Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1839 The Fourth Disaster 3

However, the embroidery lady was alone. Even if An Ran asked her to make the simplest style, she could not make much in more than a day.

Fortunately, food is necessary for players, but good clothes are not necessary. It is just an arrangement made by Enron to promote economic circulation and recycle copper coins, so it doesn't matter if there are not many clothes at the moment.

Either the weavers not only have to buy people but also looms, or else she just buys the weavers directly and gives them threads to weave cloth, which will be cheaper in the long run. After all, cloth is always much more expensive than threads.

Players are working enthusiastically, but not all of them just sit back and do daily tasks. There are also some who like to take risks.

But because An Ran said in the game rules, you can only die once a day. If you die once, you will not be able to go online that day, and you need to pay for resurrection. Originally, the game system did not say that you are not allowed to die, let alone that you have to pay for resurrection. It's money. It's just that Anron was afraid that they would find out that they would not die and would cause too much trouble, so they made such a rule to restrain them. Then they need to pay money for resurrection. Naturally, it is also to recover the copper coins - so most people are still very honest. If you dare to run around, you can at most wait until the day is almost over before you prepare to explore and explore.

But when the day came to an end, it was late at night again. It was dark outside at night, and the adventures we could explore were limited.

Of course, this is the state of most people. There are also a small number of people who want to explore even if they can only die once a day according to the game regulations and have to pay for resurrection.

However... they are still very dangerous in this wasteland as they are unarmed.

According to Enron's system map, the dangerous creatures wandering in the wilderness include wolves, tigers, leopards, brown bears, etc. Of course, the most dangerous creatures are of course humans. Sand thieves who wander in the wilderness specifically to rob passing merchants are more dangerous than wolves, tigers, leopards, and brown bears. Animals such as tigers are more dangerous.

Don't think that you are safe if you are empty-handed. When there is no property to be robbed, people are also a commodity. You can sell them for a few silver coins.

As a result, a few of those explorers quickly disappeared. Some were picked up by wolves, and some were captured by sand thieves. Players saw that the situation was not good and committed suicide in preparation for going online tomorrow.

Of course, there are also those who are not discouraged. After being captured, they are ready to steal away with the sand and explore the world.

An Ran didn't care about them, because she set a distance range beyond ten kilometers, and the player's game panel would prompt: "Novice players cannot leave the Novice Village."

Those who do not follow the prompts will die the moment they step out of Novice Village.

The reason why An Ran set the area of ​​the Novice Village to be ten kilometers in radius is because there are basically no sand bandits or people in this area. It is convenient for her to develop her power in this area and prevent these players from running too far and being discovered by others. , she didn't want to be discovered by the enemies of the third prince in the capital of Qi before she started to develop, and then someone was sent to interrupt her development process.

The day passed quickly, and it was night in the game. It was too dark, and it was inconvenient to complete tasks. Players were offline one after another. And because the time ratio between the game and reality is 2:1, so at this time, reality had only passed for half a day, and it was not yet When I go to bed at night, the Internet becomes active.

The hottest searches on social accounts are all related to this.

"[Explosion] The King of Ancient Style Holographic Games is a real holographic game!"

"[Explosion] The era of holographic games has arrived! The end of traditional online games!"

"[Explosion] I regret not grabbing the King account!"

"[Explosion] The World of Kings is so real! Just like the real thing!"


On the official forum of this game, the posts are even more varied.

LZ: "WOC, it's really a holographic game! I found a treasure!"

"Really? Is it really holographic?"


"LZ is not a bastard, right?"

"Forget it if you don't believe it, it's true anyway!"

Later, many people who entered the game came in to prove that it was true, and some people even posted screenshots, which convinced everyone that this was indeed a holographic online game.

This one is the most popular. Many people expressed in it that they were lucky enough to get a number. Some people regretted that they didn't grab a spot yesterday even though there was still a spot. They missed the opportunity to play holographic online games. Others just asked for help.

"When is the official open beta? Hurry up and open the beta, I want to play!"

"It has just been in private beta, and it will definitely not be in public beta in the short term."

"That's it. There's no hope of playing. I really wanted to play and see what the holographic world is like. Alas, there was an opportunity in front of me yesterday, but it's a pity that I didn't cherish it. I regret it so much."

“Super regret +1”

"Can you give me some more internal beta accounts?"

"I regret not applying for an account the day before yesterday."

"Who can transfer the account? I will pay 100,000 to buy the account!"

After this post, someone immediately replied to him: "The game account is bound to me and cannot be sold!"

"Is this the world's first holographic game? Is it available abroad?"

The discussion on this post was also very hot, with the following netizens saying:

“Not available abroad!”

"Doesn't this mean that our country's technological level is ahead of other countries?"

"So far, it seems like this!"

"Who is this game company? It's so awesome? It actually made holograms?"

"Logically speaking, holograms should be used for military purposes first, and then for civilian use. Now they are for civilian use, so our officials already have them?"

"Who knows, this game doesn't mention the game company, I really don't know who made it."

"For those who bought the account, doesn't it say anything on the gaming helmet?"

"There's nothing. I really don't know which company did it."

"Why is this so weird?"

"It doesn't matter if it's weird or not, it's just fun and it's not dangerous."

All in all, there was a lot of discussion, and the most important thing was that after knowing that this game was really holographic, a lot of people who had been waiting and watching now really regretted it. After all, they didn’t know when the next official closed beta test of the game would be.

Of course, some people have discovered the time problem.

"The time difference between the game and reality is 2:1. Two hours have passed in the game, but only one hour has passed in reality. Does this count as a disguised extension of life span?"

"I don't know about other things. Anyway, if you learn in the game, it will definitely be cost-effective."

“I’m convinced upstairs, and I’m still thinking about learning after entering the game!”

"Anyway, his idea is right. If the game time and real time are really 2:1, it is indeed more cost-effective to study in the game. By extension, doing scientific research is also very cost-effective. Many scientists are very capable. In reality, people's lifespan is too short, and scientists have not been able to do it for many years before they are old. But if they want to do it in the game, with twice the time, the scientists will have more time to do scientific research, and more time will be spent on scientific research. It can bear fruit.”

"Upstairs, the game is still at the level of the real world hundreds of years ago. If you go to do scientific research, do you have the equipment? If you don't have the equipment, just make a fool of yourself!"

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