Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1637 The real and fake princess 30

Emperor Jianfeng didn't think An Ran would let him go as easily as he did the big and small forces in the north. The reason why he thought so was because he was different from the big and small forces in the north. Those people were not orthodox, and his cheap sister was happy to keep him. He has a good reputation and spends money to redeem the land; but he is an orthodox person. How could Princess Fu'an let him go and leave trouble? Therefore, even if Anron did not deal with the big and small forces in the north, but adopted the redemption method, it would not comfort Jian Emperor Feng's fearful mood.

Moreover, he and his mother-in-law teamed up to spread rumors about her, saying that she was not a real princess, calling on the world to attack her, and also forged a deep hatred against this cheap sister, so he probably would not be spared lightly.

The only good thing is that the policy of nationalizing all land in the north, and then only giving three acres of land to one person, and prohibiting the sale of land, has successfully frightened the wealthy people in the south. Anyone who has more than the prescribed amount of land at home is unwilling to be attacked by Princess Fu'an. , he still has the power to support - although the people at the bottom who have no fields, or not much fields, would like to fight An Ran, so that they can get the fields, but those mud-legged people have no strength, they can only hope in their hearts, helpless Being powerless, he wasn't worried about what kind of waves they could make.

Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. Now I hope that these people who want to save their family property can burst out with strong power and prevent An Ran from coming over.

In fact, when Emperor Jianfeng first arrived in the south, he thought about making great efforts to govern the country. Even if he didn't have the confidence to do the Northern Expedition, he would at least manage the south well.

But seeing An Ran getting bigger and bigger, and later driving away the Wu Kingdom and unifying the north, now, he is basically in a state of living happily day by day, so he starts to enjoy himself.

Seeing that Emperor Jianfeng was gradually getting closer to his father's previous state, the ministers did not have much to dissuade him, because they understood his mood. Since he was about to perish, they should just let him go crazy.

In fact, not only Emperor Jianfeng, but also the ministers like them, because they didn't know what An Ran would do to them in the future, they also had the idea of ​​​​having a drink now and getting drunk the next day, and began to indulge in indulgence, and suddenly the trend of debauchery in the south became strong.

When An Ran heard that the South was very resistant to his policies, he knew that he would have to make some efforts to unify the South. After all, these people would try their best to preserve their family property.

Although Enron has not invaded the South for the time being, it has stepped up its policy of transferring low-income people.

Those people at the bottom are naturally willing to enjoy those good policies. Enron has brought many people over before, and now there are even more.

At first, because no one told Emperor Jianfeng, Emperor Jianfeng didn't know that the people under his rule were running away less and less, but it was difficult for those rich and powerful people to find servants and help them. The tenant farmers who grew crops had long known that An Ran was picking up people, but they had never told Emperor Jianfeng. Now they couldn't help but become anxious, and quickly told Emperor Jianfeng about this matter, hoping that Emperor Jianfeng would give the order. These people are not allowed to leave, otherwise, even if they have thousands of hectares of fertile land, it will be left there without people.

In fact it's already having an impact on them now - because more and more people are running away, they can't find tenants to rent their fields.

Enron's policies were most attractive to the proletarians, so the first people from the south to come to the north were these landless tenants. Anyway, they had nothing in the south. When they heard about the good policies of the north, they wanted to fight in the north.

In order to attract people, they had to lower the rent given to them by tenants, lest the fields would not be cultivated and the rent would be gone. Then they would have to drink from the northwest wind. After all, here, unlike in the north, businessmen There are not many people, and most of the wealthy gentry rely on the income from the fields. If the fields do not produce interest, how can they survive?

In this case, they naturally reported the matter quickly, hoping that Emperor Jianfeng would stop the situation from developing.

The reason why they knew about this before but did not report it was that, firstly, they thought that there were many ordinary people and it did not matter if some of them left, as it would not affect their interests. As long as their interests were not affected, they naturally did not care; secondly, they transferred safely People have formed a chain of interests. Every time a person is successfully transferred to the north, some benefits will be given to the local people. Generally, those who are able to transfer people in large quantities are those who are rich and powerful. In this way, capital profits The power of people in later generations all know that as long as the profits are high, they will do it even if they know that it is a noose placed on their heads. Who told them to transfer people? There is no cost at all, it is pure profit, so soon A chain of interests is formed.

Who knew that Princess Fu'an would take away so many people? Now it has seriously affected their income, and what's even more shocking is that due to the huge chain of interests, it is no longer possible for them to rely on their own power to stop this kind of immigration. Because it will touch the cheese of many people, they will naturally not let you stop it. Seeing that the number of people born every year in various places is less than one-third of the people who leave. If this continues, sooner or later all people will disappear, and no one will If so, let alone no one to help them farm, the south would not be able to survive at all, so can they not be anxious?

Therefore, in order to protect their own interests from harm, they will naturally report it.

The reason why Enron strengthened its cause of robbing people was naturally to dig out the foundation of Emperor Jianfeng and then watch him fail.

It will be useless to wait until the fields in the south become barren and uncultivated, and the gentry will have empty land in their hands. Perhaps they will surrender without fighting.

"Your Majesty, this year, the number of births will be over 100,000, and the population will be reduced by over 350,000. The total population..."

The Minister of Household Affairs was entrusted to report this matter to Emperor Jianfeng. Normally, he would not report the annual birth and death population to the emperor. If the emperor wanted to know, he could ask the Ministry of Household for the data himself - so in fact , it has happened in the past few years that the number of births has been less than the population reduction. Now the total population under the rule of Emperor Jianfeng does not include those who came from the north before (those who left long ago, euphemistically calling the north stable, they think When I returned to my hometown, I actually ran back because of Enron’s good policies.) The local population alone has lost nearly two million. Before, the total population was more than 10 million, which was a loss of two million. This number is astonishing. .

It's just that Emperor Jianfeng didn't ask and didn't know.

Emperor Jianfeng listened and couldn't help being shocked and said: "Wait, why is this? In previous years, wasn't there more births than deaths? Why are there so many deaths this year? What happened?"

Although medical conditions were not good in ancient times, even if the birth rate was high, the death rate was also high, so the natural growth rate could only maintain a slow growth. This was still in the Taiping region. Once war broke out, the population would decrease rapidly.

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