Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1679 Investing in Life 34

Since it is impossible, Xie Man is not going to apologize and ask to maintain the relationship. On the contrary, Xie Man is really similar to most scumbags. When he saw this document, the first thing he thought of was not to apologize, but to blush and get angry. Authentic: "You investigate me! How can you do such a thing? You are already old and look like that. If you treat your boyfriend like this, who will dare to get along with you in the future?"

An Ran admired his anger and anger after the incident was revealed, and then said slowly: "I didn't investigate, it was Mr. Fang who gave it to me, so don't try to blame me or throw dirt on me. Besides, what happened if I just investigated? Since you are an upright person, why are you afraid of investigation."

When Xie Man heard that Fang Heng was the one investigating, he couldn't stop scolding him.

Knowing that there was nothing more to say, Xie Man walked away dejectedly and stopped talking.

And soon, he also lost his job at Fang Heng Company - when Fang Heng heard that An Ran had broken up with him, he quickly drove Xie Man away.

After breaking up with Xie Man, An Ran put a bad luck charm on him without any courtesy.

If Xie Man hadn't lied to her like this, she would naturally not have done this. But since this man lied to her, he also belittled her like this behind his back. She really thought she was the Holy Mother if she didn't punish him.

After all, although Fang Heng fired Xie Man, with Xie Man's ability, he would definitely be able to find a similar job, so firing was not considered a punishment, so she naturally wanted to deal with him and avenge herself.

In Anran's hometown, Sun Anle soon received news from the detective agency that her sister Sun Anran had broken up with Xie Man. She couldn't help but be happy at the moment, thinking that she had finally succeeded - she didn't know In fact, even without her, or even without Fang Heng, when An Ran finally wanted to establish a relationship with Xie Man, she would still investigate his information. She broke up with Xie Man successfully.

Sun Anle was naturally happy when she thought that An Ran would not be able to marry someone with such good conditions, and that she would not be overpowered in the future as she feared.

Not to mention what happened to Xie Man after he was given a bad luck charm, but he said that after An Ran broke up with Xie Man, he was single again.

After this situation, An Ran felt that it was better not to think about starting a family, and just go ahead with in vitro fertilization. Although the original body may not feel that the plot is exciting enough, there is no way, the original body allows too much time to enter the world. It was too late, she wanted to invest to make a fortune and fall in love, but she was really too busy, so she had to choose to make a fortune first.

Now she has made a fortune, but she is also older and not very good-looking. It is really difficult to find a close person at this age - mainly someone who suits her taste.

There is no way, she has experienced too many worlds, and in many worlds, the ones she is looking for are pretty good, which leads to her being cunning now. If the person she is looking for is ordinary-looking, she would rather not look for him. Otherwise, in some recent worlds, why hasn't she? If you are looking for a partner, you have a high standard and would rather not find a partner than settle for it.

However, Fang Heng was very concerned about her love life. Seeing that she had not talked about it since Xie Man, he couldn't help but asked with concern: "Aren't you scared by Xie Man and aren't you ready to talk about it?"

An Ran nodded and said, "That's about right. I don't plan to get married. There are too many things to worry about when getting married."

Fang Heng hesitated for a moment and said: "Actually, I have the same idea as you. It's better to be high than to be low. I want to find both beautiful and smart people, but in many cases, beautiful people are not necessarily smart. Smart people It doesn’t have to be beautiful. Even if you are smart and beautiful, you may not like me.”

An Ran couldn't help but laugh out loud after hearing this, and said: "Don't you men not like to find smart women, but prefer to find stupid ones who are easier to control?"

Fang Heng shook his head and said: "No way, even if others think so, I don't think so. I don't like stupid people, so as not to see the other person act stupid, especially in public. I want to be with the other person, and then the other person acts stupid. I’m going to die of embarrassment.”

From this perspective, it is indeed the case. After all, most people are more face-conscious.

So An Ran nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

"So, we have similar personalities. How about you consider me? Like you, I also feel that there are too many things to worry about when getting married. We can form an interest alliance and say we are married, but in fact we will not interfere with each other. Of course. , In terms of private life, you must remain faithful to your marriage after getting married. If you really like someone, you can divorce and pursue it before it is too late, but you cannot have an affair within marriage, so as not to spread the word and make the other person's face look bad."

Fang Heng suddenly suggested this, which made An Ran surprised and said: "No matter how the interests are aligned, getting married will always be more troublesome than not getting married. Why do you think so?"

Fang Heng sighed and said: "You said that your family forced marriage, but my family is similar. As I get older, my parents are also urging this matter, especially since my father almost died last time, he wants to see it even more. When I got married, I was afraid that something like this would happen again. If I didn’t see me get married before I died, I would have to die in peace, so even if I didn’t want to get married, I couldn’t. And getting married is exactly what you said. , there were too many troubles, so I thought, let’s just bring it down with our interest alliance.”

In fact, the most important thing was that Enron was very good at investing, and he didn't want Anron to leave, so he thought it would be best for the two of them to get married, so he didn't have to worry about her leaving.

Listening to what Fang Heng said, An Ran felt that what he said was quite reasonable, but...

"You also said that you like beautiful people. I am not beautiful, and I am four years older than you. How can you marry me willingly? If you are not willing, it will not be a good thing to have conflicts in the future." An Ran road.

Fang Heng said: "You are belittling yourself too much. Although you are not absolutely beautiful, you are by no means ugly. In fact, you can also be considered a beauty. As long as you are not disgusted with me, I have no objection to you."

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