with Princess Fu'an?

They don't know why Wu State doesn't want to build a bastion. However, they have too few manpower, and they are not good at building. It is really difficult to build a bastion.

If they could plunder the population from the Qi people before and let the Qi people help them build, that would be almost the same. The Qi people are not only good at construction, but also have smart people among them. They should be able to copy Princess Fu'an's fortress construction plan, but now, they Wherever they could plunder Qi people, they had no Qi people to help them build. They only knew how to herd cattle and sheep. They were really not good at building, and they had no blueprints. They had no idea how to build a fortress. Where could they build a castle? It was still such a complicated castle. Just thinking about it made my head numb, so I had no choice but to run away.

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