Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1636 The real and fake princess 29

Just when Concubine Su and the fake princess were suffering, Emperor Jianfeng of the south heard that the Wu Kingdom had been defeated by An Ran and escaped, and his heart began to feel heavy. Knowing that An Ran had solved the problem in the north, he was afraid that what would happen next After dealing with him, can he not feel heavy when he thinks that he has been the emperor for several years and enjoyed the power, but now he is about to lose it?

——He is not so narcissistic that even Wu Guo cannot defeat An Ran. He feels that he can defeat An Ran, so he is naturally worried about this.

However, he was surprised to find that Princess Fu'an did not come to attack the south for a while.

Although he did not attack the south, Emperor Jianfeng still felt uneasy. As time passed, he even felt resentful, thinking that if he wanted to fight, he would fight. Such procrastination made him feel as uncomfortable as a dull knife cutting flesh.

An Ran really didn't want to fight for the moment, because she had just expelled the black people, and the territory was so big, so she had to worry about a lot every day, so she planned to rest for a while and get everything on track before continuing.

Not to mention this process takes a long time, it probably takes a year or two.

So this is the reason why An Ran did not attack the south for the time being and left Emperor Jianfeng feeling uncomfortable.

But this is only temporary. After a year or two, Anron will naturally want to unify the south. After all, people are scolding her for separatism, so naturally she cannot do such a thing.

Although she has not attacked anyone yet, An Ran has also sent letters to several northern forces, asking them if they are willing to surrender voluntarily or if they want her to attack.

If they were willing to surrender voluntarily and had no serious misdeeds, she could give them a compensation based on the size of the territory they occupied, and they could choose gold, silver, or fields.

As soon as these words came out, not many people wanted to resist, and they were all ready to surrender. After all, the Wu Kingdom couldn't beat them, so they escaped. How could they be their opponents? Before, they were afraid that Princess Fu'an would beat them to death, so they wanted to resist, but now they don't beat them. On the contrary , and give them compensation, and they will naturally not bear it. After all, why choose death when there is a way to survive.

Just... because Anron said that they would be compensated based on the area, many people were eager to take over the territories of other forces and wanted to rob other people's territories so that their own territories would become larger and the compensation they would receive would increase.

But when they thought about what An Ran said, they would only be compensated if there was no serious misdeeds, and their hearts softened again, thinking that they might as well forget it. If there was a real fight, many people would die. Don't say that they had bad deeds, not only would they not be compensated, but they would also It would be bad to kill them. They ran such a family business in troubled times just to enjoy the glory and wealth, and they didn't want to die.

Immediately, someone asked Anron how to compensate based on territory.

An Ran said, measure and see how many hectares there are, one hectare is worth ten taels of silver, or one acre of land.

An Ran has calculated that the largest area among these people is less than 100,000 square kilometers.

Assuming that one square kilometer is equivalent to approximately 1,500 acres, and one hectare is equal to 100 acres, one square kilometer of land will be compensated one hundred and fifty taels of silver. The person with the largest area will be compensated approximately one thousand taels of silver. More than 10,000 taels of silver, all added up, is less than 100 million taels of silver. Although this is a lot for the former Qi State and Wu State, it is still affordable for An Ran. After all, she now governs the population. There are many, and she does not suppress business. Commercial activities are prosperous and taxes are high. In addition, many gold mines have been discovered, and there is plenty of money.

When those people asked, they thought that An Ran would not give much. It would be good if he could give them more than a hundred thousand taels of silver. It was a huge sum of hundreds of thousands taels. In that case, they would still have to consider whether they really would not resist. After all, it would be useful if several companies join forces. Even if there is no fight, if several companies join forces, they can at least add some bargaining chips to the negotiations.

Now after calculation, the minimum person can get one million taels, and the maximum can get tens of millions, so much! If you can live a good life for the rest of your life, why bother fighting? Just surrender. After all, Princess Fu'an said that the first one to surrender will get more. She said that the first one to surrender will get 5% more; the second one will get 5% more. The first person to surrender will get 3% more; the third person to surrender will get 1% more.

So those forces, especially the small forces, are afraid that others will run faster and grab the first place, taking 5%, and they will suffer a loss. After all, they originally took less, and can only take millions. This 100% Fifth, the content for them is different from those who can get tens of millions, so they agreed to surrender almost as soon as An Ran issued the notice.

Because of the big stick of money, they quickly defeated the enemy without a fight. All the northern forces took their money or fields and surrendered.

Yes, there are also those who take land.

After all, if you don’t want to be a commander in the future, you must have something that can make a living. Although Enron does not suppress business, not everyone can do business, so some people buy more land and sell it to Enron. It is better than buying it themselves in the future. At least they can Save one process.

Although it was stipulated under Anron's rule that a person would be taxed for more than three acres, the tax collected by Anron was not too high and they did not lose money, so they naturally wanted the land.

An Ran naturally welcomes them offering land in exchange for money. After all, what she needs most now is land, even more than money.

After peacefully resolving all the major and minor forces in the north, except for General Luo's territory, she was able to unify the north.

She doesn't have to worry about General Luo. She knows that as long as she rules the world, and with Emperor Jianfeng's abdication edict and an order given to General Luo, he should return to the imperial army. After all, he is a loyal minister; even if it happens, he is not willing to return. , she also adopts the policy of redemption, which should be successful, and she will not have to have a life and death battle with herself. Besides, even if it is a life and death battle, she is not afraid, so General Luo, she is prepared to leave it to the end. , not moving for the time being.

However, the north is easy to unify, but the south is not easy to handle.

After all, the north was destroyed before. It is like drawing on a piece of white paper. Therefore, all land can be nationalized, and one person can be divided into three acres of land. Land sales can be banned to prevent land concentration and farmers from becoming landless. Farmers become refugees during natural and man-made disasters.

However, the South has not been destroyed. If she wants to nationalize all the land and give each person three acres, ordinary people will have no objections and are even happy, but those who have land are not willing.

So we still have to see how this matter is solved. If it can be solved without using an iron fist, it is naturally better to solve it without using an iron fist. After all, she doesn't want to kill anyone.

An Ran was still hesitating, and Emperor Jianfeng became even more anxious when he saw that she had even dealt with the big and small forces in the north. He knew that he would be the next one to deal with, and wondered how this cheap sister would deal with him.

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