Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1639 The real and fake princess 32

Three years later.

The population of the South plummeted to about five million, and the numbers continued to decline.

The south was originally densely populated. After Yiguan moved south, a large number of northerners poured in. At one time, it was even denser and full of people. Later, the north stabilized and these people who fled from the north left. Later, the local people in the south suddenly left again. More than half of the time, the originally dense place suddenly felt vast and sparsely populated.

As for the small court of Emperor Jianfeng, as the population became smaller and smaller, tax revenue and food were also less and less, which led to the treasury drying up and it could no longer afford to raise troops.

After all, in the past, the big tax payers were ordinary people, and many of these ordinary people have fled. Now, most of the ones left are gentry. They can avoid taxes, which naturally makes it impossible for the court to collect money, and even if it cannot be collected, it will lead to The treasury has no money, the army cannot be maintained, and the court cannot be maintained. It is impossible for them not to avoid taxes and to pay the taxes they should pay, because no one wants to lose profits.

Emperor Jianfeng had no choice but to reduce the army. After all, he couldn't force those people to pay taxes. That would shake his own foundation. It would be bad if someone poisoned him to death.

Anyway, he felt that even if he had an army, he would be no match for Princess Fu'an's attack one day. So since the treasury has no money and cannot support a large army, he would just reduce the army and just protect the capital and prevent him from having any accidents. Bar.

So although no one talked about the population outflow in front of Emperor Jianfeng, Emperor Jianfeng looked at the taxes and the harvested food and knew that the population might still be decreasing, but he didn't bother to ask now, anyway. Even with such a result, he couldn't control it, and there was no point in asking, so he was drunk and dreaming, pretending that he didn't know, and continued to live his good life, lest one day he wouldn't be able to live it anymore.

However, seeing things develop like this, Emperor Jianfeng couldn't help but regret. He thought that it would have been better if he had not said that Anron would split the country. If he had not said that, Anran would not have made such a notice, saying that in order to prevent others from saying She divided the country, attacked the south, and brought the south under her rule.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret, and now I can only live with it.

But his days of muddling along are coming to an end.

As the population in the South continues to decline, it becomes increasingly difficult to find people to help immigrants. On the contrary, as more and more people leave, many fields become barren, which makes it difficult for the dignitaries in the South to support them any longer. .

Soon, someone secretly contacted An Ran and wanted to stage a peaceful uprising. They kidnapped the emperor and presented it to Princess Fu'an in exchange for Princess Fu'an not attacking the south. At the same time, they wanted to keep their own land.

If they could keep their fields and add in the money they earned from helping to relocate the population over the years, they would be considered to have made a lot of money and be satisfied.

The reason why they made this request was that they wanted to allow An Ran to obtain the southern territory without fighting. It would be almost the same as those forces in the north who donated the territory, not to mention exchanging the southern territory for money like those in the north. Give it to them, at least they can keep what they have, right?

An Ran soon replied to the letter, saying that if they could really do it, there would be no problem keeping their fields, but the ownership would have to be nationalized like all the land in the north. They would only have the right to operate it, and only for thirty years. After all, the northern power The land is only given for thirty years.

Those in the south who wanted to revolt peacefully were naturally dissatisfied when they heard that the land was to be nationalized and only given thirty-year management rights. However, due to the huge disparity in power between the enemy and ourselves, they later thought that if Princess Fu'an came to attack, they would not say anything. The land was lost, and he was afraid that he would not be able to save his property, and his house might be ransacked, so under the unforgiving situation, he had no choice but to agree to An Ran's proposal.

Since they agreed to An Ran's proposal, they naturally took action quickly - mainly because they were afraid that there were other people who planned to kidnap the emperor to gain benefits, so they naturally had to hurry up to avoid being overtaken by others, which would benefit them. But you can’t get it.

So that day, some ministers, together with the Imperial Guards who had already been persuaded to agree, kidnapped Emperor Jianfeng and sent him to the north.

Although Emperor Jianfeng knew that An Ran would come over sooner or later, hadn't he not done so yet? There must always be rumors about a war, but it seemed that there were no rumors, so he had been very relaxed recently. Unexpectedly, Li Anran didn't fight, but his men tied him up and offered him up?

This development made Emperor Jianfeng confused, and he couldn't help but cursed.

"I have never treated you badly. I have always provided you with high-ranking officials and generous salaries, and you treat me like this? You are an ungrateful person!"

After hearing his scolding, those people said with a little guilt and shame: "We can't help it. We all have families. Seeing that the south is in danger, we have to keep our families. We can only ask your Majesty for your forgiveness." Don't worry, when you get to the north, I will definitely intercede for you so that you can live a good life even if you don't become the emperor."

There were also those who didn't feel guilty at all, and immediately said disapprovingly: "You even want to get rid of a loyal minister like General Luo, and you can't even tolerate a female like Princess Fu'an. You send people to spread rumors and cause trouble. You are worthy of this." Are you talking to us about morality?”

Emperor Jianfeng felt better when he heard what the people in front said, but when he heard what the people behind him said, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

It's a pity that the other party didn't give him a chance to have a verbal battle with him, so he left after saying this. Emperor Jianfeng couldn't find the target even if he wanted to scold him back. He couldn't help but hold back his internal injuries and became even more angry.

But after getting angry, he also became scared. After all, he had thought before that An Ran might not let him go.


At first, An Ran was really serious about him and his family, saying that they had made countless rumors about her and that they were unpardonable and must be executed.

Upon hearing this decision, Emperor Jianfeng, his concubines, and children were frightened - the peaceful uprising people brought all of Emperor Jianfeng's children and concubines, so the number was quite large. .

Now these frightened people began to beg for mercy.

"Please princess, for the sake of being brothers and sisters, please spare my brother's life. As long as you can spare my brother's life, you can do anything you ask me to do."

His concubines and children also quickly fell to the ground and begged for mercy.

An Ran listened to their begging for mercy and said calmly: "Didn't you pass the test and say that General Luo is rebellious, that his words cannot be counted, and that I am not a princess? That's great. Since I am not a princess, I naturally have no brother-sister relationship with you. Why are you begging me for mercy? If you are a brother and sister, I might be able to spare you a little, and at most I will treat you like a commoner. Since you are not a brother and sister, I will naturally kill you."

It wasn't that she was murderous, but that when he, his mother-in-law, and the fake princess conspired to kill the original person in order to silence her, did they consider the relationship between brother and sister? He hadn't even considered it, so why should she think about it for him.

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