Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1838 The Fourth Disaster 2

Although the third prince was exiled to the border because of his crime, and there was no one around to wait on him. The official sent him to the place and went back. However, no matter how he was exiled, because he was the third prince in this game, he still had a house. You can live in a small shabby house, but this small shabby house is far away from the nearest capital city. It is surrounded by desolation and has no human habitation. Of course, this is good. It will be convenient for Anron to call players to carry out infrastructure construction. Even if there are more people, the natives will They were not surprised, they just thought they came to seek refuge with him.

But now, An Ran is in this small dilapidated house, waiting for this player to come and find her.

Seeing the other person's novel probing around, even if he couldn't complete the task, An Ran was not in a hurry, because she understood the novelty of these people's discovery that this was really a holographic game, so she waited patiently. Anyway, she knew that waiting for others Coming up, this person will definitely come over quickly to take over the task, so as not to be overtaken by others.

Sure enough, just as she thought, after a while, other people also entered the game. Just as their wishes came true, they were amazed and looked around.

But when his wish came true and he saw someone else coming in, he hurried to An Ran to take over the task.

In the small dilapidated house where the third prince lived before, there was only the third prince alone. But now, because An Ran purchased several mission NPCs, there were other people in the house. However, when his wish came true, he naturally asked An Ran for it as soon as possible. After all, An Ran is the third prince and the main NPC in this world. Who else should he look for if not her?

"Your wishes have come true. Are you the hero that the Imperial Master has brought to Xiao Wang to help him?" An Ran saw that his wishes had come true and he began to recite his lines.

An Ran designed a background for summoning heroes. He said that there was a national master in Qi State who was very powerful. He told the third prince that he could help the third prince summon heroes to help him. The background of these heroes was that they were survivors of the previous dynasty who had returned from overseas. .

At this moment, everything came true when An Ran asked. Knowing that this was a plot, he nodded and said, "Yes, Your Highness. Please ask, Your Highness, if there is anything you need me to do."

An Ran said: "The place of exile is deserted. I need heroes to help me build a castle, build some houses, and then reclaim some land to grow food and vegetables."

After An Ran finished speaking, the main line infrastructure task popped up on the Wish You Come True game panel. Under this main line infrastructure task, many daily tasks popped up for the players to choose.

"Daily task: Follow mason Li Da to learn to make bricks (0/10 blocks), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."

"Daily task: Follow the mason Li Er to learn to build a castle (0/1 square meter), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."

"Daily task: Follow the mason Li San to learn to build a house (0/1 square meter), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."

"Daily tasks: Follow farmer Wang Da to learn to reclaim wasteland (0/1 square meter), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."

"Daily task: Follow farmer Wang Er to learn to grow food (0/1 square meter), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."

"Daily task: Follow the farmer woman Aunt Li to learn to grow vegetables (0/1 square meter), reward: XX copper coins, XXX reputation."


A long list of daily tasks.

However, the experience gained is different from that in ordinary games. In this game, because it is real, there is no experience reward, and then you upgrade and become invincible, so the reward is reputation. The higher the reputation, You can become an official, exchange favorability with mission NPCs including the Third Prince, and get better benefits, etc.

Most of these tasks can be done, because after Enron bought the task NPC yesterday, the task NPC is making bricks and reclaiming wasteland. Because they have reclaimed wasteland, they can do the task of planting food and vegetables today, that is The tasks of building castles and houses cannot be completed for the time being, because the bricks need to be dried for a while. Fortunately, the wilderness has been sunny recently, so they should be able to dry quickly, and then the castles and houses can be built.

You can do all the tasks, but among them, making bricks, building houses, and growing food have the most rewards. If you want everything to come true, you know that the third prince should want players to do these tasks the most, so he obeyed his wishes and took the task of making bricks. Task.

Doing the tasks that the Third Prince expects you to do, there are many rewards, and it can make the Third Prince happy, so why not do it? You must know that this game still has a favorability point. He hopes to comply with the third prince's wishes and do some tasks that the third prince likes, so that the third prince can increase his favorability. After all, based on his many years of experience in playing games, generally NPCs are good. The higher the sensitivity, the better the benefits, and you may be able to trigger some hidden tasks.

This is what I thought, and everyone else thought the same way, so An Ran's goal of building a house and growing food was successfully achieved.

The reason Enron wanted to build houses and grow food first is simple.

The dilapidated house she lives in now is too unlivable. She is not used to it, so she naturally wants the player to build herself a big house first and make it comfortable first.

As for food, let alone it. Without food, how can we strive for world hegemony?

The players worked enthusiastically, and soon some people completed the task and got a lot of copper coins. At that moment, some people went to the Cook NPC to buy food - it is said to be a game, but in fact it is the real world. Since it is the real world, players will naturally be hungry. I'm thirsty and I can't bear it without buying food and drink.

Some people also bought clothes from the embroiderer NPC - because An Ran had too little money, so when players newly logged into the game, the clothes for both men and women were all the cheapest coarse cloth clothes. Since they were the cheapest coarse cloth clothes, naturally It's not durable, it's easy to tear, and it's not comfortable to wear. The material is too rough, it cuts people's skin, and it doesn't look good. So as soon as the player has money, they quickly go to the embroiderer NPC to buy better clothes.

Most of the people who buy clothes are female players. After all, novice clothes are too ugly. They find that the clothes from the embroiderer are not only more beautiful in style, but also made of better fabrics and more comfortable to wear, so they naturally want to buy them.

Whether it's clothes or food, you have to buy it quickly, because now there is only one cook and one embroiderer, and the things that can be made are limited. If you don't buy it quickly, you will have nothing to eat and nothing to wear.

In fact, An Ran can buy ready-made food and clothes from the game system mall, but she has too little funds on hand. After buying the expensive mission NPCs and the tools they need, there is not much left. If she buys ready-made food and clothes , the price was too high, so I just bought some grain and cloth and asked the cook and embroiderer to make them.

The cook is a bit better. From yesterday to today, she has made a lot of food - mainly steamed buns. This is easy to make. You can steam a lot of them in a while and still be full. Otherwise, it takes a cook to make those delicate foods. Mom is too late.

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