Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1640 The real and fake princess 33

When Emperor Jianfeng heard what An Ran said, he felt that there was a way out, and immediately said: "I was confused at first. Seeing that you were getting better and better, I was afraid that you would overwhelm me, so I said that. I want to fight you." The punishment is up to you, as long as you spare one of our lives."

Emperor Jianfeng was the most adaptable person, so he was not afraid of embarrassment at all when he said this.

An Ran said calmly: "Write the abdication edict to me first and give you three days to think about it. If you don't write it, then I will definitely kill you."

——Yes, An Ran does not plan to kill him, at least not now, but plans to lock him up. People like him who have enjoyed glory and wealth will no longer be able to enjoy it all of a sudden. If he starts to go to jail, life will be worse than death. , and this is exactly what An Ran wanted to do. After all, killing him with one knife would not relieve his anger at all.

Even if you want to kill him, you will wait for him to be imprisoned for a few years and let him suffer for a few years before killing him, so that the original person can relieve his anger.

Although he was going to be imprisoned, Emperor Jianfeng was satisfied as long as he survived, so he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer dissatisfied. He also said that he would write the abdication edict to her immediately, and it would not take three days.

When he was beaten to the ground by Wu Kingdom, he had bowed to Wu Kingdom before. He was obviously not a brave person, so it was normal for him to be so cowardly.

Emperor Jianfeng soon wrote an edict to abdicate.

Since the abdication edict was written, An Ran stopped killing him for the time being, and instead locked up his family.

However, An Ran did not imprison everyone. The children of Emperor Jianfeng must be imprisoned. Otherwise, Emperor Jianfeng would be imprisoned alone. His children were fine. The original person might feel that in that case, Emperor Jianfeng's family would still be incarcerated. Okay, it's okay, I'll feel unhappy; in addition, I'm also afraid that some interested people will use Emperor Jianfeng's children to cause trouble in the future. Although she is not afraid of those people causing trouble, she can nip the trouble in the bud, saving her the trouble of solving it. the best.

But as for the concubines, except for those who gave birth to children, as long as they had not caused any trouble in the original world, An Ran did not think about cleaning up all of them, so he asked them what their plans were, if they were not willing to accompany them Emperor Jianfeng locked them up together, and she could let them go home and be allocated fields like everyone else.

Some of those women are willing to go back. As for the fields, it doesn't matter. After all, only a few are from palace maids and their family conditions are poor. Most of the concubines come from families with good conditions. In this case, the fields are nothing, so they only go back for freedom. .

But more of them actually looked more affectionate than Jin Jian and were willing to accompany Emperor Jianfeng to jail.

An Ran knew that they were not really in love with each other, but they had some considerations: some girls from big families could not go back, lest outsiders would say that their character was not noble, and if something happened to their husbands, they would not be willing to share the trouble, which would affect the future. Sisters of the same clan got married, so even if they wanted to go back, their families would not allow them to go back. In this case, they would not dare to go back; some, out of ambition, they were still thinking about the future of Emperor Jianfeng Can he still make a comeback? After all, he is not dead yet. Maybe he can make a comeback in the future. If they don't leave him now, he will be grateful in the future and will give them a high status, so that they can have unlimited glory.

That's all for the former. For concubines who have the latter idea, An Ran just wants to say that she has ambitions, but it's a pity that she doesn't have good vision. At this time, she still thinks that Emperor Jianfeng can do it?

However, since they did not want to leave, An Ran would not force them to leave, so he followed their wishes and imprisoned them together with Emperor Jianfeng.

The former type is just that, they can't leave even if they want to, and they are pitiful people. The latter type is ambitious. It is estimated that after ten or eight years, they will find that Emperor Jianfeng failed to make a comeback, and they will have to regret it. But then It's none of her business.

An Ran locked up the remaining people and ignored them for the time being, because she had more important things to do. After those things were taken care of, it would not be too late to "care" for them again.

But he said that after receiving Emperor Jianfeng's abdication edict, An Ran did not immediately ascend the throne, because although these people peacefully revolted and allowed An Ran to take over the south without a fight, there were still many things to deal with next.

After all, if she wanted to nationalize all the land, apart from those who surrendered and took credit, there were still many people who had not surrendered. Naturally, she would not promise to return all the land to them, otherwise she would treat them the same as those who peacefully revolted. Aren't rewards and punishments unknown?

For these people, Enron did not care about them for the time being, but implemented the same policy in the south as in the north - first, target the remaining land in the south that did not reach three acres per capita, and then allocate more land to them to allow them to reach three acres per capita.

So many people left in the south before, leaving some fields vacant. After all, some of the people who left at that time were propertyless tenants, but some of them only had a few acres of thin farmland at home. Later, these fields became ownerless. , although it was once occupied by the people who stayed behind, after being ruled by Anron, Anron did not recognize it. She only recognized the original owner, and their original owners could not agree to give their fields to others for free, so those Those who have taken possession of it cannot do so without returning it.

Although the south is now under her rule, it stands to reason that the original owners of those fields can come back and claim them. However, after occupying the south, the fields where the owners left will automatically be returned to the country. If you want to claim them, you can, but the north has The fields, plus the original fields in the south, exceeding three acres per person will either be taken back or purchased with their own money.

In this way, some people who missed their hometowns went back, but they no longer wanted the fields in the north. They asked the superiors to collect three acres per person in the south for them. No one would be so stupid that the north and the south each received a portion of the fields; some people in The people in the north had already taken root, and they didn’t want to go back to the south to claim the fields again, so these fields were returned to the country An Ran, and then distributed to those who wanted to divide the fields.

Because there were a lot of people going to the north at that time, but now there are fewer people coming back, and among the people who stayed, there were also fewer people who could not reach three acres per person (if they did not reach three acres per person, or even a little far away, except for special Those who are timid, or do not want to leave their hometown, as well as the old, weak, sick and disabled, would have gone to the north to get more land and become rich, so why would they stay? So what is left behind is usually close to three acres per person, or even more than three acres. acres), so these vacated fields are still enough for the remaining people and those who come back.

An Ran's land distribution does not distinguish between civilians and slaves. The North currently does not recognize human trafficking and can only hire people. The South is naturally the same. After all, it is impossible for her to have two sets of rules under her rule.

Happy Women’s Day to everyone!

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