Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1840 The Fourth Disaster 4

"What's so difficult about this? With our ability (to search for information on the Internet), if we spend ten years in the game, we can definitely build a laboratory, and then we can do scientific research."

"This is true... I just don't know if the Third Prince will allow it. If he allows it, there may be a technological explosion in the real world..."

As long as she doesn't mess around in the game like the family who imprisoned the original body, An Ran will not object. After all, she also hopes that the explosion of technology in the real world will make her life in the real world more comfortable. But if she is like the person who imprisoned the original body, If an innocent person messes around like that, Enron will definitely cancel these people's accounts and blacklist them forever so that they can no longer enter the game.

Of course, there are also people discussing game missions.

"How can we successfully grow food and vegetables in such a desert? Now our food and vegetables have been planted. I took a look and found that in addition to the daily tasks of watering, weeding, and insecticides, there is a side task with a task requirement. Yes, it is said that when it matures, we will reward as many copper coins and reputation as the output per mu reaches. If the output per mu reaches the output, we will reward as many copper coins and reputation as possible. If the rewards follow the output per mu, then we naturally want the output to increase. The higher the better!”

This is because Anron is afraid that these people will plant things regardless of how these things grow, so they add a reward. Anron knows that generous rewards will make these people think of ways to increase the yield per mu. Looking at it now, it is really good.

"Search on the Internet! If you really can't, ask those agriculturists! Trust me, they are willing to study it. After all, it has been successfully tested in your game. Maybe it can feed back into reality and make the real desert better and better. "

"That's right! We are backed by a huge network, so what are we afraid of!"

"There are people studying the desert in reality, and they need the experimental data in your game?"

"In reality, apart from agriculturists, how many people grow food and vegetables in the desert? But now in the game, the third prince's territory is like that. He needs to try his best to have food in the desert. Such large experimental data is very important to reality. Can the agriculturists here do any good?"

"I think it makes sense. Maybe some agriculturists will come to you and let you test their ideas inside."

Facts have proved that these people are right. Netizens searched online and asked experts. Sure enough, there are experts who really want to cooperate with them and let them use their methods in the game to see if they are better. The effect was so good that the players couldn't help but feel overjoyed and felt that there was hope for generous rewards.

There were a lot of discussions on the forum, and the officials naturally discovered this matter immediately. However, because they could not find a place to distribute game helmets, nor could they find a game server, nor could they find a game company, so no matter how curious they were about this hologram, There was nothing they could do. In addition, because the other party carried out the investigation first in their own country, the officials were also afraid of going too far and offending the other party, who would then go abroad to carry out the investigation. Therefore, all investigations were conducted in secret, and no one To shout out to An Ran and put pressure on An Ran, of course, they don’t even know whether the third prince in the game is a real person in reality, and they can’t shout out anything.

Of course, no one discovered any anomalies in the funds in Enron's account, because unless Enron himself exposed the income from selling helmets, the authorities would not be able to find it, and the system would arrange it. After all, the system has great power to remove the helmets without leaving any trace. After selling, isn’t it a piece of cake to cover up the funds? So An Ran didn't have to worry about someone finding out about something wrong with the money in her account.

As for the netizens in the forum urging the public beta, it is natural that An Ran cannot conduct the public beta for the time being. She simply does not have that much money for the materials for the public beta and the mission NPCs for the public beta. Besides, if nothing else, at least she needs to live in a better place. Only when she had a little room could she be in the mood for a public beta. In that case, she would need at least two months of game time.

Even if players can continue to be summoned after two months, it will not be open to the public. The reason is very simple. First, there are too many people in this world, and they all go to that game world. Can the indigenous people still survive? Secondly, there is still no money, so the most that can be done is to summon more people.

Although there are currently less than a hundred players, because they are full of energy, various construction tasks assigned by An Ran are completed very quickly. For example, a lot of food and vegetables have been planted, and a lot of bricks have been printed. Just wait. Use it to dry and make a house.

Speaking of which, growing food and vegetables in this place full of yellow sand is not an easy task.

Although this place is not considered a desert, after all, judging from the original memory, once spring comes, there are green grasslands everywhere, and it can be regarded as a grassland. However, after all, the soil quality is different, and there are signs of desertification. If it were not for the player's perseverance, , If you were an ordinary person, I'm afraid you wouldn't grow food and vegetables in such a place.

Players have the support of the Internet and experts, and know how to successfully grow food and vegetables in such a place. In order to hand over more food and vegetables by the time limit, they checked a lot of information on the Internet and asked many experts. The grains and vegetables were well maintained, so they were growing well. An Ran couldn't help but feel relieved, thinking that over time, it would not be a problem to be barely self-sufficient. Of course, the main reason is that the players are all strong laborers, and they can start from the cock crow. You can work until you scream without fear of fatigue. Normal people cannot do this. After all, normal people always have old, weak, sick and disabled people, and the strong labor force cannot bear it all the time. Naturally, the efficiency is not as good as that of players. It will be better in the future. With more tools, a person can plant more land and become more self-sufficient.

However, there are always these tasks, and An Ran is afraid that they will get tired of doing them and not want to do them anymore, so he develops new tasks from time to time, such as eliminating the sand bandits in the Novice Village.

These sand pirates are basically not good people, and their hands are stained with blood, so An Ran lets the players eliminate them.

"Daily tasks: The ferocious sand thieves kill and rob passing merchants. They are full of crimes. It's time to eliminate them! (0/1) Reward: XX experience, XXX reputation."

Since we want to eliminate the sand bandits, we naturally need weapons. Otherwise, we cannot let the players fight with bare hands. Although the players are not afraid of death, but without weapons, they may not be able to even touch the sides of the sand bandits who have weapons or even horses. Come, let alone eliminate the sand bandits.

So Anron also opened a blacksmith shop, which sold weapons. Because the weapons were very expensive, Anran didn't put many of them, and they were expensive. She probably had to wait until the player discovered the iron ore one day, and she could recover the ore from the player. Only by obtaining your own raw materials can the price be reduced. Otherwise, it is always very expensive to buy ore from the system mall to make weapons.

Of course, selling weapons is not only for players to complete tasks, but also a way to recycle copper coins. Only if copper coins can be recycled continuously, and the money is recycled, can she develop new functions.

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