Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1678 Investing in Life 33

It is possible. Even though Sun Anran is doing so well now, she is still an old and ugly woman who has never been in a serious relationship or tasted the sweetness of love. Now she suddenly meets a young and handsome man like Xie Man. , will fall into trap, and it is normal to insist on marrying him regardless of his underground lover and son.

If Sun Anran really didn't mind that the other party had other women and sons and insisted on marrying him, wouldn't her plan be in vain? After all, Xie Man, a money-making man, seems to be willing to marry Sun Anran, and this is obviously not what she wants to see. She doesn't want Anran to cause a sensation in her hometown when she brings the handsome and wealthy Xie Man back home. People praised Sun Anran to the heavens, so they couldn't help but call her and ask her about her situation.

An Ran couldn't help but feel strange when she saw Sun Anle inquiring about her situation. She thought, when Sun Anle left last time, she had a good relationship with Xie Man. In this case, why would she ask herself if she was still dating Xie Man? Logically speaking, isn't she definitely still dating Xie Man? Unless... she felt that she should stop dating Xie Man, so she would ask this question.

And how does she know that she will no longer date Xie Man?

Thinking of this, An Ran looked at the document in his hand and thought, could this thing... really be done by Sun Anle?

Although Sun Anle probably doesn't have the ability to do it, it's not impossible for her to go to great lengths to get rid of her good partner. After all, once a person makes up his mind to do something, his potential will always explode.

Thinking of this, An Ran decided to stay and check on Sun Anle's situation.

"Oh, we are still dating. Let's settle down... It depends on Xie Man's intention..." Although An Ran had doubts in his heart, he did not show it and just said this.

When Sun Anle heard what An Ran said, she was sure that she really didn't intend to separate from Xie Man, and couldn't help but feel disappointed. However, she didn't dare to say anything more, lest An Ran found out something was wrong, so she could only say: "Oh, okay, okay, more Look at the man’s character, don’t make a decision about his character.”

Sun Anle could only hint like this.

After hearing her hint, An Ran became more and more certain that the previous information might really have been given to her by Sun Anle.

Thinking of this, after An Ran hung up the call with Sun Anle, she began to investigate Sun Anle's capital flow, and then discovered that from her bank account, there was indeed a large expenditure recently.

By investigating the source of income for this expense, she discovered that it was a detective agency.

Through the detective agency line, we naturally followed the clues and found out about express documents. Therefore, although Anron did not further investigate the communication tools between Sun Anle and the detective agency to understand the communication process between the two parties, Anron was almost 100% sure that this information It should be Sun Anle's handiwork.

And the reason why Sun Anle did this, she bet, was naturally not for her own good, but because she found Xie Man was too good (compared to Sun Anle's conditions) and was afraid that marrying him would overshadow her, so she wanted to break up After all, she had approached Xie Man before and wanted to do this, but failed. It was normal for them to find another way and start from their own side.

An Ran couldn't help but feel happy thinking that she had paid such a high price to separate herself from Xie Man. She thought that if Sun Anle did this kind of thing more times, she wouldn't have to deal with her herself, and she would turn herself into a pauper. .

After knowing who did it, An Ran lost interest and no longer cared. After all, she was going to deal with Sun Anle. It didn't matter whether she did it or not.

But when Xie Man invited An Ran on a date again that day, An Ran took the documents given to her by Fang Heng and set off.

Xie Man invited An Ran on a date this time because he felt that the two had been talking for a while and could finalize their relationship.

He wanted to marry An Ran as soon as possible, then find out about Enron's property and find a way to transfer it to his own name, and then divorce An Ran as soon as possible and live a rich life from then on.

It is actually not difficult to make money from Anran, because Sun Anran's income is much higher than him. Even if he does nothing, he can still make money with the joint property of the couple. You know, he has The mental calculation was careless, and Sun Anran would not guard against him and transfer the property. Of course, he couldn't transfer it even if he wanted to. After all, it was possible to find out how much money Sun Anran received from Fang Heng every year.

An Ran did not take out the document at the beginning, because just when she was about to take it, Xie Man spoke first.

"Of course, we have been talking for such a long time. Are you still satisfied with me? I am very satisfied with you. If you are also satisfied with me, should we finalize the relationship and find a suitable time to get married? Married? To be honest, when I tell you, I am rushing to get married, not just for fun. "

If he didn't have a wife and children, what he said would be very sincere, but unfortunately he had a wife and children, and if he said such words again, it would be ridiculous.

An Ran was noncommittal.

Xie Man thought she was shy, so he continued: "I also considered that you are not young, so I want to get married to you early and give birth to the child, so that you will not become an advanced mother..."

Seeing the profound meaning of what he said, An Ran couldn't help but couldn't bear to listen anymore, and immediately said calmly: "Anyway, you have children, so I don't need to give birth to them."

"... Let's make a down payment for a house together then..." Xie Man was still thinking about the future. Hearing An Ran say this, he couldn't help but be startled, his face turned pale, and he stammered: "... Ran...ran, what did you say?"

An Ran was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, so he took out the document, handed it to him to read, and said, "Let's take a look. What's your explanation?"

An ominous premonition came to mind. Xie Man took the document in An Ran's hand with some anxiety, opened it, and couldn't help but feel dizzy.

After waking up, Xie Man weighed the possibility of immediately admitting his mistake, drawing a clear line with Liu Ai, and then marrying Sun Anran.

In the end, it was discovered that this possibility was slim, because judging from his dealings with Sun Anran, it seemed that Sun Anran could not tolerate sand in his eyes - not long ago, Sun Anran seemed to have said unconsciously that she could not stand it. Cheating, cheating, she will not forgive.

In fact, Sun Anran said it on purpose at the time, wanting to give him a warning to see if he would retreat voluntarily. If he did, even if she dealt with him, she would treat him gently and not be harsh.

As a result, the other party must have understood her warning, but he was probably dazzled by the money obsession and acted as if he didn't hear it and refused to leave.

So at this moment Xie Man thought that not only had he deceived her, but he also had a son. If she found out about this, she would probably not forgive herself - that is to say, it was impossible for them.

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